A farewell..

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  • Bion
    Senior Priest-in-Training
    • Aug 2020
    • 5050

    A farewell..

    Well, it seems appropriate to drop by this corner of Treeleaf, where music lives, to mention the passing of a legendary performer and also a devout Buddhist, one miss Tina Turner, who at 83 years of age, has come to the end of this journey.
    She leaves behind a world she’s made sing and dance and millions of people who keep her in their minds and hearts.

    Two years ago in an interview, she mentioned she was “throughly happy” .. She’d done the bulk of her suffering during her youth, she said, and the lesson was that “it’s not about what happens to you, but about how you deal with it”.

    This one broke my heart a little today..

    [emoji1374] Sat Today lah
    Last edited by Bion; 05-24-2023, 11:07 PM.
    "Stepping back with open hands, is thoroughly comprehending life and death. Immediately you can sparkle and respond to the world." - Hongzhi
  • Doshin
    • May 2015
    • 2621




    • Naiko
      • Aug 2019
      • 847

      I feel a bit heartbroken too, and I shed a few tears for her. What gobsmacking spirit and talent. I always admired her courage and resilience in overcoming so many obstacles, especially the domestic abuse she suffered.



      • Tairin
        • Feb 2016
        • 2960


        Sat today and lah
        泰林 - Tai Rin - Peaceful Woods


        • Bion
          Senior Priest-in-Training
          • Aug 2020
          • 5050

          Originally posted by Naiko
          I feel a bit heartbroken too, and I shed a few tears for her. What gobsmacking spirit and talent. I always admired her courage and resilience in overcoming so many obstacles, especially the domestic abuse she suffered.

          Yeah, and though the bigger part of her life she was not abused and mistreated, but happy and successful, she had to continuously relive her abuse years so that everyone could be a part of her story. She was never allowed to let it go. She was though unapologetically herself, and she sang her heart out.

          [emoji1374] Sat Today
          "Stepping back with open hands, is thoroughly comprehending life and death. Immediately you can sparkle and respond to the world." - Hongzhi


          • Nengei
            • Dec 2016
            • 1658


            Sat today. LAH.
            遜道念芸 Sondō Nengei (he/him)

            Please excuse any indication that I am trying to teach anything. I am a priest in training and have no qualifications or credentials to teach Zen practice or the Dharma.


            • Jundo
              Treeleaf Founder and Priest
              • Apr 2006
              • 41132


              Tina was a long time member of the Soka Gakkai (SGI), the modern "new religion" which sprang from Japanese Nichiren Buddhism. They emphasize the power of chanting the name of the Lotus Sutra ... Name Myōhō Renge Kyō (南無妙法蓮華経) ... "Devotion to the Mystic Law of the Lotus Sutra" ...

              So, we can post this in her remembrance ...

              In the second half, she is chanting a portion of the "Upaya/Skillful Means" Chapter of the Lotus Sutra. I believe it is this portion, although not clear at points ...

              Myoho Renge Kyo — The wonderful Law of the Lotus Sutra
              Ho ben pon dai ni: Skillful Ways
              Ni Ji Se Son — There the World Honored One
              Ju San Mai — Quietly came up
              An Jo Ni Ki — From his samadhi
              Go Shari Hotsu — And said to Shariputra:
              Sho Bu' Chi E — The wisdom of the Buddhas
              Jin Jin Mu Ryo — Is profound and cannot be measured
              Go Chi E Mon — Its gate is hard to understand
              Nange Nan Nyu — And difficult to enter.
              Is Sai Sho Mon — No Shravaka-Disciple
              Hyaku Shi Butsu — Or Self-taught buddha
              Sho Fu No Chi — Can understand it.
              Sho I Sha Ga — Why is that? (because!)
              Butsu Zo Shin Gon —the [present] Buddhas attended on many
              Hyaku Sen Man Noku — hundreds of thousands of billions
              Mu Shu Sho Butsu — Of [past] Buddhas,
              Jin Gyo Sho Butsu — And practiced the many teachings
              Mu Ryo Do Ho — Of those Buddhas bravely and energetically
              Yu Myo Sho Jin — To their far-flung fame till they attained
              Myo Sho Fu Mon — The profound Law
              Jo Ju Jin Jin — Which you've never heard before,
              Mi Zo U Ho — And also because they are exposing
              Zui Gi Sho Setsu — The Law according to the capacities
              I Shu Nan Ge — Of all living beings a way that the intention is hard to understand
              Gassho, J

              Last edited by Jundo; 05-25-2023, 02:18 AM.


              • Guest

                This comes on a difficult day. My wife and I have always loved the music and the courage of Tina Turner. We also had to deal with a very difficult loss today, but do I not want to detract from the well-deserved recognition of a legend and from one who helped bring to light the importance of Buddhist practice to so many people.

                Tina, you have been an inspiration to us all.



                • Bion
                  Senior Priest-in-Training
                  • Aug 2020
                  • 5050

                  Originally posted by Jundo

                  Tina was a long time member of the Soka Gakkai (SGI), the modern "new religion" which sprang from Japanese Nichiren Buddhism. They emphasize the power of chanting the name of the Lotus Sutra ... Name Myōhō Renge Kyō (南無妙法蓮華経) ... "Devotion to the Mystic Law of the Lotus Sutra" ...

                  So, we can post this in her remembrance ...

                  In the second half, she is chanting a portion of the "Upaya/Skillful Means" Chapter of the Lotus Sutra. I believe it is this portion, although not clear at points ...

                  Gassho, J

                  Thank you, Jundo! [emoji3526]

                  [emoji1374] Sat Today
                  "Stepping back with open hands, is thoroughly comprehending life and death. Immediately you can sparkle and respond to the world." - Hongzhi


                  • Washin
                    Senior Priest-in-Training
                    • Dec 2014
                    • 3841

                    Loved Tina and enjoyed her music a lot

                    Kaidō (皆道) Every Way
                    Washin (和信) Harmony Trust
                    I am a novice priest-in-training. Anything that I say must not be considered as teaching
                    and should be taken with a 'grain of salt'.


                    • Tai Do
                      • Jan 2019
                      • 1457

                      I also loved her music. I thank her for all she brought to our musical lives and for the inspiration she was for many people.
                      Tai Do
                      怠努 (Tai Do) - Lazy Effort
                      (also known as Mateus )

                      禅戒一如 (Zen Kai Ichi Nyo) - Zazen and the Precepts are One!


                      • Gareth
                        • Jun 2020
                        • 217

                        I saw this last night too. What a voice she had. I didn’t know she was a Buddhist.

                        Sat today, Lah

