Project: Buddha touching the Earth Part 2

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  • RichardH
    • Nov 2011
    • 2800

    Project: Buddha touching the Earth Part 2

    Hi. Thank you for participating here in the Art circle. I apologize for not being more engaged at the start of this. There has been a lot going on with the Shukke Tokudo, and there has been much to take-in getting a sense of the study and training that lays ahead. I am truly a beginner.

    Going forward with our project it is a good idea to be clear on my role, and your role. When it comes to the Dharma subject matter of our projects, I am just like you. What I have to say about the Dharma through art is personal, said as an artist-student. It is not said as a Priest or Teacher. We are in the same boat as student-explorers. When it comes to Art, ideas round creativity, and the creative process, I do have the work experience and can facilitate, but I am also a student of you, learning from you.

    So.... What's next?

    Lets toss around ideas! We have looked at the Buddha touching the Earth. How can that story, and what it means to you personally, be expressed? Nature is a great place to look and one really good source of inspiration is Andy Goldsworthy who Anne points to here.. He touches the earth in amazing ways that look nothing like a "Buddha touching the earth", yet for me it somehow evokes it so beautifully. There are also countless traditional, canonical, representations of the story to draw on. There may be images that pop into the mind, silly non-sequiturs, what do they look like? Invite it, and things appear. So whether it is abstract or representational, a chicken-scratch drawing of a stick figure, a Buddha made of wound up twigs, a photograph of ..... something..... that “rings true” to you, please do make it. This is not a big deal or a final result that is going to be judged (it never will be judged), it is just the process of creative play. Lets play like children who do not know what “correct” and “incorrect” are. There is no need to know anything, except what is joyful to see, and what rings true, even if you don't know how it rings true, and never will.

    Lets make something...simple.... just to begin, and post it here over the coming days.

    sat today

    Just a note: I will be away at a workshop and offline from later today until Sunday night.
    Last edited by RichardH; 04-29-2016, 03:05 PM.
  • Amelia
    • Jan 2010
    • 4980

    Letting my hand play while I think on the subject:
    求道芸化 Kyūdō Geika
    I am just a priest-in-training, please do not take anything I say as a teaching.


    • Jakuden
      • Jun 2015
      • 6141

      My inner child really wants to make a sculpture with horse manure. It's a product of the earth that is taken into a living being, enters a world where microorganisms ferment it and make some of its nutrients available for life, exits back to the earth, then decomposes in a big pile until ready to be put in my garden to help me grow yummy veggies.



      • Myosha
        • Mar 2013
        • 2974

        Originally posted by Jakuden
        My inner child really wants to make a sculpture with horse manure. It's a product of the earth that is taken into a living being, enters a world where microorganisms ferment it and make some of its nutrients available for life, exits back to the earth, then decomposes in a big pile until ready to be put in my garden to help me grow yummy veggies.


        A GREAT shitty idea.^^

        Myosha sat today
        "Recognize suffering, remove suffering." - Shakyamuni Buddha when asked, "Uhm . . .what?"


        • Cooperix
          • Nov 2013
          • 502


          Manure Art. I love that idea! really. it's ephemeral, organic, a perfect median for non attachment! A totem in your garden. you might even get some plants to grow around its edges. real land art!
          not sure you are serious but if so go for it...please do wear gloves and a face mask.


          • Jakuden
            • Jun 2015
            • 6141

            Haha thanks Anne, no I wasn't really kidding although I was hoping that Daizan wouldn't find my idea insulting. lol! There has always been something appealing and earthy to me about grass, hay, silage, manure.... and in my field, we preoccupy ourselves a lot with poop in general because there is so much information to be gained from it. (If I have to handle it with anything besides my pitchfork though, yes I would certainly wear gloves )

            Unfortunately I can't start this project today because it is raining and the horses are out in the field. I could go in with the chickens and start with them but their manure is just not as aesthetically pleasing... although it grows nice asparagus for me....


            P.S. LOL Myosha!
            Last edited by Jakuden; 05-01-2016, 05:43 PM.


            • Cooperix
              • Nov 2013
              • 502

              Is it Thich Nhat Hahn that talks about looking at compost and seeing the flowers? Nothing at all wrong or disgusting about manure. But you are right about chicken s***... although even there is the sunshine and flowers.

              check this out...

              happy sculpting!


              • RichardH
                • Nov 2011
                • 2800

                Originally posted by Jakuden
                Haha thanks Anne, no I wasn't really kidding although I was hoping that Daizan wouldn't find my idea insulting. lol! There has always been something appealing and earthy to me about grass, hay, silage, manure.... and in my field, we preoccupy ourselves a lot with poop in general because there is so much information to be gained from it. (If I have to handle it with anything besides my pitchfork though, yes I would certainly wear gloves )

                Unfortunately I can't start this project today because it is raining and the horses are out in the field. I could go in with the chickens and start with them but their manure is just not as aesthetically pleasing... although it grows nice asparagus for me....


                P.S. LOL Myosha!

                There was a great old post by Jundo, I'll try and find it, pointing out how life's manure is transformed through practice and pointing to a picture like this.. tumblr_inline_n4au6g1rvp1rn5ji5.jpg of the Buddha's beautifully ordered hair.. resemble anything?

                Another old of my favorites, was about how our teachers appear even in the worst places, even in the most "bad" people.. Note the mudra... article-2495452-17569E79000005DC-86_634x408.jpg

                I've got my eyes open this week for unexpected "Earth Touching" sights and sounds and will post here....


                sat today
                Last edited by RichardH; 05-02-2016, 02:08 PM.


                • RichardH
                  • Nov 2011
                  • 2800

                  Originally posted by Geika
                  Letting my hand play while I think on the subject:


                  sat today


                  • Meishin
                    • May 2014
                    • 876

                    Hello Daizan (and a belated congratulations to you. Is this project open to photography as well as painting?

                    sat today


                    • RichardH
                      • Nov 2011
                      • 2800

                      Yes! It is open to any and all mediums


                      Sat today


                      • Byrne
                        • Dec 2014
                        • 371

                        Project: Buddha touching the Earth Part 2

                        I'm imaging Shakyamuni touching the Earth as a sort of baptism. A baptism for the whole Earth.


                        Sat Today
                        Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


                        • Meishin
                          • May 2014
                          • 876

                          Yes. We had just finished shooting photos near a lake and were walking to the car. Turning around there was this image, earth touching moon, moon touching earth. Finger pointing to the moon.

                          moon at SFNP.jpg

                          sat today
                          Last edited by Meishin; 05-02-2016, 06:50 PM.


                          • Jishin
                            • Oct 2012
                            • 4823


                            Gasho, Jishin, _/st\_


                            • Cooperix
                              • Nov 2013
                              • 502

                              Ink from the earth.

                              Working on making ink from the red terracotta clay I have gathered from northern New Mexico. It will be used as part of a land art piece that will be installed later this year.
                              2016-05-02 001 2016-05-02 002.jpg

                              the earth yields all in great beauty.


