Zen of Creativity Chapter 8

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  • Cooperix
    • Nov 2013
    • 502

    Zen of Creativity Chapter 8

    Zen of Creativity chapter 8
    The Artless Arts
    The Zen Aesthetic

    [W]hen thought is in bondage, the truth is hidden...Master Jianzhi Sengcan

    This line from Master Sengcan for me, sums up what this chapter is about.
    In Chapter 8 John Daido Loori summarizes the components present in Zen art which generate from our zazen practice.

    -No mind: this concept includes no expectation, following no rules, and a sparse aesthetic. A vital aspect of no mind is the moment the artistic act creates the alive relationship between the form, the medium and the artist. JDL asks how we can translate this into how we live our lives.
    -No rank or ordinariness: this is reflected in the lack of extraneous-ness or superfluity of effort. Work is mature and seasoned. And experiencing the awe of the endless and infinite nature of creativity.
    -Playfulness: the wonder of it all and the fun and magic of creativity expressed in beauty.

    And finally, JDL explains the quality of suchness. Which he defines as the very nature of life itself. But ineffable.

    In the classic book The Unknown Craftsman A Japanese Insight into Beauty (1972) Soetsu Yanagi’s offers his insight into the beauty of Zen art:

    ‘Let us look at a beautiful piece of pottery. Its provenance does not concern us. If the article is beautiful, we may say that it has achieved Buddhahood, for it is not man alone that may become a Buddha. A beautiful artifact may be defined as one that reposes peacefully where it aspires to be. A man [or woman] who achieves Buddhahood has entered the realm that lies beyond duality; by the same token, beauty is that which has been liberated-or freed-from duality.’

    He goes on to make clear what the term beautiful means:
    'True beauty exists in the realm where there is no distinction between the beautiful and the ugly, a realm that is described as ‘prior to beauty and ugliness; or as a state where beauty and ugliness are as yet unseparated’…

    And a quote he attributes to the Buddha:
    'If in the land of the Buddha there remains the distinction between the beautiful and the ugly, I do not desire to be a Buddha in such a land.'

    These are provocative statements about the beautiful in art. Any thoughts?
    Does your zazen practice help your creativity by instilling the traits JDL mentions in your artmaking? How do you understand suchness?
    It seems to me that once we can make art from this pure, still, mindless place suchness will necessarily be part of the result. Art is then not separate from the artist and yet completely separate.

    And now a word from Meitou!

    Hello everyone and welcome to Prompt 8.

    'Everything should be as simple as it is, but not simpler' Albert Einstein.

    In this chapter John Daido Loori talks about the simplicity of expression in the Zen aesthetic, even though it could be argued that this simplicity contains within itself an unknowable depth and complexity.
    He explains the idea of no-rank, aesthetically an ideal of beauty in which 'sensuousness disappears and in its place surfaces a poverty in which there is nothing superfluous.'

    Moving forward from that, JDL gives us a wonderful teaching on 'suchness' or 'thusness', an expression used in Zen 'to suggest the ineffable.' He describes suchness as referring to the 'that', 'what' or 'it' that is self evident. 'It is essentially being as it is, the all inclusive reality that is manifested as a sense of presence.'
    He goes on to say that this suchness, this sense of presence can be sensed in Muchi's ''Persimmons'', a beautiful rendition of six persimmons, all different, positioned in a line within a painting that has no contextual background. Just as they are. And again in Joyce Carol Oates' poem ''That''.

    In the following chapters JDL will show us how these concepts relate to the various Zen arts, but for now I would like you to experiment with ways of expressing the suchness of something. This could be through photography, painting or drawing, video, poetry or prose, sculpture, music. Look at the examples in this chapter – the quotes, the poetry, the brush work – and think about how you might approach this prompt, remembering also the concept of no-rank – that lack of superfluous decoration which strips something right back to its suchness, its mysterious self. In prompt 5 we looked at expressing something for what else it is, or could be seen to be. Now we are attempting the exact opposite, expressing the presence of something, its being, all of its imperfect perfection, just as it is.

    Have fun!


    Anne and Meitou

    we both sat today.

    A note from us both: Because we are in Ango, we will be posting less often, to allow time for everyone to do all the readings.
  • Meitou
    • Feb 2017
    • 1656

    Thank you Anne.

    Six Persimmons Mu qi ( also knows as Muchi)
    I was very happy to see such a large reproduction of this in the book; all of those online are tiny for some reason.

    six persimmons mu qi.jpg

    命 Mei - life
    島 Tou - island


    • Amelia
      • Jan 2010
      • 4980

      I love that painting...
      I love working in black and white in general.

      Sat today, lah.
      求道芸化 Kyūdō Geika
      I am just a priest-in-training, please do not take anything I say as a teaching.


      • Meitou
        • Feb 2017
        • 1656

        Originally posted by Geika
        I love that painting...
        I love working in black and white in general.

        Sat today, lah.
        It's one of my favourites too Geika, just so perfect in its simplicity. I do a lot of black and white work, especially photography, it really speaks to me.
        命 Mei - life
        島 Tou - island


        • Amelia
          • Jan 2010
          • 4980

          Originally posted by Meitou
          It's one of my favourites too Geika, just so perfect in its simplicity. I do a lot of black and white work, especially photography, it really speaks to me.
          I love your black and white photography!


          Sat today, lah
          求道芸化 Kyūdō Geika
          I am just a priest-in-training, please do not take anything I say as a teaching.


          • Cooperix
            • Nov 2013
            • 502

            Meitou and everyone...

            Geika, I am with you. Meitou's b & w photos are stunning...

            Yes there is something extraordinary about that persimmon painting. The simplicity and the perfect composition makes it so soothing and refreshing and certainly says 'persimmon'!

            I have a painter friend here who is a Renzai buddhist monk/teacher. https://www.susanmyoonlinnell.org/home-c199t Of all the artists I know I think Susan comes closest to being able to express 'suchness' in her art. She spent months practicing painting an enso for her teacher Harada roshi (http://onedropzen.org/community/usa/tahoma_sogenji) as part of her Zen training.
            1 of 9 1_2019 Installation 9Moon2 (003).jpeg She did a series of 9 monoprints of the moon and attached is a Zen koan.

            (I may have posted these images before, but to express the concept of 'suchness' I will post again)
            We did a moon show last January. I have a series of sewn moon pieces (9 phases of the moon from waxing crescent to waning crescent). I call the series 'Lunatic' because of the tedium and slowness of making those thousands of silver stitches over months and months. The images in the photos are so subtle it is almost impossible to see them unless they are enlarged or you are standing in front of the actual pieces. In thinking about 'suchness', these sewn images come closest to me of expressing 'moon-ness' of any recent work I've done. Not sure you will be able to see the image with this less than ideal size photo.

            lunatic full moon adj.jpg

            Her 9 monoprints and my 9 sewn moon pieces on black Arches cover stock paper (22" x 30" or 56cm x 76cm)
            Suchness, a clear and delightful goal for all artists.




            • Meitou
              • Feb 2017
              • 1656

              Originally posted by Cooperix
              Meitou and everyone...

              Geika, I am with you. Meitou's b & w photos are stunning...

              Yes there is something extraordinary about that persimmon painting. The simplicity and the perfect composition makes it so soothing and refreshing and certainly says 'persimmon'!

              I have a painter friend here who is a Renzai buddhist monk/teacher. https://www.susanmyoonlinnell.org/home-c199t Of all the artists I know I think Susan comes closest to being able to express 'suchness' in her art. She spent months practicing painting an enso for her teacher Harada roshi (http://onedropzen.org/community/usa/tahoma_sogenji) as part of her Zen training.
              [ATTACH=CONFIG]6024[/ATTACH] She did a series of 9 monoprints of the moon and attached is a Zen koan.

              (I may have posted these images before, but to express the concept of 'suchness' I will post again)
              We did a moon show last January. I have a series of sewn moon pieces (9 phases of the moon from waxing crescent to waning crescent). I call the series 'Lunatic' because of the tedium and slowness of making those thousands of silver stitches over months and months. The images in the photos are so subtle it is almost impossible to see them unless they are enlarged or you are standing in front of the actual pieces. In thinking about 'suchness', these sewn images come closest to me of expressing 'moon-ness' of any recent work I've done. Not sure you will be able to see the image with this less than ideal size photo.


              Her 9 monoprints and my 9 sewn moon pieces on black Arches cover stock paper (22" x 30" or 56cm x 76cm)
              Suchness, a clear and delightful goal for all artists.


              Anne, these are beautiful. I liked that I had to look really hard at that single photo, I couldn't see anything on my phone, but here on the computer, that moon-ness suddenly emerged, an exciting experience.
              I am also looking at what I consider to be key words that you've used in this post - soothing, refreshing, clear, delightful. These are very interesting choices and in some way that I can't explain, they actually paint a very clear picture of what I might also interpret as suchness.
              I haven't made my images yet, but here are a some photos I took earlier in the year which I think come close to expressing the suchness of the subject.


              apricots colour.jpg

              And here's a curious thing. Although apricot - the colour - must surely be part of the suchness of apricots, to me this black and white image, with its softness, and light, and delicate freckling also captures the suchness of apricots.
              apricots blackand white.jpg

              命 Mei - life
              島 Tou - island


              • Cooperix
                • Nov 2013
                • 502


                I will post more later, but must say that the tomato photo took my breath away! Seriously.
                Just had to tell you immediately!
                The apricots, both color and b&w are wonderful as well. But the shock of those red tomatoes! Really you got the suchness of red there too.
                Bowing to your deep understanding of beauty...




                • Jishin
                  • Oct 2012
                  • 4823

                  Those tomatoes do look delicious!

                  Gassho, Jishin, __/stlah\__


                  • Meitou
                    • Feb 2017
                    • 1656

                    Well temptation has landed in my lap this afternoon - a bowl of persimmons given to us by our neighbour. I personally don't like them, but my husband loves them. Perhaps I'll try to pay homage Mu Qi with some photographs before he eats them all.
                    Thank you all for your kind comments, they make me feel that I'm on the right track and what I'm doing is making sense to someone other than myself

                    命 Mei - life
                    島 Tou - island


                    • Jinyo
                      • Jan 2012
                      • 1957

                      Just to say sorry I have not been joining in lately - have been ill for a month now while on holiday
                      will hopefully get back on track soon.



                      sat today


                      • Cooperix
                        • Nov 2013
                        • 502

                        Hello Jinyo.
                        So sorry to hear you've not been well. Please join in when you are better.

                        And no rush either. We are going a bit slow as Ango time means lots of reading. We don't want anyone to feel overwhelmed.

                        Wishing you a fast recovery. And look forward to hearing from you.

                        Meta to you!



                        • Jinyo
                          • Jan 2012
                          • 1957

                          Originally posted by Cooperix
                          Hello Jinyo.
                          So sorry to hear you've not been well. Please join in when you are better.

                          And no rush either. We are going a bit slow as Ango time means lots of reading. We don't want anyone to feel overwhelmed.

                          Wishing you a fast recovery. And look forward to hearing from you.

                          Meta to you!

                          Thank you Anne - much appreciated.


                          • Jundo
                            Treeleaf Founder and Priest
                            • Apr 2006
                            • 41171

                            We will dedicate our Zazenkai this weekend with Kyonin to your health, Jinyu.

                            Gassho, Jundo

                            ALL OF LIFE IS OUR TEMPLE


                            • Kotei
                              Dharma Transmitted Priest
                              • Mar 2015
                              • 4349

                              I hope, you're feeling better soon, Jinyo.

                              Anne, oh yes, the moon. That's really a great example of suchness.
                              Magnifying your stitches on the screen made them visible. Beautiful.
                              They remind me on astro-photography, the long exposure times for collecting one photon after the other.

                              And Meitou, I can nearly feel the softness of your b/w Apricots.

                              Kotei sat/lah today.
                              義道 冴庭 / Gidō Kotei.

