We are looking to create a new resources library for the Art Circle and would welcome any and all suggestions for possible additions to this.
The library will contain links to resources like Hyperallergic magazine, online museums, art studios that hold online sessions, artist websites, courses, tutors etc, as well as book and material recommendations. But that's just the tip of the fine art iceberg, because we'd also like to include all mediums and practices, including resources for writing, music, fibre craft, photography, performance, film, gardening, cooking, basically anything that involves a creative input.
If you have some resources you'd like to share , please put them in a comment on this thread. Links would be great, but don't worry if that's not possible, we'll sort that for you. Similarly, if you want to make suggestions for all the possibilities I've no doubt overlooked here, please feel free to put them in this thread.
When we have a goodly number, I'll start collating them into a pinned post.
And those artists amongst you, and I know you're out there, do not be shy in promoting yourselves, you all have so much to offer to the rest of us.
Looking forward to hearing from you
sattoday lah
The library will contain links to resources like Hyperallergic magazine, online museums, art studios that hold online sessions, artist websites, courses, tutors etc, as well as book and material recommendations. But that's just the tip of the fine art iceberg, because we'd also like to include all mediums and practices, including resources for writing, music, fibre craft, photography, performance, film, gardening, cooking, basically anything that involves a creative input.
If you have some resources you'd like to share , please put them in a comment on this thread. Links would be great, but don't worry if that's not possible, we'll sort that for you. Similarly, if you want to make suggestions for all the possibilities I've no doubt overlooked here, please feel free to put them in this thread.
When we have a goodly number, I'll start collating them into a pinned post.
And those artists amongst you, and I know you're out there, do not be shy in promoting yourselves, you all have so much to offer to the rest of us.
Looking forward to hearing from you

sattoday lah