EXPRESSING CREATIVITY: your zazen practice space
Below are two photos—one is my home altar and the other is a simple pocket-sized shrine/altar that I finally completed after finding the perfect stone at the ocean this past weekend.
That is the Heart Sutra behind the statue (in both pics, actually!), and I added a mirror to the inside of the lid to remind me of the mirror-mind of Zen (it also gives Buddha something to look at when the lid is closed).
As others have done above, I really like the idea of incorporating photos of one's teachers/influences as well, so I may re-work things a bit.
Sent from my Pixel 2 XL using Tapatalk聖簡 Seikan (Sacred Simplicity)Comment
Oh Rob, both are so beautiful. The pocket shrine is exquisite, and I particularly love the framed Heart Sutra above your home shrine. I'm inspired now to do some housekeeping.
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With gratitude
Big Gassho
Sattoday lah命 Mei - life
島 Tou - islandComment