Arts: How to share long form creative writing?

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  • Hensho
    • Aug 2018
    • 183

    Arts: How to share long form creative writing?

    Hello, my Buddhist Writer Friends:

    (I've been away for a while, tending to parent health matters, so forgive me for the absence.)

    One thing I was contemplating during my time away is the question of how to share our work. I would love to read your writing, and I bet I'm not alone.

    I created the Dharma Cafe for sharing, but it's not looking like the ideal solution. One problem seems to be with length: prose writing of any genre tends to be long and not easily sharable on these pages.

    How can we share our work in a way that builds community? What else can we do to build life into this part of the Arts Circle?

    Looking to you with deep bows,

    Hensho: Knitting Strands / Stranded on a Reef
    "Knit on with confidence and hope through all crises." -Elizabeth Zimmerman
  • Shonin Risa Bear
    • Apr 2019
    • 926

    All of my stuff is linked from a Google Sites page, The links go to books that have prices, but on the site where those books are hosted also has PDFs of the titles, which can be downloaded free (I priced them 0.00). They are easily uploaded to a Drive folder -- I bet we could set up a Drive folder and share PDFs there. _()_

    d. shonin sat & lah
    Visiting priest: use salt

