The Sixty-second Gate: The Faculty of Wisdom
The faculty of wisdom* is a gate of Dharma illumination; for [with it] we really see all dharmas. (Nishijima/Cross)
The root of wisdom is a gate of realizing dharma; it sees all things as they are. (Tanahashi)
*[Wisdom: mental steadiness or emotional stability; habit of calm behavior, judgment]
Gate Gatha:
Reflection Prompts:
1. How do the faculty or Root of Wisdom lead us to see all things as they are?
2. Write a new Gate Gatha.
3. Comment on the Capping Verse?
Capping Verse:
gassho, Shokai
The faculty of wisdom* is a gate of Dharma illumination; for [with it] we really see all dharmas. (Nishijima/Cross)
The root of wisdom is a gate of realizing dharma; it sees all things as they are. (Tanahashi)
*[Wisdom: mental steadiness or emotional stability; habit of calm behavior, judgment]
Gate Gatha:
May we, together with all buddhas;
Develop wisdom in our practice.
That we may really see all dharmas 'as they are.'
Develop wisdom in our practice.
That we may really see all dharmas 'as they are.'
Reflection Prompts:
1. How do the faculty or Root of Wisdom lead us to see all things as they are?
2. Write a new Gate Gatha.
3. Comment on the Capping Verse?
Capping Verse:
With eyes free of dust
All things true
Come into focus
All things true
Come into focus
gassho, Shokai