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  • Jundo
    Treeleaf Founder and Priest
    • Apr 2006
    • 41229


    Dear All, and especially New Members,

    Are you feeling a little lost wandering the halls of our Forum? Hard to find things? Wondering about some of our activities and how to participate?

    Please feel free to contact one or more of the "Sangha Buddhies" volunteers below and they can help. They are older members who are all nice folks, and would like to show you around, help you find things around here, answer basic questions. Always nice to make a new friend or two.

    Just drop them a PM any time (links provided):

    I am going to ask each of our volunteers to write a few sentences about themself, which I will post.

    Onshō (Keith) (Ontario, Canada)
    Hello! Im Onshō (they/them). I am a queer, non-binary small town Ontario Canadian. I live in a little old farmhouse with a little dog, a cuddly cat, and my loving partner Tristan. I love exploring the world though traditional cuisine, tending to my veggie garden, going on intimidating hikes and studying Buddhism in front of the fire. Treeleaf has been a incredible addition to my life, everyone is so kind and nurturing. It takes a bit of time to find your way around the Sangha. I am more than happy to help show you around, introduce you, and get you started in the sitting rooms if you would like a little support. You can ask me anything and I’ll see you around the zendo
    KellyRok (Pennsylvania, USA)
    I have been practicing Zen since 2007; but officially joined Treeleaf in 2008. I have held many jobs; but the most important one has been as a stay at home mom to two amazing boys (14 and 16). I enjoy music, reading, and hiking. Treeleaf has always been “here” for me even though my family has moved to 6 different places in the U.S. since my kids were born.
    Shōshin (Spain and Sweden)
    Hi, my name is Ester (Shōshin). I'm from Spain but I live with my husband and three sons in two caravans in a beautiful forestal area in South Sweden. I was a science teacher but ME/CFS made it's debut and I had to stop working. I've been practicing zen since around 2005, but very intermittently. Joining Treeleaf has radically changed my practice: having teachers from which to learn, having a Sangha with which to share my practice and having the chance to attend zazen and ceremonies everyday has helped me to deepen my practice and to make it more joyful. I will be very happy to "show you around" and to answer your questions or to direct you to who can answer them better. Welcome to Treeleaf!
    Gassho to All, J

    Last edited by Jundo; 01-19-2025, 11:55 PM.
  • MMorr
    • Jan 2019
    • 3

    Thank you for directing me to this page. I have learned that I can bookmark a page like this and see it again. Ah, the beginning of a pattern! That is good! I have learned what ST and satoday means and that you would ask that we do that before posting. I do not yet know what lah means at the end of many posts. Each day is an adventure. I am setting up my little corner for sitting. It is best for me to do it the same place each day when possible. Not because the teachings require it, but because that is how my particular brain works. My practice for the last two days has been hours of samu in the pottery studio making bowls for a charity event. Gassho to the helpers listed above, and to all, Marian


    • Shokai
      Dharma Transmitted Priest
      • Mar 2009
      • 6532

      See the initial post in this thread for the meaning of LAH (Lend a Hand)

      gassho, Shokai
      gassho, Shokai

      仁道 生開 / Jindo Shokai

      "Open to life in a benevolent way"



      • Byokan
        Senior Priest-in-Training
        • Apr 2014
        • 4282

        Yes, here you go, Marian

        Dear All, As you know, we've asked folks to write “SAT TODAY” next to their signature before posting in this Forum. "SAT TODAY" means that someone has sat Zazen sometime during the past day, and that they will have “sat before chatting” in the Forum. Signing "SatToday" - Please

        sat + lah
        展道 渺寛 Tendō Byōkan
        Please take my words with a big grain of salt. I know nothing. Wisdom is only found in our whole-hearted practice together.


        • Tai Shi
          • Oct 2014
          • 3483

          Hi old friends and new. Although I'm "old" member in more ways than one, because I was raised with adding machines, drafting boards, typewriters, slide rules, and TV, we seemed to have survived in 1974 when I graduated from college. However, about 1980, computers began to hit the campuses, and by 1993 when I earned my last degree, computers had become the norm at universities. Part of the reason I failed to "be renewed" in my last teaching stint was my inability with computers, the other being my insistence on a personal approach to teaching with a strong disbelief against "grading." In the two most important teaching jobs I had in South Dakota I blanket graded classes with A and B grades passing everyone who came to class and "did" the work. However, I myself never really mastered the computer. My wife and I bought one about the time my little one was born, and though they became complete masters of the things, I have always treated them as glorified typing machines. Please, calm poetry needs help to navigate and to understand the simplest ideas in computers. For example, I rely highly on the written "word" because that was how I was trained. I'm a trained writer not a computer "kid." I need help. Thank you.
          Tai Shi
          Last edited by Tai Shi; 07-11-2019, 01:01 PM. Reason: clarification
          Peaceful, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, for positive poetry 優婆塞 台 婆


          • Tai Shi
            • Oct 2014
            • 3483

            I will say this, that I doubted my own computer ability, but with the aid of HP software I changed the bios in my computer with no difficulty and remembered an old password which was long out of reach. I am not so computer illiterate and just sometimes get lost in the maze of topics and threads on our Forum, and do wonder about those in need of Zen and our compassion who do not have skills. So be it, Treeleaf is truly a training camp for as Jundo would say, "All of life is a Temple." He is my teacher and I have learned from my wonderful wife and compassionate caregiver not to judge doctors who do good and make promises because they only hope the best for their patients. All doctors have pledged their lives with specialized training and sometimes outstanding additional degrees and outside work with those unable to pay. They all give long hours and great sacrifice to home and family so that others may live, and as Marjorie says, "I could not do it."

            Tai Shi
            Peaceful, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, for positive poetry 優婆塞 台 婆


            • Shokai
              Dharma Transmitted Priest
              • Mar 2009
              • 6532


              It's good to see that you now have a more balanced perception of the Sangha concept that your meds are sorted out. One small Correction if I may, "All of Life is Our Temple."

              My sincerest best wishes to you and family'

              gassho, Shokai
              gassho, Shokai

              仁道 生開 / Jindo Shokai

              "Open to life in a benevolent way"



              • Yogi_Steven
                • Nov 2018
                • 15

                Hello All,

                I'm new here. Just a quick question. I sat last evening and on the calendar there was a link that says, "Treeleaf NOW 2.0" then a link that connected to Zoom. For this mornings sit, I clicked the sitting room link and it took me to Google Hangouts but no one was there. I then clicked the link that I used last evening and was able to sit with someone. Are the scheduled sits occurring via Zoom only or are they occurring via Google Hangouts, too?



                • Kokuu
                  Dharma Transmitted Priest
                  • Nov 2012
                  • 6992

                  Hi Steven

                  Google Hangouts is no more so all sits are occurring via Zoom now. We are, however, still in the process of making sure that all links point to Zoom rather than Hangouts.

                  I will message Sekishi (our cyberpriest!) to let him know.



                  • Yogi_Steven
                    • Nov 2018
                    • 15

                    Originally posted by Kokuu
                    Hi Steven

                    Google Hangouts is no more so all sits are occurring via Zoom now. We are, however, still in the process of making sure that all links point to Zoom rather than Hangouts.

                    I will message Sekishi (our cyberpriest!) to let him know.

                    Wonderful, thank you, Kokuu! _/|\_


                    • Sekishi
                      Dharma Transmitted Priest
                      • Apr 2013
                      • 5673

                      Originally posted by Yogi_Steven
                      Wonderful, thank you, Kokuu! _/|\_
                      Hi Steven,

                      As we transition from Google Hangouts to Zoom, we are unfortunately still using both. I wish this were not so (because it is super confusing), but for at least the next week or two, it is the situation we are stuck with.

                      Here is my best understanding of where things stand today.

                      The short version: except for the Zazenkai and a few sittings and meetings, most get-togethers are still on Hangouts in Treeleaf NOW: https://www.treeleaf.org/now/

                      The longer version:

                      - The Friday Zazenkai uses Zoom. A link and meeting ID will always be posted in the Zazenkai thread.
                      - Most scheduled daily sittings still use the Hangouts-based "Scheduled Sitting Room" in Treeleaf NOW: https://www.treeleaf.org/now/
                      - Some scheduled daily sittings (Onkai's and mine) are testing the Zoom-based "Scheduled Sitting Room" in the Treeleaf NOW 2.0 testing area: https://www.treeleaf.org/now2/
                      - Most of the Ango meetings are using the Hangouts-based "Meeting Room" in Treeleaf NOW: https://www.treeleaf.org/now/
                      - My Ango meeting (Thurdays) is testing the Zoom-based "Scheduled Sitting Room" in the Treeleaf NOW 2.0 testing area: https://www.treeleaf.org/now2/

                      It is my hope that we will be able to complete the migration to Zoom in the next week, at which point there will be an announcement about it and the old Treeleaf NOW will go away along with any use of Hangouts.

                      I hope that makes sense.

                      Sekishi | 石志 | He/him | Better with a grain of salt, but best ignored entirely.


                      • Ishin
                        • Jul 2013
                        • 1359


                        I think Zoom is way easier. That's just my experience.

                        Grateful for your practice


                        • Yogi_Steven
                          • Nov 2018
                          • 15

                          Originally posted by Sekishi
                          Hi Steven,

                          As we transition from Google Hangouts to Zoom, we are unfortunately still using both. I wish this were not so (because it is super confusing), but for at least the next week or two, it is the situation we are stuck with.

                          Here is my best understanding of where things stand today.

                          The short version: except for the Zazenkai and a few sittings and meetings, most get-togethers are still on Hangouts in Treeleaf NOW: https://www.treeleaf.org/now/

                          The longer version:

                          - The Friday Zazenkai uses Zoom. A link and meeting ID will always be posted in the Zazenkai thread.
                          - Most scheduled daily sittings still use the Hangouts-based "Scheduled Sitting Room" in Treeleaf NOW: https://www.treeleaf.org/now/
                          - Some scheduled daily sittings (Onkai's and mine) are testing the Zoom-based "Scheduled Sitting Room" in the Treeleaf NOW 2.0 testing area: https://www.treeleaf.org/now2/
                          - Most of the Ango meetings are using the Hangouts-based "Meeting Room" in Treeleaf NOW: https://www.treeleaf.org/now/
                          - My Ango meeting (Thurdays) is testing the Zoom-based "Scheduled Sitting Room" in the Treeleaf NOW 2.0 testing area: https://www.treeleaf.org/now2/

                          It is my hope that we will be able to complete the migration to Zoom in the next week, at which point there will be an announcement about it and the old Treeleaf NOW will go away along with any use of Hangouts.

                          I hope that makes sense.

                          This makes sense, Sekishi. Thank you for the clarification.



                          • Seishin
                            • Aug 2016
                            • 1522

                            Originally posted by Sekishi
                            Hi Steven,

                            As we transition from Google Hangouts to Zoom, we are unfortunately still using both. I wish this were not so (because it is super confusing), but for at least the next week or two, it is the situation we are stuck with.

                            Here is my best understanding of where things stand today.

                            The short version: except for the Zazenkai and a few sittings and meetings, most get-togethers are still on Hangouts in Treeleaf NOW: https://www.treeleaf.org/now/

                            The longer version:

                            - The Friday Zazenkai uses Zoom. A link and meeting ID will always be posted in the Zazenkai thread.
                            - Most scheduled daily sittings still use the Hangouts-based "Scheduled Sitting Room" in Treeleaf NOW: https://www.treeleaf.org/now/
                            - Some scheduled daily sittings (Onkai's and mine) are testing the Zoom-based "Scheduled Sitting Room" in the Treeleaf NOW 2.0 testing area: https://www.treeleaf.org/now2/
                            - Most of the Ango meetings are using the Hangouts-based "Meeting Room" in Treeleaf NOW: https://www.treeleaf.org/now/
                            - My Ango meeting (Thurdays) is testing the Zoom-based "Scheduled Sitting Room" in the Treeleaf NOW 2.0 testing area: https://www.treeleaf.org/now2/

                            It is my hope that we will be able to complete the migration to Zoom in the next week, at which point there will be an announcement about it and the old Treeleaf NOW will go away along with any use of Hangouts.

                            I hope that makes sense.

                            I would also add that anyone wanting sit with the morning unscheduled but almost scheduled Euro Crew Sit in the FSR, we've been beta testing Zoom via the now2 link for a while now, should anyone wish to join us. Although we start at irregular intervals there is normally someone sitting between 0730 and 0830 Central European Time. Usual crew would be me, Kotei, Ryudo, Richard and Neal please feel free to join us. Issac from South Korea has joined us in the past. Issac if you wondered where we've gone PM me and I'll send the NOW2 FSR Zoom link.



                            Sei - Meticulous
                            Shin - Heart


                            • Tai Shi
                              • Oct 2014
                              • 3483

                              Shokai, I stand corrected and with great pleasure and compassion to all who seek Buddha is our Refuge, Dharma is our Refuge, Sangha is our Refuge, "All Of Life Is 'Our' Temple." This has been the case since I opened my hands to thought, since I sat quietly counting breathe, since sat with empty thought, since just sitting, Shikantaza. I have found my posts full of myself, and I am quite concerned about my puffed up "know it all" attitude. I concern myself with what I think I know. I am sincerely concerned about my annoying attitude when the solution for me plainly to sit Shikantaza-- even use of Japanese words is conceited. I will write in threads where I know a little, Poetry, and I invite anyone who will to come to Poetry-- try your writing hand because so many great poets never, never set a foot in formal study or studied entirely different subjects or were homeschooled-- one of the first American poets-- Anne Bradstreet wrote verses anthologized in almost every American Literature anthology. As a woman in precolonial America-- she remains one of the voices that began North American tradition. As a woman little was recognized until the 1980s.
                              Last edited by Tai Shi; 03-24-2020, 11:47 AM. Reason: Addendum
                              Peaceful, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, for positive poetry 優婆塞 台 婆

