Bodhisattva, Bodhidharma.

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  • Tai Shi
    • Oct 2014
    • 3482

    Bodhisattva, Bodhidharma.

    I'm not sure I understand what I should about these two terms. I think one is a generic term for one awakened person who decides to teach other's how to be awakened, and the second is an actual awakened one from China who passed on information that became Zen in Japan. I welcome input from those who know more.

    Tai Shi
    Peaceful, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, for positive poetry 優婆塞 台 婆
  • Jundo
    Treeleaf Founder and Priest
    • Apr 2006
    • 41217

    Hi Tai Shi,

    The first, a Bodhisattva, traditionally someone who forestalls his or her own final Enlightenment and escape from this world in order to remain in the mess and help rescue the sentient beings ...

    ... Here is a little series on that. But all of us are Bodhisattvas when we act with Wisdom and Compassion.

    Dear All Bodhisattvas! Below is a series of 'sit-a-longs' reflecting on several of the famous "Greats" among the Bodhisattvas ... Kannon, Maitreya, Manjusri, Jizo, Samantabhadra, Vimalakīrti and others ... as well as the qualities of a Bodhisattva which can manifest in any of our words, thoughts and actions in life .

    Bodhidharma is traditionally said to be the fellow who brought the Zen Teachings, Zazen and the Lineage from India to China. In fact, he was likely not an historical figure, or at least, not anything like our present image of Bodhidharma. The Zen Teachings largely developed in China when Indian Buddhism mixed with Chinese ways and sensibilities. However, he stands for all the people, remembered and not, who have helped spread and keep these Teachings alive all these centuries.

    Another similar word, "Buddhadharma", generally means "the Teachings of the Buddha."

    Gassho, J

    Last edited by Jundo; 09-19-2019, 04:30 AM.

