[NeuroDiverse] Strength and Support

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  • Onki
    Novice Priest-in-Training
    • Dec 2020
    • 951

    [NeuroDiverse] Strength and Support

    Hello Neurodiverse Practitioners,

    I have not made a post in this group for some time now. I would like to update you all with what is currently going on in my life.

    I’m not sure if this group is aware, but I may be entering hospital soon due to mental illness. I have struggled with mainly major depression and OCD (which is actually part of the neurodiverse criteria) for the majority of my life. Having these conditions plus ADHD and learning differences, is quite a bit to deal with.

    I have recently learned that OCD is a form of neurodivergence, as is C-PTSD (something I also struggle with).

    I believe having this combination of these challenges plus not being able to manage everything to the best of my abilities is what is causing my world to fall apart.

    I am sharing this with you in the hopes of spreading awareness and to let you know that you are not alone in your struggles.

    This forum is a place of love and acceptance. This is a safe place to share (if you feel comfortable in doing so) your own struggles and build a strong community of neurodiverse folks.

    If you are struggling, please reach out.

    You are never alone.



    Sat today/LAH
    Last edited by Jundo; 07-26-2024, 01:28 AM.
    “Let me respectfully remind you
    Life and death are of supreme importance.
    Time swiftly passes by
    And opportunity ist lost.
    Each of us should strive to awaken.
    Awaken, take heed,
    Do not squander your life.​“ - Life and Death and The Great Matter
  • Junsho
    • Mar 2024
    • 196

    Hi Onki!

    Be strong! As our master Buddha teaches, the life is Dukkha but is also impermanent and everything passes. I know that soon you will win this battle!

    Metta for you. Keep calm and carry on!


    Junshō 純聲 - Pure Voice, Genuine Speech
    If you meet the Buddha on the road, kill him.” - Linji Yixuan​​


    • Onki
      Novice Priest-in-Training
      • Dec 2020
      • 951

      Originally posted by Antonio
      Hi Onki!

      Be strong! As our master Buddha teaches, the life is Dukkha but is also impermanent and everything passes. I know that soon you will win this battle!

      Metta for you. Keep calm and carry on!


      Thank you, my friend.



      ​​​​​​Sat today/LAH
      “Let me respectfully remind you
      Life and death are of supreme importance.
      Time swiftly passes by
      And opportunity ist lost.
      Each of us should strive to awaken.
      Awaken, take heed,
      Do not squander your life.​“ - Life and Death and The Great Matter


      • Gooey
        • Nov 2023
        • 31

        Onki, I have been very grateful for your open sharing of your experiences and resonate with many of them. My combination of chronic mental and physical illnesses and autism have come together at times to absolutely make it feel like my world is falling apart like you describe. I met with a community support group last night and one of the things we talked about was how when you have so many different things going on, the feeling of things being "a lot to manage" can be pretty relentless - even when things are relatively ok, there is usually constant work involved in staying that way.

        While I wouldn't wish it on anyone, I take a lot of comfort and strength in knowing that others can live good lives alongside their illnesses. I hope that you can too. Metta and solidarity to you at this time.


