This 85 th birthday counts as day 31,046 in my life. Since there are 12 hours x 60minutes in a day and our heart rate on average is 72 beats per minute That counts up to 1,609,424,640 heart beats. Also, I often wonder how many moments exist in a heart beat and then i run out of fingers to count on. 
At any rate, we've finished another review of the Dharma Gates Of Illumination for another year and it's time to put the gates to rest until the winte soltice. I want to thank all who participated in this year's round and contributed to the usefullnessnof this activity. i Hope you all found it worthwhile and learned a little bit, and grew in your practice. As noted, it is sad to break it off but it ends on a new beginning with the celebration of the Baby buddha's Birth. and that is just like life; up and down, empty or not, full of miracles and surprises.
Nine bows to you all in gassho, Shokai

At any rate, we've finished another review of the Dharma Gates Of Illumination for another year and it's time to put the gates to rest until the winte soltice. I want to thank all who participated in this year's round and contributed to the usefullnessnof this activity. i Hope you all found it worthwhile and learned a little bit, and grew in your practice. As noted, it is sad to break it off but it ends on a new beginning with the celebration of the Baby buddha's Birth. and that is just like life; up and down, empty or not, full of miracles and surprises.
Nine bows to you all in gassho, Shokai