Suggestions for Introductory Topics for our "Beginner's Space"
When I first joined Treeleaf I required a lot of clarification for the sitting rooms. I joined specifically so that I could sit with other people and the procedure did not fully reveal itself to me with practice.
A guide to sitting room conduct being readily available would have been amazing. While we have all grown very used to the idea, sitting with a priest or people in robes, can be a very significant, exciting, overwhelming and intimidating thing to try out. I was lucky enough that my first few experiences were positive enough for me to keep returning.
"A New To Treeleaf Sitting Room Guide".
-come 2-3 minutes early
-Bow to everyone that is there, and to people that arrive
-Direction for what gassho is
-information on the robe verse
-what is that thing on their head?/ around their neck? Why is it there?
-why do people have these sick names on their zoom screen?
-bow after the robe verse
-brief sitting instruction
-at the end, bow at the two bells
-bow at the sitters
And take what you have not attained off the mat and with you for the rest of the day.
I would be happy to take part in developing such a guide. Easing anxious and awkward feeling folks is important to me.
Sat today. LAH.遜道念芸 Sondō Nengei (he/him)
Please excuse any indication that I am trying to teach anything. I am a priest in training and have no qualifications or credentials to teach Zen practice or the Dharma.Comment
"Stepping back with open hands, is thoroughly comprehending life and death. Immediately you can sparkle and respond to the world." - HongzhiComment
And directly here:
A special thank you to Onshō who came up with the idea and created a first draft that was great at understanding what doubts should be cleared up with this document.
We hope this extra bit of information will make it easier for lots of folks to feel more comfortable with clicking that “Join Meeting” button and participate in our scheduled sits.
Sat and lah"Stepping back with open hands, is thoroughly comprehending life and death. Immediately you can sparkle and respond to the world." - HongzhiComment
Hello again. Coming back to this to give an update. Our Treeleaf Zendo Forms and Etiquette guide is available now directly on the NOW page as you can see here:
And directly here:
A special thank you to Onshō who came up with the idea and created a first draft that was great at understanding what doubts should be cleared up with this document.
We hope this extra bit of information will make it easier for lots of folks to feel more comfortable with clicking that “Join Meeting” button and participate in our scheduled sits.
Sat and lah
Thank you