Sound and Silence with Sekishi and Daizan

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  • Seishin
    • Aug 2016
    • 1522


    I really enjoyed that and found the keys rather soothing yes and album sounds like a good idea.

    I've actually thought of using my recording program reaper to clean up some of the recordings I have been making. But have decided to leave them raw and unedited just being what they are.
    Like you I will try and record something on a daily basis and I'm looking forward to going to the beach with a family once the weather picks up for some interesting sounds.

    BTW sorry about missing Tonglan last night the wrong Cohen was cancelled in favour of some family activity for all of us. So it would have been hard for me to extricate myself. Hopefully next time.




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    Sei - Meticulous
    Shin - Heart


    • Seishin
      • Aug 2016
      • 1522

      Originally posted by Seishin-Do

      I really enjoyed that and found the keys rather soothing yes and album sounds like a good idea.

      I've actually thought of using my recording program reaper to clean up some of the recordings I have been making. But have decided to leave them raw and unedited just being what they are.
      Like you I will try and record something on a daily basis and I'm looking forward to going to the beach with a family once the weather picks up for some interesting sounds.

      BTW sorry about missing Tonglan last night the wrong Cohen was cancelled in favour of some family activity for all of us. So it would have been hard for me to extricate myself. Hopefully next time.




      Sent from my NEM-L51 using Tapatalk
      Ha ha voice to text!! For wrong Cohen read romcom. Doh.

      Sent from my NEM-L51 using Tapatalk


      Sei - Meticulous
      Shin - Heart


      • Kokuu
        Dharma Transmitted Priest
        • Nov 2012
        • 6983

        BTW sorry about missing Tonglan last night the wrong Cohen was cancelled in favour of some family activity for all of us. So it would have been hard for me to extricate myself. Hopefully next time.
        No worries at all. Family comes first!



        • Tai Shi
          • Oct 2014
          • 3482

          I am partially deaf in the left ear at the frequency of the human voice, and partially deaf at all frequencies in the right ear. However, in total silence I can sometimes hear my heart beat with my pacemaker, and this is called pacing.

          I know the music of cage, and he founded a school of music which followed his work. There are others like Phillip Glass with serial music as well, and others who I cannot recall. There is a type which many would be familiar--New Age Music.

          Tai Shi
          Peaceful, Tai Shi. Ubasoku; calm, supportive, for positive poetry 優婆塞 台 婆


          • Seishin
            • Aug 2016
            • 1522

            OK so here is today's short recording. Again from my usual morning dog walk (when I'm not off to get bread) just a little further on from the other day. This time I stopped to cut out the footfalls and excessive wind rush but the dog's still panting at least for a few seconds. At the time it feel almost silent, so it was interesting to hear some of the sounds on playback, that I was not conscious of at the time.



            Sei - Meticulous
            Shin - Heart


            • Kotei
              Dharma Transmitted Priest
              • Mar 2015
              • 4349

              Sekishi, thanks for posting the sound of the wild relatives of my girls.
              With time and swollen body parts, I've learned to tell the difference between calm and aggressive bee-hive-sound ;-)

              Kotei sat/lah today.
              義道 冴庭 / Gidō Kotei.


              • RichardH
                • Nov 2011
                • 2800

                Explore the largest community of artists, bands, podcasters and creators of music & audio


                sat today


                • Sekishi
                  Dharma Transmitted Priest
                  • Apr 2013
                  • 5673

                  Short recording from Shoka:

                  Sekishi #sat #lah
                  Sekishi | 石志 | He/him | Better with a grain of salt, but best ignored entirely.


                  • Kyotai


                    Water flowing through a cave, with a slight echo. Please excuse my video intro. Since I began making nature videos, I became acutely aware of how difficult it is to film nature uninterrupted by humans. For example, while filming a Nature landscape over a conservation area, it takes mere minutes before a plane flies over head, a far off bulldozer is noticed or the Toronto to Montreal Via Rail comes blasting through. The wind is an interesting one, without special recording devices, the wind when recorded does not sound like the experience, when it hits the microphone, what you get is more of a loud crackle. Not a problem for me, but when trying to create scenes for others to enjoy, it is not so enjoyable. Funny though, listening to Sekishis talk, I became very aware of my own expectations of sound only when I was actively attempting to record it. As if it were an interruption, when the "wrong" sound presented itself. When not recording, I don't even think I heard these distractions, or perhaps blocked them out.

                    I often use to find more pleasurable sounding audio to match a particular video when the original audio is interrupted by highway traffic for example. But whenever I can, sounds like the above are just perfect for what I am looking for. As they are.

                    One thing that struck me that I had not considered, as Daizan put it...Shuttering our senses because we are obsorbed in a story line. I find this interesting because I've never consciously used sound to help me stay present, but as I think about it, it makes sense. It is often the storyline that keeps the senses from observing the sound itself.

                    Gassho, Kyotai

                    Ps. Great sound contributions everyone. I particularly enjoyed Seishen-Do's 360 degree panorama and the others too.


                    • Kyotai

                      Originally posted by Sekishi
                      Short recording from Shoka:

                      Sekishi #sat #lah
                      I particularly love the sound of rain and it is such an easy one to record. Very loud and unlikely to have background sounds overtop it. I grew up on an old farm house, next to my bedroom window was a steel roof, which I often snuck out on when I needed a break from the craziness of a big family. The sound of rain on that roof was annoying to most, but I loved it. I would listen to it at night.

                      Thank you Shoka, that sounds like rain on a windo.

                      Thank you to Daizan and Sekishi for this wonderful thread.

                      Gassho, Kyotai
                      ST / LAH
                      Last edited by Guest; 08-02-2017, 08:31 PM.


                      • Sekishi
                        Dharma Transmitted Priest
                        • Apr 2013
                        • 5673

                        Originally posted by Kyotai
                        I particularly love the sound of rain and it is such an easy one to record. Very loud and unlikely to have background sounds overtop it. I grew up on an old farm house, next to my bedroom window was a steel roof, which I often snuck out on when I needed a break from the craziness of a big family. The sound of rain on that roof was annoying to most, but I loved it. I would listen to it at night.
                        Another rain recording for you Kyotai:

                        This one starts with a thunderstorm a few miles off and ends when the tornado signature was spotted about a mile away from our house (and I brought the recording equipment in). Which is to say, by the end of the recording it is almost white noise.

                        Sekishi #sat #lah
                        Sekishi | 石志 | He/him | Better with a grain of salt, but best ignored entirely.


                        • Sekishi
                          Dharma Transmitted Priest
                          • Apr 2013
                          • 5673

                          Originally posted by Kotei
                          Sekishi, thanks for posting the sound of the wild relatives of my girls.
                          With time and swollen body parts, I've learned to tell the difference between calm and aggressive bee-hive-sound ;-)
                          So how did the wild hive sound - calm or aggressive? I spent a bunch of time just sitting on the ground near the hive before putting a microphone up to their front door, so hopefully they were not too agitated.

                          Also, I know of at least one other bee-keeping Treeleafer, which I think is sort of cool.

                          Sekishi #sat #lah
                          Sekishi | 石志 | He/him | Better with a grain of salt, but best ignored entirely.


                          • Kyotai

                            Originally posted by Sekishi
                            Another rain recording for you Kyotai:

                            This one starts with a thunderstorm a few miles off and ends when the tornado signature was spotted about a mile away from our house (and I brought the recording equipment in). Which is to say, by the end of the recording it is almost white noise.

                            Sekishi #sat #lah
                            Very nice sound. Thank you for sharing. We don't get too many tornadoes where I live. Maybe a few a summer touch down in my area.

                            Gassho, Kyotai
                            ST LAH


                            • Mp

                              Kyotai and Sekishi ... you two are masters, lovely work and sounds!!!




                              • Kyotai

                                Originally posted by Shingen
                                Kyotai and Sekishi ... you two are masters, lovely work and sounds!!!


                                Ahh shucks. .[emoji4]

                                Gassho, Kyotai
                                ST LAH

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