The 50th of 108 Gates Of Dharma Illumination

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  • Shokai
    Dharma Transmitted Priest
    • Mar 2009
    • 6528

    The 50th of 108 Gates Of Dharma Illumination

    Gate Fifty
    Read the following, place it in your heart and sleep on it. Then, tomorrow, live it until evening when you can leave a brief comment on what you may have received during the process.

    The sense organs are a gate of Dharma illumination; for [with them] we practice the right way.

    By “Dharma Gate”, We mean a teaching or practice that can lead to spiritual growth: some kind of positive outcome in terms of our practice. A way to approach the truth.

    Koan: "This go-to source on Positive Neuroplasticity reveals the simple yet effective 4-step process for beating the brain’s negativity bias. Grounded in neuroscience, these easy-to-use methods help to grow a steady well-being, self-worth, and inner peace.."

    -" Hardwiring Hapiness"; Rick Hanson PhD

    Most note worthy replies :
    Body and mind flow.
    Whirling washing machine, shrilling cartoon on TV, humming road traffic.
    The sounds of Silence.

    We meet the world through the senses, as the sensory world IS our world. Where else could we practice the Dharma?
    As we sense the world
    We live it.
    Where else could we be?

    合掌 仁道 生開 - gassho, Jindo Shokai
    gassho, Shokai

    仁道 生開 / Jindo Shokai

    "Open to life in a benevolent way"
  • Nengyoku
    • Jun 2021
    • 536

    Thank you for being the warmth in my world.


    • aprapti
      • Jun 2017
      • 889


      hobo kore dojo / 歩歩是道場 / step, step, there is my place of practice

      Aprāpti (अप्राप्ति) non-attainment


      • Tairin
        • Feb 2016
        • 2970

        No eye, ear, nose, tongue, body, mind
        No sight, sound, smell, taste, touch or object of mind

        Sat today and lah
        泰林 - Tai Rin - Peaceful Woods


        • Juki
          • Dec 2012
          • 771

          Originally posted by Tairin
          No eye, ear, nose, tongue, body, mind
          No sight, sound, smell, taste, touch or object of mind

          Sat today and lah

          That's exactly what I was thinking.

          sat today and lah
          "First you have to give up." Tyler Durden


          • Nengyoku
            • Jun 2021
            • 536

            Two monks were arguing about the temple flag waving in the wind.
            One said, “The flag moves.”
            The other said, “The wind moves.”
            They argued back and forth but could not agree.
            Hui-neng, the sixth patriarch, said: “Gentlemen! It is not the flag that moves. It is not the wind that moves. It is your mind that moves.”
            The two monks were struck with awe.
            Which is responsible for the beauty of a dew covered rose? The rose? The dew? My eye? My mind?

            What about the terror of a charnel ground? A mass grave? The smell of putrid flesh? The taste of ash in the air. The tears of an orphan. The cries of pain skittering of paved tile and echoing down empty alleyways.

            Are all of these products of mind?
            Does it matter?
            Sit. Do good.
            If everyone could do just this, maybe mind would no longer produce such relative horrors.

            Thank you for being the warmth in my world.


            • Tobiishi
              • Jan 2009
              • 461

              Originally posted by Nengyoku
              Which is responsible for the beauty of a dew covered rose? The rose? The dew? My eye? My mind?

              What about the terror of a charnel ground? A mass grave? The smell of putrid flesh? The taste of ash in the air. The tears of an orphan. The cries of pain skittering of paved tile and echoing down empty alleyways.

              Are all of these products of mind?
              Does it matter?
              Sit. Do good.
              If everyone could do just this, maybe mind would no longer produce such relative horrors.

              "...relative horrors." ,indeed.

              Tobiishi st, lah
              It occurs to me that my attachment to this body is entirely arbitrary. All the evidence is subjective.

