Zen of Creativity Chapter 6
Last night my wife said “better” in a sentence.
I then started singing
Is it getting better?
Or do you feel the same?
Will it make it easier on you now?
You got someone to blame
(“One” from U2)
Very loose since my only motive here was that the word better was in her sentence and then in my lyrics
but I had no intent whatsoever in communicating anything.
It was spontaneous and her better and my better belonged together.
A lot of times the words may not even be the same.
One love.
Other times not so logical.
Things may rhyme by sounds
but concepts are absolutely unrelated.
Maybe bad Jazz, bad Poetry (you have a point)
or good insanity is the closest to it.
—- while writing the above the musical notes of the song One where clanging in my head with an influence on this explanation.
She told me to stop BTW as she was not in the mood.
It would have sound it better
If you were there to see it.
Gasho, Jishin, __/stlah\__
Last night my wife said “better” in a sentence.
I then started singing
Is it getting better?
Or do you feel the same?
Will it make it easier on you now?
You got someone to blame
(“One” from U2)
Very loose since my only motive here was that the word better was in her sentence and then in my lyrics
but I had no intent whatsoever in communicating anything.
It was spontaneous and her better and my better belonged together.
A lot of times the words may not even be the same.
One love.
Other times not so logical.
Things may rhyme by sounds
but concepts are absolutely unrelated.
Maybe bad Jazz, bad Poetry (you have a point)
or good insanity is the closest to it.
—- while writing the above the musical notes of the song One where clanging in my head with an influence on this explanation.
She told me to stop BTW as she was not in the mood.
It would have sound it better
If you were there to see it.
Gasho, Jishin, __/stlah\__