Kotei this post exemplifies everything I believe about how we are all artists, and art itself has no confines, no barriers.
I find your work intriguing, inspiring and so beautiful.
Like Jinyo, I've just started to sort out the cortile for the next season. My plan this year is to concentrate on growing food in tubs and planters, and have the very minimum of decorative plants. Now having seen your posts I'm wondering how I can draw on this wonderful gardening ethos even amongst my salad plantings. I'm looking at my basil, sage and thyme plants with a different eye, you might even say a 'Miksang' eye as used by the Miksang Photography group, whose principles are based in the photographic ethos of Chogyam Trungpa. Miksong in Tibetan means 'good eye and I think of it more as looking with clarity and immediacy, so that everything in the lens is seen as if for the first time, dropping all labels and concepts of what it is, and perfect just as it is 8n the moment. I find this compatible with JDL's work too.
What great ideas are coming out of these visual and verbal discussions, thank you so much everyone.
Sattoday lah
I find your work intriguing, inspiring and so beautiful.
Like Jinyo, I've just started to sort out the cortile for the next season. My plan this year is to concentrate on growing food in tubs and planters, and have the very minimum of decorative plants. Now having seen your posts I'm wondering how I can draw on this wonderful gardening ethos even amongst my salad plantings. I'm looking at my basil, sage and thyme plants with a different eye, you might even say a 'Miksang' eye as used by the Miksang Photography group, whose principles are based in the photographic ethos of Chogyam Trungpa. Miksong in Tibetan means 'good eye and I think of it more as looking with clarity and immediacy, so that everything in the lens is seen as if for the first time, dropping all labels and concepts of what it is, and perfect just as it is 8n the moment. I find this compatible with JDL's work too.
What great ideas are coming out of these visual and verbal discussions, thank you so much everyone.
Sattoday lah