Art as a Healing Practice

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  • Cooperix
    • Nov 2013
    • 502

    Art as a Healing Practice


    Some years ago, a local artist was making ceramic pins that said ‘Art Saves Lives’. I found them humorous and sweet but really does art save lives? Seemed indulgent and a bit of an exaggeration to me.

    Then I went through a very, very dark period and only when I finally accessed my creative instincts did I begin to recover. Both through writing and making art. Art saved my life.

    These are hard times for us all over the globe. Some being more seriously affected than others. But we are united in a global bond of anxiety. And I realize that more than anything I want to be in my studio. I’ve started a body of work I call ‘Sail Away’, small ceramic boats in boxes. It wasn’t until I had several made that I realized I was fantasizing about being aboard, smooth sailing ahead to a safe and beautiful place.
    I attach two images, poorly photographed but you get the idea of my fantasy project. Scale small (10"x 6" x 4" max), clay, bee's wax, pigment, copper

    The healing power of creativity has been well documented. This article is from the Harvard Medical School.

    Let your creative self surface, now is the time! The world needs your creative power.

    Now from Meitou:

    Anne has talked about her 'fantasy project'. In these difficult times, when movement is restricted and many sources of material aren't available to us, the one constant we have is our imagination.
    Using what resources you have on hand, and using locations locally available to you, can you express the emotions you are processing at the moment? You may want to escape into a safe haven like Anne, you may want to enter fully into places of fear, or of hope. You may simply want to allow everything you are feeling right now, the confusion, not knowing, uncertainty to spill out intuitively without too much reflection.

    You may, like me, enjoy the challenge of finding ways to be creative when all your normal avenues of expression have been restricted or removed. I can no longer take photos when I go out, I am required by law to go from location A (home) to B for an urgent legitimate reason as stated on a self certificate which I must present to the police on demand. These forms are entering into our culture as icons, not just of the terrible times we are living through, but as a reminder that Italian bureaucracy is one feature of our lives that Covid 19 will never kill. They have already been amended twice, and their previous incarnations may appear in my contribution to this project.

    An wonderful example from our sangha, Sharan has started an online diary documenting the pandemic in his country.

    As with our previous project, drop all ideas of self judgement, just enter fully into the process, let it assist and guide your imagination.

    And as usual, your creative output can take whatever form you choose; images, words, music, fibre art, organic, anything you like. Use your imagination!


    Anne and Meitou

    we both sat today
    Attached Files
  • Amelia
    • Jan 2010
    • 4980

    This is the kind of thing I've been doing lately. I got some really fine tipped MUJI pens.

    I like to just let the lines come out, and maybe they start to look like something.

    Sat today, lah

    Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
    求道芸化 Kyūdō Geika
    I am just a priest-in-training, please do not take anything I say as a teaching.


    • Jinyo
      • Jan 2012
      • 1957

      Thank you Anne and Meitou - it feel comforting to have this project.

      I love the boats Anne.




      • Shinshi
        Senior Priest-in-Training
        • Jul 2010
        • 3814


        Gassho, Shinshi

        空道 心志 Kudo Shinshi

        For Zen students a weed is a treasure. With this attitude, whatever you do, life becomes an art.
        ​— Shunryu Suzuki

        E84I - JAJ


        • Meian
          • Apr 2015
          • 1712


          Work in progress, just today:

          "Silence Unintentional"

          Sent from my SM-G975U using Tapatalk
          鏡道 |​ Kyodo (Meian) | "Mirror of the Way"
          visiting Unsui
          Nothing I say is a teaching, it's just my own opinion.


          • Cooperix
            • Nov 2013
            • 502

            Thanks for sharing your drawing. It doesn't have to look like anything but what it is. Frank Stella famously said, "My painting is based on the fact that only what is there is there." I love that. Your drawing is strong and stands as it is. And I enjoy the mark the pen makes. I have to look up MUJI pens. Makes a fine line!

            And Meian, beautiful swath of energy represented in this painting. Looks to be small and intimate. I love the title as part of the piece. It is a good phrase...silence unintentional.

            Thanks both for letting us in.
            And bows Jinyo, glad you like the boats!




            • Jishin
              • Oct 2012
              • 4823

              Didn't do this one but I like a lot.

              Gassho, ST


              • Sharan
                • Mar 2020
                • 49

                Art, in all of its forms, has been following me around my whole life. I would probably function a lot differently, be more agitated or unhappy if I was faced with life without art. I think it's a good guide to where your soul wants to be.

                I love all of your works. Kinda envious at Geika lines, I always wanted to do that kind of doodles, but failed miserably

                This is how I've used my coronavirus quarantine so far...

                Back in 2019, I've decided to finally join the #Inktober challenge. In case you haven't heard of it, each day in October you get a word prompt which you use as a base for your ink drawing. It's super fun, and they publish all 31 words before October, so you can think about the possible ideas for your drawings. The idea is to get into a drawing shape.

                I've decided to draw 31 comics based on 31 words and different philosophical aspects of Buddhism, be it Zen or whatever. The main character, Buddha (not the historic one, but one of us ) is also part of the larger universe created by me - he's got the main role in the 10001 Buda project, where I'm making 10001 Buddha stickers by hand. Once this all goes away, I'm gonna ask for your addresses, so you can all make Buddha travel the world.

                Welcome back to Instagram. Sign in to check out what your friends, family & interests have been capturing & sharing around the world.

                Now, I've decided to properly digitize my Inktober comics and the result is available at

                First, I did all the scanning, then I needed to prepare the scanned documents, work on blacks and whites. After that, all the lettering has been done on the computer. In original form, I do all the lettering by myself, but a friend of mine who also used to draw for Marvel Comics made me use computer fonts for easier understanding and readability. Now, when I see the final result, I can't say he was wrong at all. These comics look more professional than anything I drew myself before.

                It is in English and easy to understand. Feel free to share, comment, discuss it with me. New photographs in the Pandemic Diary section will arrive soon! Thank you all for your support!

                SjeoDanas (SatToday)


                • Meian
                  • Apr 2015
                  • 1712

                  I like the moon box -- I'm a Moon child, and it looks blue to me ..... i'm rather drawn to it, not sure why.

                  Geika, just my feeling -- i see dragons, but i love dragons. I agree with Sharan, would love to do that, but my hands do not allow for that coordination. Respect.

                  Sharan, I now have your pandemic blog link on my phone (so i can look at photos). i will add inktober as well, since i deactivated instagram. thank you.

                  Jishin -- one of my favorite pieces with powerful energy and emotion in it. thank you.

                  "silence" .... is 18" x 24" paper .... i found an old pad from 15-20 years ago (lots of old sketches, paintings in it, buried away) ..... at least the paint is new

                  anne and meitou -- thank you for the gentle examples you set, and how you teach.

                  , meian
                  鏡道 |​ Kyodo (Meian) | "Mirror of the Way"
                  visiting Unsui
                  Nothing I say is a teaching, it's just my own opinion.


                  • Sharan
                    • Mar 2020
                    • 49

                    Thank you, Meian... here are some of the new photos I've finally managed to edit. I'll probably not post as much in the following days because from tomorrow I'll be working from home and will respect the quarantine.

                    Curfew Cat made me really happy with her (typical of cats) uninvolved behavior. This one was sitting on the window sill in my mom's aunt building. Aunt asked me to bring her some puzzles because she can't go out. Cat made my day:

                    This runner's pic I caught while riding a bike to work. He was running down the Wilson's Lane in Sarajevo, popular 3k road that's closed for the cars after 5 PM so people usually go out there with their kids, cycling, eating cobs of corn, walking and so on. The trail he's taking has been made by runners who don't want to run on the hard surfaces.

                    Bosnians have this stubbornness and they don't cancel stuff that's important to them. I'm not saying this is the case for this subject of mine, but her family decided to paint the walls anew with painters arriving during pandemic. I caught her on her way back from the local store, she was carrying coffee she made for the painters:

                    SjeoDanas (SatToday)


                    • Cooperix
                      • Nov 2013
                      • 502

                      That is the iconic image for anxiety, Jishin, Edvard Munch's The Scream (1893).
                      A world of anxiety right now.
                      Thank you Meian for your kind words....




                      • Yokai
                        • Jan 2020
                        • 506

                        Lockdown: here's my boy Dylan, gazing at the world outside...


                        In this together...
                        Gassho, Chris satlah


                        • Cooperix
                          • Nov 2013
                          • 502

                          Beautiful Chris, So evocative of separation. Almost lonely.
                          Anne, st


                          • Sharan
                            • Mar 2020
                            • 49

                            Originally posted by Cooperix
                            That is the iconic image for anxiety, Jishin, Edvard Munch's The Scream (1893).
                            A world of anxiety right now.
                            Thank you Meian for your kind words....


                            Bowing to Dylan. Kids are taking it like the champs. The most important thing is to talk with the little ones now and educate them on the facts.

                            SjeoDanas (SatToday)


                            • Yokai
                              • Jan 2020
                              • 506

                              One more: store mannequins wait too.


                              Thanks for inspiring me to restart the art.
                              Gassho Chris

