Feel of the Needle; The Rakusu Project, by Anne Cooper

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  • Meitou
    • Feb 2017
    • 1656

    Feel of the Needle; The Rakusu Project, by Anne Cooper

    feel of the needle
    when at last
    you get the thread through it
    — Santoka Taneda

    A Buddhist friend brought this to my attention on Facebook and I thought some of you might like it too.
    This is a performance and installation by artist Anne Cooper, which combines her handsewn paper rakusus with haiku written by Taneda. Here's her YouTube description;

    "This is a video of the performance/installation "The Feel of the Needle: The Rakusu Project" that took place in my studio/gallery space on 10/11/14.
    A Rakusu is a Buddhist garment typically made of cloth. I have hand sewn these facsimile Rakusus out of a wide variety of papers. Each one is illustrated with an image inspired by a free verse haiku written by Santoka Taneda (1882-1940). Taneda was a Japanese mendicant Buddhist monk who over his lifetime walked thousands of miles across Japan, begging, drinking sake and writing his haiku.
    During the ceremonial performance each haiku is read by Lynn Miller as she models the paper Rakusu. It is then, with ritual, installed in the gallery space."

    There are links to more information about the project on the YT link.

    命 Mei - life
    島 Tou - island
  • Jundo
    Treeleaf Founder and Priest
    • Apr 2006
    • 41186

    Anne is a friend of Treeleaf, a member around here. Cooperix.

    Her project first created a bit of a stir among some Zen Teachers in America who did not understand what she was doing, and thought she was just making paper Rakusus, not knowing that it was an art project!

    Gassho, J



    • Mp

      Yes, I remember this project and the stir it created. I thought it was quite beautiful, as it was a beautiful expression of art. =)




      • Meitou
        • Feb 2017
        • 1656

        Oh how wonderful! I've seen cooperix on this thread, but didn't make the connection.
        If this has been posted before I apologise, but it will be nice for newer members to experience it.
        One among many things I loved about this was that before I started watching it I already had expectations of something very quiet and serious, but although it is a piece to be taken seriously, it is performed with such enthusiasm and joy.
        Deep bows to you Anne, thank you for this gift, I'm so glad to be connected to you through the spreading branches of Treeleaf.

        Satwithyoualltoday lah
        Last edited by Meitou; 02-04-2018, 06:17 AM.
        命 Mei - life
        島 Tou - island


        • Cooperix
          • Nov 2013
          • 502

          Meitou, Shingen and Jundo,

          Thank you for your kind words about the 'Rakusu Project'! They mean the world to me.
          Besides the performance in my studio (on YT) we have performed it for a Soto Zen group in Austin and we've been invited to perform at the Aryaloka Buddhist center in New Hampshire in the fall. Not sure I can convince my cast to make the trip. (we are in NM).

          I am deeply grateful to Treeleaf for understanding and appreciating what I was attempting to do with my project. As Jundo pointed out, not everyone was so understanding!
          Sewing the Rakusu was a lovely meditation, so much so that I made over 60 of them! Crazy, I know. (BTW I learned to make the Rakusu from watching Taigu's videos.)

          deep, deep bows...



          • Kyousui
            • Feb 2017
            • 358

            Originally posted by Meitou
            Oh how wonderful! I've seen cooperix on this thread, but didn't make the connection.
            If this has been posted before I apologise, but it will be nice for newer members to experience it.
            I agree, it's nice to bump these old items now and again.
            What's that zenny saying about time?

            Sat2day LAH

            Kyousui - strong waters 強 水


            • Meitou
              • Feb 2017
              • 1656

              Originally posted by Cooperix
              Meitou, Shingen and Jundo,

              Thank you for your kind words about the 'Rakusu Project'! They mean the world to me.
              Besides the performance in my studio (on YT) we have performed it for a Soto Zen group in Austin and we've been invited to perform at the Aryaloka Buddhist center in New Hampshire in the fall. Not sure I can convince my cast to make the trip. (we are in NM).

              I am deeply grateful to Treeleaf for understanding and appreciating what I was attempting to do with my project. As Jundo pointed out, not everyone was so understanding!
              Sewing the Rakusu was a lovely meditation, so much so that I made over 60 of them! Crazy, I know. (BTW I learned to make the Rakusu from watching Taigu's videos.)

              deep, deep bows...

              Thank you so much Anne for this project, it was beautiful, I wish you well with all future performances. And deep bows to you for making over 60 lovely rakusu! I enjoyed looking at your other projects too.

              命 Mei - life
              島 Tou - island


              • Jakuden
                • Jun 2015
                • 6141

                It was wonderful to revisit this, thank you Meitou for posting! Anne, that's amazing, deep bows to you and to all who have such patience, focus and love for the sewing of the Rakusu.


