The Eighth of 108 Gates Of Dharma Illumination

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  • Shokai
    Dharma Transmitted Priest
    • Mar 2009
    • 6530

    The Eighth of 108 Gates Of Dharma Illumination

    8) The Eighth Gate: Mindfulness of Buddha

    Mindfulness of the Buddha is a gate of Dharma illumination; for (with it) reflection of(the state of ) Buddha is pure. (Nishijima/Cross)

    Mindfulness of the buddha is a gate of realizing dharma; it visualizes the buddha in purity. (Tanahashi)

    Gate Gatha:
    May we, together with all buddhas
    Actualize mindfulness;
    That our reflection on the Buddha may be
    Complete, Sincere and without Defilement. (Pure)

    Reflection Prompts:

    1. In what way does purity make our reflection of Buddha complete?

    2. How do you suppose mindfulness removes defilement?

    3. Why is it necessary to visualize Buddha to obtain pure reflection?

    Capping Verse:

    The moon reflected
    In water
    Is no less a moon
    Last edited by Shokai; 12-28-2022, 01:39 AM.
    gassho, Shokai

    仁道 生開 / Jindo Shokai

    "Open to life in a benevolent way"
  • Nengyoku
    • Jun 2021
    • 536

    Does purity make our reflection of Buddha complete?
    Or is it our buddha-nature which makes us pure?

    Much to not-think about.

    Thank you for being the warmth in my world.


    • aprapti
      • Jun 2017
      • 889




      hobo kore dojo / 歩歩是道場 / step, step, there is my place of practice

      Aprāpti (अप्राप्ति) non-attainment


      • Tairin
        • Feb 2016
        • 2972

        Thank you Shokai.

        I think being mindful can help remove defilements because by being mindful of our thoughts, words, and actions we can hopeful catch ourselves before we thought, said, or acted in a harmful way.

        As for visualizing Buddha… what would I visualize? It’s all Buddha. I am not one for encapsulating Buddha in a little statue.

        Sat today and lah
        泰林 - Tai Rin - Peaceful Woods


        • Tai Do
          • Jan 2019
          • 1457

          Thank you, Shokai, for bringing us the Eighth Gate.

          1. In what way does purity make our reflection of Buddha complete?
          When the mind is not occupied with the Self and it’s defilements, Buddha’s reflection is all that remains.

          2. How do you suppose mindfulness removes defilement?
          I think that it removes defilements by removing the Self and self-centered thoughts.

          3. Why is it necessary to visualize Buddha to obtain pure reflection?
          I don’t think visualizing the Buddha means necessarily the visualization techniques of meditation, but the embodiment of Buddha (all of Reality) in our mind and body by dropping them away. I think for us to visualiza the Buddha means to sit Shikantaza Zazen and observe the Precepts. They bring the Buddha image to the pure mirror mind that is no different than the Buddha him/her/itself.

          怠努 (Tai Do) - Lazy Effort
          (also known as Mateus )

          禅戒一如 (Zen Kai Ichi Nyo) - Zazen and the Precepts are One!


          • Guest

            . In what way does purity make our reflection of Buddha complete?

            2. How do you suppose mindfulness removes defilement?

            3. Why is it necessary to visualize Buddha to obtain pure reflection?
            When one not pulled around by desires of eyes, ears, nose, tongue body, and mind, then just like this is Buddha. When we are mindful, we are re-mindful. We recognize that we have moved away from the fullness of this moment by some need for this moment to be different. When we visualize the Buddha we are practicing re-mindfulness...we come back to our true nature that is just as it is without need for something different than the completeness of this moment.

            Bill (Daiman)
            Sat Today


            • Shokai
              Dharma Transmitted Priest
              • Mar 2009
              • 6530

              gassho, Shokai

              仁道 生開 / Jindo Shokai

              "Open to life in a benevolent way"


