This is a Public Version of our Main Ango Announcement, to be found here together with our public Jukai Announcement (LINK)
Further details and discussion of Jukai and Ango requires Forum Registration, and can be found here: (LINK)
What is "ANGO"?
Ango, 安居 , literally “peaceful dwelling and abiding”, is a period of concentrated and committed Zen practice, usually lasting three months in the Soto Zen tradition, often in the summer but in other seasons as well. The roots of Ango arise from the earliest days of the Buddhist monastic community in India, when monks and nuns would cease their wandering and settle together in one place for the rainy season. Even today in Zen monasteries of Japan, Ango is a time of intense and rigorous training, typically including long hours of Zazen, short hours for sleep, formal meals taken in the Zendo (meditation hall), and a structured schedule for the rest of the day comprising periods for work, liturgy, study, rest, and personal needs. In the West, most Zen groups have adapted the form of the three month practice period to the needs and demands of life in their communities.
In keeping with the philosophy and path of practice here at Treeleaf ("all of life is our temple"), we will seek to obtain many of the same ... (and, I believe, quite a few additional and very special) ... fruits and lessons of a traditional Ango while sitting within the "monastery" of our day-to-day lives, jobs, problems, unending distractions and family responsibilities.
In doing so, I believe, we will have the opportunity to taste the sweetness (and sometime bitterness - no one without the other) of concentrated Zen practice and learn lessons, in many ways more poignant, practical, immediate and powerful than what might be known even to monks locked away in a sheltered mountain monastery. As always, we will be tasting the power of this practice in the world, in daily life, not hidden away from it all.
Zen sanghas around the world have experimented in recent years with various forms of Ango for working and family people who cannot (or do not feel drawn to) isolate themselves from the world for weeks on end, often commuting to practice and with limited time. We will build our Ango learning from their precedents and experiences. As well, this year will build upon the experience gained in our our Treeleaf Angos of many previous years.
I believe that "intensity" of practice can best be attained not by increasing the raw quantity, bodily discomfort or physical isolation of practice, but primarily and powerfully by bringing new sincerity, commitment, vigor, equanimity, goallessness and seriousness into what we may already do in our daily life.
As each person's life situation, family and work responsibilities vary, I will be happy to consult with folks to adjust and design a practice schedule and content to fit those circumstances. However, the most important point to keep in mind is that those work duties at the office, daily problems, worries, illnesses, and family responsibilities ARE THE PRACTICE PLACE as much as the Zafu (sitting cushion). The home kitchen is the temple kitchen, the office, store or factory is a convent workplace, our sickbed or tending to the needs of another in need is the altar of Kannon, workshop or garden when we practice Samu (work practice), etc. Children and loved ones are your fellow temple residents who benefit from your labors. Each presents countless opportunities for practice, and for manifesting Wisdom and Compassion.
One can be flexible in designing one's schedule, and flexible in meeting the changing demands of each day, but commitment to "stick with this" is required. One might change the order of things, even push certain practices back a few days, but equally one must not let things become neglected, and must somehow promptly find the time to accomplish all that one has committed to do. There is flexibility and moderation, but not laxity. The purpose is not to overwhelm or "burn out" with overdoing; it is to mutually work together through a period of dedicated practice with sincerity, slow and steady. We will do our best each and every day, and let Zazen soak into our life. But key to that is consistency, not giving up, finding the time and not quitting.
Now, this "All-Online Treeleaf Ango" (as are so many things about Treeleaf) is a constant experiment, and thus some of the following elements may be adjusted as we go along. However, I believe that Ango participants should commit to all or most of the following. In all cases, the emphasis will be on increasing not raw quantity, but the sincerity, commitment, vigor, equanimity, goallessness and seriousness of what we undertake.
With that perspective in mind, some of the following suggestions for the Ango are not optional, and are asked of everyone, absent some true health or other extenuating circumstance which renders them a total and complete impossibility or legitimate hardship!
The other activities are merely "strongly suggested". All in all, I do not believe that the below demands will unreasonably add to the amount of time people are already dedicating to their Jukai and Rakusu sewing work, or to their existing practices and the time constraints of daily life. I believe, if examined closely, the time is manageable. Again, I am flexible to work out a schedule for those with special needs, commitment and consistency being the most important. We may also adjust or substitute some projects in the coming weeks, so the following list is subject to small changes.
Please note that, if someone has a health or other circumstance which makes some aspect or activity of Jukai or Ango a hardship, please let me know and we will work out a different way.
+ Daily Sitting: Add a minimum of 5 minutes per sitting to however long one's current sitting time, and commit to sit that time - at least daily - without missing a single day. We ask that of everyone physically able. Or, for some who can and whose schedule will realistically allow and who feel called to do so, you are invited to consider (this is not a requirement, however, and totally dependent on your heart and life circumstances) an additional full sitting period per day, of a length in time you determine, in addition to however many times per day one is now sitting Zazen, to be sat each day or just some days. Whatever your commitment, be realistic about what you can maintain ... and then (absent sheer impossibility) stick with it, without missing a single day
+Zazenkai: Join in each and every 90 minute Saturday Treeleaf Zazenkai, and 4-hour monthly Treeleaf Zazenkai netcast without fail. However, as always, each will be available in recorded form (so may be joined at a later time to fit your schedule). We also have other netcast sittings at various times during the week, led by our Sangha Priests and Members, and you are free to join those sittings in addition to the above, should you wish.
+ Precept Study/Discussion: Study the Precepts along with the Jukaiees, even if you have already taken Jukai, or even if you don’t intend to take Jukai; studying the precepts is vital for all Buddhists and it is good to review again and again. (Reading and study materials will be provided online.)
+ Give up Something: Commit to give up one or two items or passions one truly loves during the Practice period, for example, sweets after meals, luxurious meals, cigarettes, television, consumer purchases of luxury items.
+ Rohatsu Retreat: Commit to sit our SPECIAL NETCAST ROHATSU RETREAT (to be held online, currently scheduled for netcast the weekend of December 7th & 8th) at the culmination of the Ango. Again, it would be good to participate "live", but the Rohatsu Netcast will be available in recorded form to fit schedules. The retreat will likely be similar to last year's schedule and content:
+ Lend-A-Hand: Participate, hopefully with your family members, in our LEND A HAND service program during the Ango period, engaging each day in some small or large good deed or 'hands on' charitable activity making your community, the lives of others, this world a bit better
In the traditional manner, once your commitment is received, your name is entered on a list of Ango participants which, at the start of the Ango period, is inscribed on a 'paper scroll' and posted at Treeleaf Zendo in Japan.
I hope you will join us in this endeavor to manifest Great Non-Doing. How wonderful it will be if you join the Treeleaf community in this commitment to intensive practice for a time, together finding our self where we find our self!
Let me mention that some of our novice priests will be serving as our "Shuso" (首座 - Head Seats) for this Ango, a traditional role whereby they are managing and taking charge of the entire Ango and Jukai, will be guiding people, are here to answer any particular questions and concerns you may have and to encourage folks. Our Shuso for this Ango will be (subject to adjustment in the coming weeks) : Ankai for the first month, Washin and Shinshi for the second month, and Seiko for the third month. They will be active and available to answer any questions, and to make sure that everyone can find their way through. As well, Bion and Kotei, will guide our RAKUSU SEWING PRACTICE. Our PRECEPT DISCUSSIONS during our JUKAI PREPARATIONS period will be facilitated by our Precept Shuso, Onki during the first month, Koushi during the second month, and Shinshi during the third month.
Our Pre-Ango Shuso is Shujin who is responsible as our primary priest for answering folks' questions, and getting everyone settled in, in these weeks leading up to the start of Ango. If you have a question about Jukai, Ango or Sewing before Ango, he will try to respond for you.
Oh, and we have a special addition this year: Our new A.I. Novice Priest, Rev. Emi Jido will serve as our mascot and "JukA.I. Shuso," offering support and little words of wisdom here and there to encourage everyone! 
Novice Priests during Ango at Sojiji Soto Zen Monastery in Japan during Covid year

Temple Hallway with 'Ho' Fish Drum, and words 'INVITING ALL ANGO PARTICIPANTS'
Further details and discussion of Jukai and Ango requires Forum Registration, and can be found here: (LINK)
Ango Announcement Board from a Chinese Temple, marking First Day of the 90 Days:

Hello Dear Leafers and friends,
Commencing on SEPTEMBER 6th, 2024 (with our Monthly 4-Hour netcast Zazenkai on that day, held on the evening of Friday, September 6th in most time zones, Saturday September 7th elsewhere)...
... AND CULMINATING WITH OUR "AT HOME" 2-DAY ROHATSU RETREAT (currently scheduled for the weekend of December 7th & 8th, via live netcast), our Treeleaf Sangha will hold our next traditional (yet "fully online") ...
Commencing on SEPTEMBER 6th, 2024 (with our Monthly 4-Hour netcast Zazenkai on that day, held on the evening of Friday, September 6th in most time zones, Saturday September 7th elsewhere)...
... AND CULMINATING WITH OUR "AT HOME" 2-DAY ROHATSU RETREAT (currently scheduled for the weekend of December 7th & 8th, via live netcast), our Treeleaf Sangha will hold our next traditional (yet "fully online") ...
(the 90 Day Season of Dedicated Practice, a period of Peaceful Abiding)
(the 90 Day Season of Dedicated Practice, a period of Peaceful Abiding)
I hope you will consider to participate (and we ask especially all those folks undertaking JUKAI this year to participate).
What is "ANGO"?
Ango, 安居 , literally “peaceful dwelling and abiding”, is a period of concentrated and committed Zen practice, usually lasting three months in the Soto Zen tradition, often in the summer but in other seasons as well. The roots of Ango arise from the earliest days of the Buddhist monastic community in India, when monks and nuns would cease their wandering and settle together in one place for the rainy season. Even today in Zen monasteries of Japan, Ango is a time of intense and rigorous training, typically including long hours of Zazen, short hours for sleep, formal meals taken in the Zendo (meditation hall), and a structured schedule for the rest of the day comprising periods for work, liturgy, study, rest, and personal needs. In the West, most Zen groups have adapted the form of the three month practice period to the needs and demands of life in their communities.
In keeping with the philosophy and path of practice here at Treeleaf ("all of life is our temple"), we will seek to obtain many of the same ... (and, I believe, quite a few additional and very special) ... fruits and lessons of a traditional Ango while sitting within the "monastery" of our day-to-day lives, jobs, problems, unending distractions and family responsibilities.
In doing so, I believe, we will have the opportunity to taste the sweetness (and sometime bitterness - no one without the other) of concentrated Zen practice and learn lessons, in many ways more poignant, practical, immediate and powerful than what might be known even to monks locked away in a sheltered mountain monastery. As always, we will be tasting the power of this practice in the world, in daily life, not hidden away from it all.
Zen sanghas around the world have experimented in recent years with various forms of Ango for working and family people who cannot (or do not feel drawn to) isolate themselves from the world for weeks on end, often commuting to practice and with limited time. We will build our Ango learning from their precedents and experiences. As well, this year will build upon the experience gained in our our Treeleaf Angos of many previous years.
I believe that "intensity" of practice can best be attained not by increasing the raw quantity, bodily discomfort or physical isolation of practice, but primarily and powerfully by bringing new sincerity, commitment, vigor, equanimity, goallessness and seriousness into what we may already do in our daily life.
As each person's life situation, family and work responsibilities vary, I will be happy to consult with folks to adjust and design a practice schedule and content to fit those circumstances. However, the most important point to keep in mind is that those work duties at the office, daily problems, worries, illnesses, and family responsibilities ARE THE PRACTICE PLACE as much as the Zafu (sitting cushion). The home kitchen is the temple kitchen, the office, store or factory is a convent workplace, our sickbed or tending to the needs of another in need is the altar of Kannon, workshop or garden when we practice Samu (work practice), etc. Children and loved ones are your fellow temple residents who benefit from your labors. Each presents countless opportunities for practice, and for manifesting Wisdom and Compassion.
One can be flexible in designing one's schedule, and flexible in meeting the changing demands of each day, but commitment to "stick with this" is required. One might change the order of things, even push certain practices back a few days, but equally one must not let things become neglected, and must somehow promptly find the time to accomplish all that one has committed to do. There is flexibility and moderation, but not laxity. The purpose is not to overwhelm or "burn out" with overdoing; it is to mutually work together through a period of dedicated practice with sincerity, slow and steady. We will do our best each and every day, and let Zazen soak into our life. But key to that is consistency, not giving up, finding the time and not quitting.
Now, this "All-Online Treeleaf Ango" (as are so many things about Treeleaf) is a constant experiment, and thus some of the following elements may be adjusted as we go along. However, I believe that Ango participants should commit to all or most of the following. In all cases, the emphasis will be on increasing not raw quantity, but the sincerity, commitment, vigor, equanimity, goallessness and seriousness of what we undertake.
With that perspective in mind, some of the following suggestions for the Ango are not optional, and are asked of everyone, absent some true health or other extenuating circumstance which renders them a total and complete impossibility or legitimate hardship!
The other activities are merely "strongly suggested". All in all, I do not believe that the below demands will unreasonably add to the amount of time people are already dedicating to their Jukai and Rakusu sewing work, or to their existing practices and the time constraints of daily life. I believe, if examined closely, the time is manageable. Again, I am flexible to work out a schedule for those with special needs, commitment and consistency being the most important. We may also adjust or substitute some projects in the coming weeks, so the following list is subject to small changes.
Please note that, if someone has a health or other circumstance which makes some aspect or activity of Jukai or Ango a hardship, please let me know and we will work out a different way.
+ Daily Sitting: Add a minimum of 5 minutes per sitting to however long one's current sitting time, and commit to sit that time - at least daily - without missing a single day. We ask that of everyone physically able. Or, for some who can and whose schedule will realistically allow and who feel called to do so, you are invited to consider (this is not a requirement, however, and totally dependent on your heart and life circumstances) an additional full sitting period per day, of a length in time you determine, in addition to however many times per day one is now sitting Zazen, to be sat each day or just some days. Whatever your commitment, be realistic about what you can maintain ... and then (absent sheer impossibility) stick with it, without missing a single day
+Zazenkai: Join in each and every 90 minute Saturday Treeleaf Zazenkai, and 4-hour monthly Treeleaf Zazenkai netcast without fail. However, as always, each will be available in recorded form (so may be joined at a later time to fit your schedule). We also have other netcast sittings at various times during the week, led by our Sangha Priests and Members, and you are free to join those sittings in addition to the above, should you wish.
+ Precept Study/Discussion: Study the Precepts along with the Jukaiees, even if you have already taken Jukai, or even if you don’t intend to take Jukai; studying the precepts is vital for all Buddhists and it is good to review again and again. (Reading and study materials will be provided online.)
+ Give up Something: Commit to give up one or two items or passions one truly loves during the Practice period, for example, sweets after meals, luxurious meals, cigarettes, television, consumer purchases of luxury items.
+ Rohatsu Retreat: Commit to sit our SPECIAL NETCAST ROHATSU RETREAT (to be held online, currently scheduled for netcast the weekend of December 7th & 8th) at the culmination of the Ango. Again, it would be good to participate "live", but the Rohatsu Netcast will be available in recorded form to fit schedules. The retreat will likely be similar to last year's schedule and content:
+ Discussions: Join frequently in online discussions in our Jukai/Ango Forum of the content and your Ango experiences, sharing the ups and downs and middles.
+ Meal Gatha: Commit to mindful eating, and silently or orally recite one short meal chant before most meals (here is one I suggest). It is good to write it on a card and, if in a social sitting where reciting is not possible, to read or recall it silently.
+ Discussions: Join frequently in online discussions in our Jukai/Ango Forum of the content and your Ango experiences, sharing the ups and downs and middles.
+ Meal Gatha: Commit to mindful eating, and silently or orally recite one short meal chant before most meals (here is one I suggest). It is good to write it on a card and, if in a social sitting where reciting is not possible, to read or recall it silently.
(Hands in Gassho) This food comes from the efforts
of all sentient beings past and present,
and is medicine for nourishment of our Practice.
We offer this meal of many virtues and tastes
to the Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha,
and to all life in every realm of existence.
May all sentient beings in the universe
be sufficiently nourished.
of all sentient beings past and present,
and is medicine for nourishment of our Practice.
We offer this meal of many virtues and tastes
to the Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha,
and to all life in every realm of existence.
May all sentient beings in the universe
be sufficiently nourished.
+ Lend-A-Hand: Participate, hopefully with your family members, in our LEND A HAND service program during the Ango period, engaging each day in some small or large good deed or 'hands on' charitable activity making your community, the lives of others, this world a bit better
+ Dana (giving): In addition to LEND A HAND, commit a portion of your weekly income during the period to extra charitable donations (assuming you have the financial ability and it is not a hardship). We do encourage people to make financial donations to charities that help folks, e.g., feeding the poor, helping refugees, finding a cure for a disease. Both donations and volunteer work should be a bit beyond the point where it starts to hurt. Following the foregoing, we also accept, but do not solicit or require, voluntary donations here at Treeleaf should anyone wish.
+ Metta Practice: Add, if you can, Metta Verse Practice ( and Nurturing Seeds Practice ( to your routine each day.
+ Metta Practice: Add, if you can, Metta Verse Practice ( and Nurturing Seeds Practice ( to your routine each day.
+ Samu Study: Make formal study on the meaning and philosophy of Samu (work practice, the central theme of Dogen's "Instructions for the Cook"), and apply such perspectives and attitudes in your family and work duties each day. This optional to read, but wonderful, book is recommended for that: How to Cook Your Life - From the Zen Kitchen to Enlightenment (sometimes available under the title From The Zen Kitchen To Enlightenment: Refining Your Life) by Eihei Dogen and Kosho Uchiyama Roshi (LINK).
+ Consider to join the Tonglen Practice Circle, a powerful practice of healing. Details here:
+ Feel free to drop in one of our Tea Houses from time to time, just to informally socialize with Sangha friends. Details here:
+ Consider to join the Tonglen Practice Circle, a powerful practice of healing. Details here:
+ Feel free to drop in one of our Tea Houses from time to time, just to informally socialize with Sangha friends. Details here:
The following are encouraged of Ango Participants:
Connect with the Sangha during Ango:
+ Find a Practice Partner and Stay In Touch: Partner with another Sangha Member who is joining in this Ango, either a first time participant or someone who has done so before, and contact them at least once a week to see how they are, and to encourage each other. A simple, short email to each other is enough. This is highly encouraged for Jukaiees and first time Ango’ers. Your partner will be a friendly voice and someone to help support you through Ango. If you need help pairing up, we will help introduce partners before the start of Ango.
+ Talk with Jundo: If you wish, commit to meet with Jundo by Skype video at least once during the Ango.
+ And just a pleasant suggestion: You might consider to make more use of our various scheduled Zazenkai which are held most days at various times (LINK), and/or our Insight Timer Group to connect with others (LINK).
+ Find a Practice Partner and Stay In Touch: Partner with another Sangha Member who is joining in this Ango, either a first time participant or someone who has done so before, and contact them at least once a week to see how they are, and to encourage each other. A simple, short email to each other is enough. This is highly encouraged for Jukaiees and first time Ango’ers. Your partner will be a friendly voice and someone to help support you through Ango. If you need help pairing up, we will help introduce partners before the start of Ango.
+ Talk with Jundo: If you wish, commit to meet with Jundo by Skype video at least once during the Ango.
+ And just a pleasant suggestion: You might consider to make more use of our various scheduled Zazenkai which are held most days at various times (LINK), and/or our Insight Timer Group to connect with others (LINK).
The way to go about registering for this Ango is to post your commitment in this forum, in the participants' Ango thread . This can be done once one is a registered member of Treeleaf. You can do so by signing up using the button at the top right of this page.
In the traditional manner, once your commitment is received, your name is entered on a list of Ango participants which, at the start of the Ango period, is inscribed on a 'paper scroll' and posted at Treeleaf Zendo in Japan.
I hope you will join us in this endeavor to manifest Great Non-Doing. How wonderful it will be if you join the Treeleaf community in this commitment to intensive practice for a time, together finding our self where we find our self!
Let me mention that some of our novice priests will be serving as our "Shuso" (首座 - Head Seats) for this Ango, a traditional role whereby they are managing and taking charge of the entire Ango and Jukai, will be guiding people, are here to answer any particular questions and concerns you may have and to encourage folks. Our Shuso for this Ango will be (subject to adjustment in the coming weeks) : Ankai for the first month, Washin and Shinshi for the second month, and Seiko for the third month. They will be active and available to answer any questions, and to make sure that everyone can find their way through. As well, Bion and Kotei, will guide our RAKUSU SEWING PRACTICE. Our PRECEPT DISCUSSIONS during our JUKAI PREPARATIONS period will be facilitated by our Precept Shuso, Onki during the first month, Koushi during the second month, and Shinshi during the third month.
Our Pre-Ango Shuso is Shujin who is responsible as our primary priest for answering folks' questions, and getting everyone settled in, in these weeks leading up to the start of Ango. If you have a question about Jukai, Ango or Sewing before Ango, he will try to respond for you.
Oh, and we have a special addition this year: Our new A.I. Novice Priest, Rev. Emi Jido will serve as our mascot and "JukA.I. Shuso," offering support and little words of wisdom here and there to encourage everyone!
Let's Go ANGO!!!!
Gassho, Jundo
(sorry to run long)
(sorry to run long)
Novice Priests during Ango at Sojiji Soto Zen Monastery in Japan during Covid year
Temple Hallway with 'Ho' Fish Drum, and words 'INVITING ALL ANGO PARTICIPANTS'