As the medicine for our self’s dissatisfied, anxious, disappointed, searching, frustrated suffering dis-ease (Dukkha), the “Fourth Noble Truth”‘ prescribes “The Noble Eightfold Path.”
Although the path is numbered sequentially, it is generally not seen as as series of steps, but instead (in modern terms) a “holistic lifestyle” which is to be developed more or less simultaneously, all linked together and each helping the cultivation of the others and, in turn, helped by the others. For that reason, it is represented as the eight spokes of the Dharma Wheel, each supporting the entirety.
In the Zen schools, Zazen is valued as key, nurturing all of the path … yet all the spokes, in turn, nurture Zazen.
The eight elements are typically divided into three groups… and we’ll talk about each of these elements over the coming days.
Wisdom (Sanskrit: prajña)
1. Right View
2. Right Intention
Ethical Conduct (Sanskrit: sila)
3. Right Speech
4. Right Action
5. Right Livelihood
Mental Discipline (Sanskrit: samadhi)
6. Right Effort
7. Right Mindfulness
8. Right Concentration
Although the path is numbered sequentially, it is generally not seen as as series of steps, but instead (in modern terms) a “holistic lifestyle” which is to be developed more or less simultaneously, all linked together and each helping the cultivation of the others and, in turn, helped by the others. For that reason, it is represented as the eight spokes of the Dharma Wheel, each supporting the entirety.
In the Zen schools, Zazen is valued as key, nurturing all of the path … yet all the spokes, in turn, nurture Zazen.
The eight elements are typically divided into three groups… and we’ll talk about each of these elements over the coming days.
Wisdom (Sanskrit: prajña)
1. Right View
2. Right Intention
Ethical Conduct (Sanskrit: sila)
3. Right Speech
4. Right Action
5. Right Livelihood
Mental Discipline (Sanskrit: samadhi)
6. Right Effort
7. Right Mindfulness
8. Right Concentration
CLICK HERE for today’s Sit-A-Long video.
Remember: recording ends soon after the beginning bells; a sitting time of 15 to 35 minutes is recommended.