An art forum note....

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  • RichardH
    • Nov 2011
    • 2800

    An art forum note....

    Hi. Just a note.

    In the coming weeks and months I will be posting on a variety of art related subjects in this forum. I’ll be inviting you to look with me into the influence that Asian art, especially the Taoist/Zen landscape painting traditions, had on the birth of modern western art, and the modern “eye”. This occurred at a time when trade, transportation, and mass reproduction, made Chinese and Japanese imagery widely available for the first time to painters like Vincent Van Gogh, who were rejecting the long established neo-classical world-view. These Asian imports opened up a new way of seeing to a generation of artists, who in turn opened up the way we all see, in surprising ways. It will be fun to illustrate those changes here, in pictures and stories.

    Another topic we will be looking into is something Jundo spoke about during a recent Zazenkai... the flip-side of impermanence, where instead of seeing it as a tragic aspect of Samsara to be accepted and transcended, we can look with creative eyes to the wonder and necessity of change, and how this beautiful world of living form is traced by the endless, open, dance of change. How does Samara look when we learn to dance with it?

    Finally I will be posting the next intallment on the six realms, the Bhavacakra, or Wheel of Becoming. This time we will be looking at the symbolic Beast Realm.

    Please remember that the Art forum is for all members of Treeleaf. Please feel free to post any art projects you may be working on, and any subject that inspires you. If you have an art or craft idea and you would like to find a partner to explore it with you, please post here in this forum.

    Thanks for reading


    Sat today/LAH
    Last edited by RichardH; 02-19-2018, 06:05 PM.
  • Meitou
    • Feb 2017
    • 1656

    Ooh looking forward to all of these Richard, thank you!

    命 Mei - life
    島 Tou - island


    • Kotei
      Dharma Transmitted Priest
      • Mar 2015
      • 4351

      Thank you, Richard.

      Looking very much forward to it, too.
      I don't know how much recognisable 'art' there is in the things, I do. 'Art' is such a big word...
      I'll try sharing more of it. If not here, where else...

      Kotei sat/lah today.
      義道 冴庭 / Gidō Kotei.


      • Shinshi
        Senior Priest-in-Training
        • Jul 2010
        • 3817

        Thank you Richard. This sounds fascinating. A couple of years ago I worked on some projects that produced music algorithmicly - so each time the piece was run it was unique and only existed in that moment. I was trying to explore what makes a piece recognizable as that piece and not something different. Is it still the same "thing" even though it is composed of different elements. So each song generation was impermanent and yet still kind of existed from run to run. Your post is kind of inspiring me to go back and look at that again.

        Gassho, Shinshi

        空道 心志 Kudo Shinshi

        For Zen students a weed is a treasure. With this attitude, whatever you do, life becomes an art.
        ​— Shunryu Suzuki

        E84I - JAJ


        • Meishin
          • May 2014
          • 876

          "Please call me by my true names, so I can hear all the cries and laughter at once, so I can see that my joy and pain are one. Please call me by my true names, so I can wake up and the door of my heart could be left open, the door of compassion." -- Thich Nhat Hanh

          Not sure if this link will work. The piece was occasioned by school shootings, chaos in government, and partisanship in USA governance.

          Sat Today LAH
          Last edited by Meishin; 02-22-2018, 03:19 PM.


          • Meitou
            • Feb 2017
            • 1656

            Originally posted by Meishin

            Not sure if this link will work. The piece was occasioned by school shootings. chaos in government, and partisanship in USA governance.

            Sat Today LAH
            Great work; Call me by my true names is a powerful piece, this strong image compliments it.
            Satwithyoualltoday lah
            命 Mei - life
            島 Tou - island


            • Shinshi
              Senior Priest-in-Training
              • Jul 2010
              • 3817

              Originally posted by Meishin

              Not sure if this link will work. The piece was occasioned by school shootings, chaos in government, and partisanship in USA governance.

              Sat Today LAH
              Very nice Meishin. Thank you for sharing.

              Gassho, Shinshi

              空道 心志 Kudo Shinshi

              For Zen students a weed is a treasure. With this attitude, whatever you do, life becomes an art.
              ​— Shunryu Suzuki

              E84I - JAJ

