The 54th of 108 Gates Of Dharma Illumination

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  • aprapti
    • Jun 2017
    • 889


    hobo kore dojo / 歩歩是道場 / step, step, there is my place of practice

    Aprāpti (अप्राप्ति) non-attainment


    • Juki
      • Dec 2012
      • 771


      Renounce all evil. Practice all good. Save the many beings.

      sat today and lah
      "First you have to give up." Tyler Durden


      • Myo Shin
        • Aug 2021
        • 49

        Thank you


        • Tairin
          • Feb 2016
          • 2970


          Sat today and lah
          泰林 - Tai Rin - Peaceful Woods


          • Shokai
            Dharma Transmitted Priest
            • Mar 2009
            • 6528

            The 57th of 108 Gates Of Dharma Illumination

            Gate Fifty-seven
            Read the following, place it in your heart and sleep on it. Then, tomorrow, live it until evening when you can leave a brief comment on what you may have received during the process.

            The four bases of mystical power** are a gate of Dharma illumination; for [with them] the body-and-mind is light.

            The four bases of mystical power / acting at will :
            1) chanda (volition),
            2) vīrya (effort),
            3) citta (intelligence),
            4) mīmāṃsā (profound consideration)

            mystical: obscure in meaning; mysterious.

            By “Dharma Gate”, We mean a teaching or practice that can lead to spiritual growth: some kind of positive outcome in terms of our practice. A way to approach the truth.

            Koan: "Last night a clear wind blew down from the vast sky. This morning the cypress tree* instantly attained enlightenment. "
            - Dogen's Extensive Record; Dharma Hall discourse 81, pg. 129

            Most note worthy replies :

            Courageous exploration
            Keeps us safe and unentangled
            At home.

            I had a hard time with it at first as it felt more obscure than many of the other Gates. But with further reflection, it finally started to open up to me...
            All things in balance
            We walk on
            Leaving no footprints

            合掌 仁道 生開 - gassho, Jindo Shokai

            * This "cypress tree" is the same one used by Joshu in reponse to a monk's question on ultimate meaning. Called cedar trees in fascicle 35 栢樹子HAKUJUSHI (Cedar Trees) of Shobogenzo, Nishijima/Chodo Cross Translation book 2
            ** see fascicle 25 神通 JINZU (Mystical Power)of Shobogenzo, Nishijima/Chodo Cross Translation book 2
            Last edited by Shokai; 02-15-2022, 02:06 AM.
            gassho, Shokai

            仁道 生開 / Jindo Shokai

            "Open to life in a benevolent way"



            • Nengyoku
              • Jun 2021
              • 536

              Thank you for being the warmth in my world.


              • Myo Shin
                • Aug 2021
                • 49



                • Tairin
                  • Feb 2016
                  • 2970


                  Sat today and lah
                  泰林 - Tai Rin - Peaceful Woods


                  • aprapti
                    • Jun 2017
                    • 889


                    hobo kore dojo / 歩歩是道場 / step, step, there is my place of practice

                    Aprāpti (अप्राप्ति) non-attainment


                    • Anchi
                      • Sep 2015
                      • 556

                      Life itself is the only teacher.
                      一 Joko Beck

                      安知 Anchi


                      • Anchi
                        • Sep 2015
                        • 556

                        Life itself is the only teacher.
                        一 Joko Beck

                        安知 Anchi


                        • Juki
                          • Dec 2012
                          • 771


                          "First you have to give up." Tyler Durden


                          • Nengyoku
                            • Jun 2021
                            • 536

                            Where is there room for dust?
                            What effort/volition/consideration/intelligence can I make
                            With nothing to make it upon?
                            What need have I for powers? Mystical or otherwise.
                            No wind, no cypress tree. Just this, right here.

                            Thank you for being the warmth in my world.


                            • Shokai
                              Dharma Transmitted Priest
                              • Mar 2009
                              • 6528

                              The 58th of 108 Gates Of Dharma Illumination

                              Gate Fifty-eight
                              Read the following, place it in your heart and sleep on it. Then, tomorrow, live it until evening when you can leave a brief comment on what you may have received during the process.

                              The faculty of belief is a gate of Dharma illumination; for [with it] we do not [blindly] follow the words of others.

                              Belief : confidence in the truth or existence of something not immediately susceptible to rigorous proof.

                              By “Dharma Gate”, We mean a teaching or practice that can lead to spiritual growth: some kind of positive outcome in terms of our practice. A way to approach the truth.

                              Koan: "In Zen, we identify, engage, and struggle with koans not because we should, or because the ancestors did. We struggle with koans because, inevitably, there is liberation on the other side of them. A koan points out to us a limitation in our being – and that might be a limitation in our understanding, our compassion, our acceptance, embodiment, skillfulness, equanimity, or freedom. A koan we can’t yet answer points out where we need to grow, and therefore is a precious opportunity, a Dharma Gate. It may seem like identifying a koan in our lives is a negative process – looking for a problem, a flaw, a limitation, an obstacle – so it’s important to keep this positive framing in mind so we don’t get stuck in self-criticism or frustration. Our true nature is eternal, joyous, selfless, and pure. This description is a good grounding for searching for where our koan – or koans – might lie. If our true nature is eternal, joyous, selfless, and pure, then anywhere we’re not acting in accord with our true nature is an indication of an obstacle we have. This is important: From the Mahayana Buddhist point of view, our fundamental ignorance about our true nature obscures it, so liberation is simply a matter of ending that ignorance. A profound moment of insight can cause our obscurations to fall away in an instant (as opposed to having to painstakingly remodel an inherently flawed being into something a little bit better).
                              - Domyo Burke, Zenstudies Podcast 183
                              Whether you think you can
                              or you think you can't; You're right!
                              Most note worthy replies :
                              With faith comes practice;
                              With practice
                              Comes steadfast belief,

                              合掌 仁道 生開 - gassho, Jindo Shokai
                              gassho, Shokai

                              仁道 生開 / Jindo Shokai

                              "Open to life in a benevolent way"



                              • Nengyoku
                                • Jun 2021
                                • 536

                                Thank you for being the warmth in my world.

