Buddha-Basics (Part XIII) — No Self, No Problem!

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  • Jundo
    Treeleaf Founder and Priest
    • Apr 2006
    • 41138

    Buddha-Basics (Part XIII) — No Self, No Problem!

    Here’s some news for you that you may find startling, so you’d best brace yourself:

    You see, your sense of your “you” is just your illusion. There is no “you” there, never was or will be.

    Or, at least, there is no “you” that’s the separate, ongoing “you” you think you are… a “you” that you constantly contrast to the rest of this life and world you think of as “not you.” In fact, your “you” is just your mind’s cutting up and dividing the world into “you” and “you not … a “you” and a “not you” that you can stop dividing in two.

    And, in Buddhism, the fact that there is no “you” — and no “not you” separate from “you” for that matter – is a very nice thing. That’s because your “you” is always causing you a lot of dissatisfaction and trouble. This “you” is always bumping and crashing into, running toward or running away from, judging and feeling separate from, all the rest of the world that your “you” thinks is a separate “not you.”

    In Zazen, you can just stop that dividing and cutting up, running toward and running away from, judging and feeling separate that you feel.

    Thus, drop all that division of “you” and “not you.” Drop the judgments, attachments, aversions and friction, and your “you” can’t mess you up!. NO SELF, NO PROBLEM! (‘Cause you need a “self” bumping into a “not-self” in order to have a problem.)

    However, before you quit paying your taxes or quit your job because there’s no “you” and never was, remember: that is only one way for you to look at “you.” That’s because, of course, there most certainly — IS — a “you.” And that “you” is perfectly you. So, just because there is no “you”… don’t think that there is no “you”. You can bet your bottom dollar that there is a “you” too … even though there isn’t!

    Are “you” confused now?

    As you will soon hear, there’s no need for you to be!

    Other earlier “Buddha-Basics” sit-a-longs looked at Dukkha (suffering, dissatisfaction) and Anicca (impermanence). Today, the topic is the third of the so-called Buddhist “Three Marks of Existence” – Anatta, or “no self.”

    CLICK HERE for today’s Sit-A-Long video.

    Remember: recording ends soon after the beginning bells; a sitting time of 15 to 35 minutes is recommended.

    If you would like to here a pretty good interview with a neuropsychologist who explains a bit of the mechanism by which the human brain creates a sensation of "self" ... this is a pretty good one ...

    Self is a Network Phenomenon

    We’re joined again by Neuropsychologist and Theravada teacher, Rick Hanson. This time we explore the Buddhist proposition of anatta, or selflessness, from the point of view of neuroscience and the brain. Rick explores whether a self actually exists using the following 4 core attributes of how a self is often defined:

    It is unified & coherent
    It is stable & enduring
    It is independent
    It is the whole of experience
    Looking at current research on how the self manifests in the brain, as what Hanson calls a “network phenomenon”, he deconstructs each of these four attributes, arguing that “self is not special inside the brain.”
    We’re joined again by Neuropsychologist and Theravada teacher, Rick Hanson. This time we explore the Buddhist proposition of anatta, or selflessness, from the point of view of neuroscience and the brain. Rick explores whether a self actually exists using the following 4 core attributes of how a self is often defined: 1. It is unified & coherent 2. It is stable & enduring 3. It is independent 4. It is the whole of experience Looking at current research on how the self manifests in the brain, as what Hanson calls a “network phenomenon”, he deconstructs each of these four attributes, arguing that “self is not special inside the brain.” This is part 2 of a three-part series. Listen to part 1, A Crash Course in Applied Neurodharma and part 3, Eddies in the Stream. Episode Links: Wise Brain ( http://www.wisebrain.org ) Buddha’s Brain: The Practical Neuroscience of Happiness, Love, and Wisdom ( http://bit.ly/J4gPr )
    Last edited by Jundo; 04-14-2024, 01:25 AM.
  • John Cloud
    • Apr 2014
    • 51

    Great lesson !
    Thank you dear teacher Jundo .



    • Joryu
      • Jan 2014
      • 106



      • Josh
        • May 2014
        • 13

        This is a concept I struggle with every day. A good book that also addresses this from a neuroscience perspective is 'The Self Illusion' by Bruce Hood.


        • Byokan
          Senior Priest-in-Training
          • Apr 2014
          • 4283


          sat today
          展道 渺寛 Tendō Byōkan
          Please take my words with a big grain of salt. I know nothing. Wisdom is only found in our whole-hearted practice together.


          • Troy
            • Sep 2013
            • 1318

            grazie mile



            • Jika
              • Jun 2014
              • 1337

              治 Ji
              花 Ka


              • Kyotai

                Gassho, Kyotai


                • Cyd



                  • themonk614
                    • Dec 2016
                    • 36

                    A truth that flies against our common sense and our normal day-to-day experience, because we are so entrenched in our dualistic thinking. But there is really no "I" and "you," no "loss" and "gain," no "subject" and "object." Nothing in the universe exists independently and separately. I am nothing, yet I am also everything! Because the universe is contained within me!

                    "When you pick up the whole great earth, it is as small as a grain of rice." --The Blue Cliff Record, Case 5

                    Once realized, this truth brings to our lives a certain freedom and spaciousness that is "as vast and boundless as the great empty firmament," to borrow an expression of one of the koans of the The Gateless Gate.

                    Thank you, Jundo, for reminding me of this basic but profound truth of our existence.


                    "You may wander all over the earth but you have to come back to yourself." --Jiddu Krishnamurti


                    • Jundo
                      Treeleaf Founder and Priest
                      • Apr 2006
                      • 41138

                      Thank you.

                      And Matt, be sure to go through our "We're All Always Beginners" Series, even for folks like you who have been sitting forever, but may be new to the place.

                      Talks and video sittings for people new to Treeleaf Sangha and Shikantaza Zazen. Remember: We are all always beginners!

                      Gassho, Jundo

                      ALL OF LIFE IS OUR TEMPLE


                      • jmiller
                        • Mar 2017
                        • 18

                        Thank you Jundo.

                        John Miller


                        • Budo-Dan
                          • Jun 2017
                          • 28

                          Than you Jundo!


                          • Teiro
                            • Jan 2018
                            • 113

                            Thank you for the teaching, Jundo!



