[Zen Sports]: Tai chi

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  • Ryumon
    • Apr 2007
    • 1819

    [Zen Sports]: Tai chi

    I need to get into some physical activity. I've done tai chi a few times, a couple of years each time, over the years, and I think that would be something that I can do easily, especially now that winter is here, and being outdoors isn't ideal. When I first did tai chi, back in the 80s, it was the Cheng Man-Ching 37 form, which is a lot easier to grasp than longer forms. I just bought one of his books, detailing the form, and there are some videos online, so I should be able to figure out much of it. I also like his approach to tai chi as an activity that is more than martial or just exercise.

    Does anyone in the group do tai chi (my guess is that there are several)? In particular, does anyone do the Cheng Man-Ching form? It could be useful to get some feedback. While I find lots of teachers doing online lessons, the Cheng Man-Ching form doesn't seem to be as common here in the UK as Yang or Chen schools.



    Last edited by Jundo; 10-27-2024, 02:13 AM.
    I know nothing.
  • Tomás ESP
    • Aug 2020
    • 575

    Hi Ryumon, I have been practising Taiji for a bit, following the online courses through the Wudang Taoist Wellness Academy. It's a bit expensive, but it includes clear instruction both of Taiji, Qigong and a bit of Daoist philosophy.

    Tai Chi, Qi gong & Taoist Academy In Central China’s Wudang Mountains

    Gassho, Tomás


    • Ryumon
      • Apr 2007
      • 1819

      Originally posted by Tomás ESP
      Hi Ryumon, I have been practising Taiji for a bit, following the online courses through the Wudang Taoist Wellness Academy. It's a bit expensive, but it includes clear instruction both of Taiji, Qigong and a bit of Daoist philosophy.

      Tai Chi, Qi gong & Taoist Academy In Central China’s Wudang Mountains
      Given that I've paid, in the past, for one-on-one lessons, that's not that expensive. Interesting idea, and I may come back to it, but, for now, I'd like to find someone who teaches Cheng Man-Ching's form.

      I've never heard of the Wudang 8 form, but that's an interesting idea, starting with something simple. Which school do they teach for a longer form?

      It definitely looks very professional, which is not the case for many of the tai chi videos I've seen.




      I know nothing.


      • Tomás ESP
        • Aug 2020
        • 575

        From what I can gather:

        Gu Shining's Chinese name is Gu Shiyi. Shining is his Taoist name, as he belongs to the 15th generation of Wudang Sanfeng Pai or sect, His shīfu (fatherly feacher) is Grandmaster Zhong Qingwei (Taoist name) or Zhong Yunlong.

        I know they practice an 8, 33, 28, 13 routine form, though I am not sure about their sources (I've only gotten to the 8 form so far, since I have focused more on the Qigong aspects). I found out about the academy through the youtuber George Thompson, he has great videos about his process finding Taiji and Daoism:

        Gassho, Tomás


        • Washin
          Senior Priest-in-Training
          • Dec 2014
          • 3840

          Hi all,

          I've been practicing Wudang Sanfeng Taichi for about 7 years now in the school of Master Chen Shiyu.
          So far I am familiar with only 13,28 and 108 forms known as basic.

          Tomas, I just skimmed through the videos of Master Gu and it seems to me that the other forms are just variations, abbreviations and mixtures of the routine ones. Anyhow, the performance is very nice indeed.

          Sorry Ryumon, I can't help with the answer as I know nothing about Cheng Man-Ching.

          Just added my 2 cents here

          Last edited by Washin; 12-06-2021, 03:09 PM.
          Kaidō (皆道) Every Way
          Washin (和信) Harmony Trust
          I am a novice priest-in-training. Anything that I say must not be considered as teaching
          and should be taken with a 'grain of salt'.


          • Naiko
            • Aug 2019
            • 847

            Ryūmon, I hope you find what you’re looking for. I am unfamiliar with that style. I also hope you and others will share here the resources you find. I practiced Yang style long and sword forms years ago (until shiny Muay Thai lure me away) and would like to come back to a practice.


            • Shinshi
              Senior Priest-in-Training
              • Jul 2010
              • 3811

              Originally posted by Washin
              Hi all,

              I've been practicing Wudang Sanfeng Taichi for about 7 years now in the school of Master Chen Shiyu.
              So far I am familiar with only 13,28 and 108 forms known as basic.

              Tomas, I just skimmed through the videos of Master Gu and it seems to me that the other forms are just variations, abbreviations and mixtures of the routine ones. Anyhow, the performance is very nice indeed.

              Sorry Ryumon, I can't help with the answer as I know nothing about Cheng Man-Ching.

              Just added my 2 cents here

              If you do Tai Chi you might find his life interesting.

              Gassho, Shinshi

              空道 心志 Kudo Shinshi

              For Zen students a weed is a treasure. With this attitude, whatever you do, life becomes an art.
              ​— Shunryu Suzuki

              E84I - JAJ


              • Washin
                Senior Priest-in-Training
                • Dec 2014
                • 3840

                Thank you, Shinshi
                Kaidō (皆道) Every Way
                Washin (和信) Harmony Trust
                I am a novice priest-in-training. Anything that I say must not be considered as teaching
                and should be taken with a 'grain of salt'.


                • Ryumon
                  • Apr 2007
                  • 1819

                  Originally posted by Tomás ESP
                  I know they practice an 8, 33, 28, 13 routine form, though I am not sure about their sources (I've only gotten to the 8 form so far, since I have focused more on the Qigong aspects).
                  Is qigong similar moves to tai chi, just not in long choreographed forms? If so, that might be a better way for me to start, though the idea of working toward a longer form is interesting.



                  I know nothing.


                  • Ryumon
                    • Apr 2007
                    • 1819


                    I watched that documentary over the weekend. It's really interesting, showing a number of photos and films of Cheng in New York in the 70s. He was the first Chinese to teach tai chi in the west, as far as I know, and is as important as D T Suzuki was for zen.



                    I know nothing.


                    • Tomás ESP
                      • Aug 2020
                      • 575

                      Originally posted by Ryumon
                      Is qigong similar moves to tai chi, just not in long choreographed forms? If so, that might be a better way for me to start, though the idea of working toward a longer form is interesting.



                      The 2 series that I have learned from Qigong involved short forms that can be practiced in 5 minutes. For example, the first series I learned was the 5 animal Qigong. For each animal there were 2 different movements, so 10 movements total. Much easier to learn, though less intense in terms of exercise. The thing I do enjoy most of the academy is that before starting with Taiji or Qigong you start with a 15-20 minute routine of different stretching exercises that actually feel quite nice. I'm happy to answer any other questions you have about the academy through a private message .

                      Gassho, Tomás


                      • Seikan
                        • Apr 2020
                        • 710

                        Apologies in advance for the lengthy response (I could chat for hours on this subject... )

                        I've been a student of Taijiquan (Tai Chi Chuan) for the better part of 25+ years. I started with the Cheng Man-Ching version in College (a great style for small spaces, by the way), but for the most part, I have primarily studied the Yang style through a variety of teachers, but all of them students of Dr. Yang Jwing-Ming of YMAA (https://ymaa.com/articles/ymaa-taijiquan-lineage).

                        FWIW, Cheng Man-Ching actually studied the Yang form himself before creating his own version through decades of practice and application. If you study both, you can easily see the similarities (and differences). Most of the posture names are virtually identical, although Cheng Man-Ching shortened the form, re-ordered some of the remaining postures, and adjusted most of them for a shorter frame/stance approach.

                        My current daily practice consists of 10 minutes of stretching, followed by one of the Tai Chi qigong sets to help warm up and get the energy (qi) flowing. I then work through the 108 move long form as well as the Tai Chi sword form.

                        Qigong (also "chi kung") translates roughly to "energy work" and there are almost countless forms of qigong that one can practice (5 animal frolics, 8 brocades, etc.). Tai Chi itself, when practiced as a solo form (slowly with proper posture and breathing) is also considered a form of Tai Chi. Beyond that, there is the martial side of Tai Chi as well as it can be a very formidable martial art when practiced correctly.

                        Even if you are not at all interested in the martial side of Tai Chi, I strongly suggest learning both sides (qigong and martial) as having at least a basic understanding of the martial applications of each move makes a huge difference in understanding the body mechanics, etc. of each movement. Practicing the form with a sense of "opponent" helps one better understand how to flow properly from one posture into the next.

                        To be honest, you can't go wrong with any of the core styles of Tai Chi (Chen, Yang [including Chen Man-Ching's version], Wu [two versions], Sun, and Wudang). You can definitely begin learning the basic "choreography" on your own using books and videos, but ultimately there is no substitute for a qualified teacher to help you understand all of the nuances (and those nuances are virtually endless! ). The good news is that, thanks to the pandemic, many teachers are now offering virtual classes for beginners, which is still not the same as receiving hands on corrections to one's form/posture, but it is the next best thing.

                        Best of luck in your pursuit of Tai Chi! What I love most about it are the endless layers of depth to explore. Just when you think you've figured out and mastered something, you quickly see how you're only just beginning to "get it".

                        Please keep us posted and let me know if I can be of any assistance whatsoever.


                        聖簡 Seikan (Sacred Simplicity)


                        • Jundo
                          Treeleaf Founder and Priest
                          • Apr 2006
                          • 41143

                          Originally posted by Washin
                          Hi all,

                          I've been practicing Wudang Sanfeng Taichi for about 7 years now in the school of Master Chen Shiyu.
                          So far I am familiar with only 13,28 and 108 forms known as basic.

                          Tomas, I just skimmed through the videos of Master Gu and it seems to me that the other forms are just variations, abbreviations and mixtures of the routine ones. Anyhow, the performance is very nice indeed.

                          Sorry Ryumon, I can't help with the answer as I know nothing about Cheng Man-Ching.

                          Just added my 2 cents here

                          Washin, with the moves ... and with hair ...

                          By the way, I am going to move this thread to our "Zen Sports" section so that we can keep it. Yes, I know, it is more "art" than "sport."

                          (By the way, I tried for awhile when I lived in China, but must confess that I found the 6am start times difficult. I have been meaning to take it up again.)

                          Gassho, Jundo

                          Last edited by Jundo; 12-06-2021, 11:54 PM.
                          ALL OF LIFE IS OUR TEMPLE


                          • Washin
                            Senior Priest-in-Training
                            • Dec 2014
                            • 3840

                            One of the latest..Standing still and hair no longer [emoji846]

                            In our circle we run Taichi class in the evening for people who work, but they also exercise some Qigong basics early in the morning on their own.


                            Sent from my SM-A325F using Tapatalk
                            Kaidō (皆道) Every Way
                            Washin (和信) Harmony Trust
                            I am a novice priest-in-training. Anything that I say must not be considered as teaching
                            and should be taken with a 'grain of salt'.


                            • Ryumon
                              • Apr 2007
                              • 1819

                              Originally posted by Seikan

                              To be honest, you can't go wrong with any of the core styles of Tai Chi (Chen, Yang [including Chen Man-Ching's version], Wu [two versions], Sun, and Wudang). You can definitely begin learning the basic "choreography" on your own using books and videos, but ultimately there is no substitute for a qualified teacher to help you understand all of the nuances (and those nuances are virtually endless! ). The good news is that, thanks to the pandemic, many teachers are now offering virtual classes for beginners, which is still not the same as receiving hands on corrections to one's form/posture, but it is the next best thing.
                              Thank you for the long explanation. I do understand that in-person lessons are essential; the last time I studied tai chi, about 4-5 years ago, I had one-on-one lessons. That would be possible in better weather, but it certainly is not the right time of year. :-) In any case, there's nothing local, so, for now, if I do want to learn something, I'm pretty much on my own. So anything like push hands or sword is out of the question.

                              Is the wudang a style on its own, or a derivative of another style? I do think that that website has the most comprehensive and well produced videos that I've seen, and that makes a big difference.

                              I may come back to you if I make any progress and ask for some feedback now and then, if you would be so kind as to do the occasional zoom call to talk about it.



                              I know nothing.

