Turbulent & Persistent Thoughts during Zazen

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  • Seiko
    Novice Priest-in-Training
    • Jul 2020
    • 1176

    Originally posted by DallasP
    Good whatever time of day it is where you are and I do hope you are all well,

    The other day, my practice “clicked” for me. As someone returning to the practice, I still very much consider myself new, but I’ve had the head knowledge of “observing my thoughts” for a long while. Finally, I’ve started to let the clouds of the sky that is my mind pass by on their own. Not getting caught up in the feeling and chasing it, but it was still nice to experience head knowledge line up with practice.

    All that preamble is to ask, especially for those of you who have been practicing for many years, do you still get times during your sits where your thoughts are just absolutely persistent? Times where there seems to be no break in the clouds, so to speak, and it’s just a constant stream of storm clouds (It’s still good Zazen! Storm clouds are still just as much a part of the sky as a wave is still water!)? If so, would you mind sharing your experience?

    Apologies if this should have been posted in a different location! I hope you all have a great day!

    Gassho, Dallas

    Hi Dallas,

    As I am just a novice priest you would be wise to take my comments with a pinch of salt.

    Well, humans think like rivers flow. I am not sure that you can ever stop thinking but try watching your thoughts float down the river.

    Gasshō, Seiko, stlah

    Gandō Seiko
    (Stubborn Way of Pure Light)

    My street name is 'Al'.

    Any words I write here are merely the thoughts of an apprentice priest, just my opinions, that's all.

