Zen of Creativity Chapter 5

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  • Cooperix
    • Nov 2013
    • 502

    Zen of Creativity Chapter 5

    Chapter 5


    Wise words from our friend JLD. In this chapter John Loori Daido focuses on the uniqueness of our vision. He spends a bit of time deconstructing the act of creativity. We all know and can identify with each of the points but I expect we all experience creating a work of art as a singular act. Knowing the mechanisms of creativity can facilitate our creativity when we find ourselves blocked… maybe my mind is too busy, a good time to try to find the still place, or the subject matter is not really speaking to me now, energy level tanked, etc.

    He reminds us that the editing process requires the same focus, stillness and intuition that we used to make the art in the first place. And reminds us to let go of the final product when completed to clear the way for the next creative moment. I feel this critical to my creativity, not attach to each completed work. Actually, that’s fairly easy for me as I so love the process of making art that the product is secondary to the process! I’m ready to move on.

    There is a place for criticism in art, but when developing our creative effort is not a time for judgement. And be assured in this forum we offer a supportive non-judgmental space.

    And finally, I love the reminder to offer gratitude at the completion of a project. I don’t think I have ever done that consciously, but what a lovely practice.
    Expressing gratitude is essential, especially if we need to return to our work and reawaken the bond that was initially created.
    -Is it hard for you to let go of the product of your creativity? For some people I know that’s a big one.
    -Do you have any special way to offer gratitude when a work is complete?
    -Anything that struck you as helpful or confusing? I had to read his breakdown of the act of creativity a few times to really be able to see those stages in my own work. Lots going on that I’d never considered.

    Have fun with Meitou’s prompt!

    'Thus what different types of beings see is different, and we should reflect on this fact. Is it that there are various ways of seeing one object, or is it that we have mistaken various images for one object?' - Master Dogen in The Rivers and Mountains Sutra.

    Hello everyone and welcome to the prompt for Chapter 5.

    This prompt is a little different for a couple of reasons – firstly, I'm using John Daido Loori's prompt at the end of Chapter 5 -'Expressing Things for What Else They Are' and so would ask you to read this prompt carefully and allow your mind to open to anything that this brings up for you.

    Secondly, this will be a photo prompt – I hope that we all have access to some way of making a photo, via our phones usually, and some of you will have cameras. If you have neither of these, you may have an iPad or tablet with a camera, or a computer with a built in camera or attachable webcam. Along with those devices there is usually a photo editing facility, which you can also make use of in this project.

    So after reading JDL's words and considering Anne's discussion above, paying particular attention to how each of us has a unique vision, and after a short sit to enter your still point, I'd like you to move around your room, or your house, your garden, the street, the desert, the mountain - wherever you feel taken - and let yourself open to something that speaks to you. It doesn't have to be pretty, or photogenic, but it needs to intrigue you with its form, colour, pattern, texture. Look into the heart of it, let go of naming. See it for What Else It Is. As JDL says,
    At first, the familiar surface aspects of the object will become apparent. It may take some time for the subject to reveal its more subtle and mysterious dimensions. Be patient. Be willing to be with your subject without knowing what it is, without projecting your ideas on to it.
    Take as many photos as feels right. Check them - are they just representations of, for example, a teapot? Or is something else, something more coming forth – a beautiful curved form, light reflecting from a surface, an abstraction of shape within the background it is in? Experiment with editing your images, perhaps cropping into a different shape, cutting away some of the image, using different filters to express mood, using a black and white filter to express light and shadow play, rotating the image. What emerges? You may, like JDL in the examples I will put up in a following post, want to add some words to express what is speaking to you. Find your own unique vision. When you are satisfied with your results, take a moment to feel gratitude toward your subject and your own expression – and above all, have fun.

    Again, please feel free to post as many images as you want, but also know that it's fine if you prefer not to share them – the process is the important thing.
    If you feel inspired by this prompt to know more, I can recommend any of John Daido Loori's own books of photography, in particular my favourite 'Making Love with Light'. You may also be interested in this website which specializes in contemplative photography, a practice that was originally given form by Chogyam Trungpa.


    Anne and Meitou

    we sat today
  • Meitou
    • Feb 2017
    • 1656

    Thank you Anne. I just wrote a lengthy reply to this only to accidently touch the home screen button on my phone and lose it, gah!
    I'll come back later with my reactions and thoughts arising from this chapter and some photos which express the prompt. And on the computer, not my very smart phone!
    Satwithyoualltoday lah
    命 Mei - life
    島 Tou - island


    • Meitou
      • Feb 2017
      • 1656

      So, regarding letting go of the product of creativity. Initially my response was that I let go very easily. I often paint over what I've done and start again; I cut up drawings to use as collage, I draw on both sides of the pages of sketchbooks and then put those books down and never think of them again. However I do see a pattern here - my work can be a constant work-in-progress; so for example if something doesn't quite satisfy in some way, I won't persevere, I'll erase it, paint over it. I wonder if this is not wanting to invest more time in something I'm not happy with, or a manifestation of mental laziness? It's also a way of avoiding actually finishing something; and therefore letting go of it.
      I also have a problem with the fear of overworking something - I tend trust to instinct and intuition, which means that I can make a painting that I really like in about 20 minutes, but because it's taken such a short time I can't accept that it could be finished, or a 'proper' painting, so again I fiddle about, sometimes abandoning something because I think it's not enough. These are funny personal paradoxes that I am hoping JDL's writings will bring some clarity to.
      Photography however is completely different. I feel very sure, very confident with photographic images, even though again I work intuitively and never set out to capture a particular place or image - I might just see something in the house, grab the phone and snap it. However, it's taken me a couple of years to be able to edit/delete photos without fear, and just as long to give myself permission to treat my photos as serious representations of my own creative impulse. I can trust myself with photography.

      I've quickly selected a few examples of older photos that I think fit the brief; I'll start though with one of JDL's photo captions and the accompanying photo, from the book I mentioned above, Making Love with Light. I've had to photograph these from the book, hence the quality isn't brilliant, but nevertheless it's easy to see what he is aiming for with that wonderful abstract image, which is in fact a rock formation:
      jdl2 blue .jpg jdl 1 cropped .jpg

      Here are some of my images of everyday scenes and objects , seen through the lens as pattern, texture, dark and light.

      sand fence prompt 5.jpg

      wall prompt 5.jpg

      teapot prompt 5.jpg

      命 Mei - life
      島 Tou - island


      • Kokuu
        Dharma Transmitted Priest
        • Nov 2012
        • 6983

        Thank you for this, Anne and Meitou!

        I am reading the chapter and have not done my blind drawing prompt from the last chapter yet but thought I would have a go at the photography challenge!

        These are a few things around me and the idea was to capture something of their texture and character in their own right without any surroundings to things to contrast them with, just completely the one thing conveying the essence of itself.


        Last edited by Kokuu; 07-23-2019, 07:54 PM.


        • Cooperix
          • Nov 2013
          • 502

          Hey thanks Meitou and Kokuu!
          I will take my camera with me when walking the dogs tomorrow. Our New Mexico summer sun is so intense and gorgeous lighting up the deep green vegetation along our irrigation ditches. Maybe something will catch my eye. This is a fun prompt Meitou. Looking for pattern, texture and shadow.




          • Kotei
            Dharma Transmitted Priest
            • Mar 2015
            • 4349

            thank you Anne and Meitou.
            Meitou, I like your pictures, especially the wave and turbulent sea is stunning.

            I am still intimidated by that big word 'Art' and usually attach 'playing with ...' or 'observing ...' as my personal label to the things, I am creating.
            Somehow that makes it easier to letting go and turning to something else.
            The garden projects, that are just a few are a never-ending work in progress and it is difficult, handing them over to the owner for continuing development (even if she/he is usually heavily involved in the process).
            My own garden is a never ending, endlessly changing living organism... Coming back to it again and again and again.




            Kotei sat/lah today.
            義道 冴庭 / Gidō Kotei.


            • Cooperix
              • Nov 2013
              • 502

              I agree the word ART comes with lots of baggage. Which is too bad. But whatever anyone calls their creative endeavors is perfect.
              This is actually quite a fun prompt. thanks Meitou!
              I post 3 images, maybe more to follow?

              grass1 adj.jpg
              faucet sunlight.JPG
              Attached Files


              • Cooperix
                • Nov 2013
                • 502

                I agree the word ART comes with lots of baggage. Which is too bad. But whatever anyone calls their creative endeavors is perfect.
                This is actually quite a fun prompt. thanks Meitou!
                I post 3 images, maybe more to follow?

                grass1 adj.jpg
                faucet sunlight.JPG
                cabin wall adj.jpg


                • Kotei
                  Dharma Transmitted Priest
                  • Mar 2015
                  • 4349

                  I am enjoying looking around (and at your photos) with a fresh, without preconception, mind.

                  Not a photo, but looking at things from this still point. Seeing things different:

                  Kotei sat/lah today.
                  義道 冴庭 / Gidō Kotei.


                  • Jinyo
                    • Jan 2012
                    • 1957

                    small petals enhanced ia.jpg

                    This doesn't exactly follow the prompt but still trying to get my images to download.
                    Its an old images of some petals gathered from my garden and photographed on painted perspex -
                    I remember being lost in the process at the time.
                    Last edited by Jinyo; 07-28-2019, 02:12 AM.


                    • Cooperix
                      • Nov 2013
                      • 502

                      Indeed, what a lovely interpretation of the prompt! Dimensional interpretation. Living in the desert the sound of rain is always soothing and welcome. And Jinyo that is a beautiful abstration of petals. But a question...what is Perspex?

                      I have a couple more to upload myself. Hope I can get to it today....




                      • Meitou
                        • Feb 2017
                        • 1656

                        Wow, so many inspiring images here, I feel that this prompt could turn into a project all of its own at a later date - something to think about? Kotei, the video is mesmerising, and I loved it particularly because I felt a Mount Fuji vibe in there at the end, one of my favourite iconic images.
                        Anne, perspex is a type of reinforced clear plastic, also known as plexiglass or acrylic glass, perspex is one of its trade names ( thank you Google roshi)
                        Here are a couple more from my collection..

                        lamp and plate.jpg

                        toms dots prompt 5.jpg

                        garage door
                        garage door prompt 5.jpg

                        命 Mei - life
                        島 Tou - island


                        • Cooperix
                          • Nov 2013
                          • 502

                          OK, I've had some fun with photoshop (which I know almost nothing about).

                          2019-07-28 001 2019-07-28 014 adj.jpg
                          2019-07-28 001 2019-07-28 009 adj.jpg

                          Meitou those images are amazing.





                          • Kokuu
                            Dharma Transmitted Priest
                            • Nov 2012
                            • 6983

                            Hi all

                            I was reading through the chapter this morning and really enjoyed it.

                            I really like the emphasis JDL puts on giving time to let the process unfold and not forcing something into preconceived ideas, instead letting it show you its nature. I have not done a bow before at the end of the process but that does sound like a lovely way to end the art session.

                            At present I am finding it really hard to write. Well, that is not quite true, I can still write but nothing of any merit is emerging. Regardless, I still keep going with the process of observing and writing and maybe something better will emerge in time. Or maybe it won't!



                            • Jishin
                              • Oct 2012
                              • 4823

                              Originally posted by Cooperix
                              OK, I've had some fun with photoshop (which I know almost nothing about).


                              Meitou those images are amazing.



                              Hi all,

                              Just want to share that I am following the threads/book and participating vicariously through you.

                              Gasho, Jishin, __/stlah\__

