Dear All,
As you know, we've asked folks to write “SAT TODAY” next to their signature before posting in this Forum. "SAT TODAY" means that someone has sat Zazen sometime during the past day, and that they will have “sat before chatting” in the Forum.
Signing "SatToday" - Please "Sat" before Forum "Chat" (LINK)
Now, to enliven and activate our Treeleaf “ENGAGED & CHARITABLE PROJECTS CENTER (LINK) we're are requesting something more:
I am asking that all Treeleaf members, in some way, perform an extra “good deed” each day (something that they do not otherwise daily do) dedicated in their heart to Treeleaf Sangha. When they do so, they should put “LAH” or “Lent A Hand” next to their signature too, as a way to show their participation by having done a special deed during the previous day. For example:
“SatTodayLAH” or “ST/Lent A Hand” etc.
This should be a Practice done each day. Be "on the lookout" for each day's special deed. The “good deeds” can be big or small, perhaps helping a senior citizen cross the street, or marching for peace in the streets, or cleaning a city street! It can range from saying a small kind word to someone who looks like they need a smile that day, to finally bringing peace in the Middle East! Donating a penny or a million dollars to a charity, all good deeds. Most may take a moment, some may take all day. If someone has a physical disability or the like, then writing an email to support a social cause or posting something kind online will count. Making a financial donation to a charity you do not otherwise make will count.
Any size act, big or small, is welcome. They can be very imaginative or most ordinary. We leave it to your own conscience and heart. Yes, of course, many of these things are acts that our good people at Treeleaf would "have done anyway"

One difference from “Sat Today” is that "LAH"will not be a “requirement” in any way, no asking someone not to post or join in here, and no criticism or “finger wag” by me in any way if you don’t do this or put “LAH” on your post. I will regularly offer just positive encouragement. The point of all this is simply to build a group spirit of charity, and a sense of participation as a Sangha community “Team Project.” By other folks seeing “LAH,” we are not bragging in any way (there should be no indication by you whatsoever of how or what you did) … and offering an extra smile or rescuing a child from a burning building are all the same. We leave it to individual conscience, circumstances and your heart and feeling each day.
HOWEVER, we will encourage folks to submit ANONYMOUSLY their stories of “Good Deeds” from time to time to our “GOJO BODHISATTVA” anonymous publication system, found at the following links. The reason is not to brag, but to provide examples of good deeds to inspire others.:
Submit to Gojo, the Treeleaf Bodhisattva of cooperative compassion, by sending an email to: gojo@treeleaf.org
Submit to Gojo, the Treeleaf Bodhisattva of cooperative compassion, by sending an email to: gojo@treeleaf.org
By telling these stories ANONYMOUSLY, the good deed doer takes little credit, yet your posting will serve to motivate and inspire countless others. (You can write an email with your deed to our ombudsman for GOJO who will remove your name and identifying information before posting. Everyone can then read the story, but nobody except the confidential ombudsman will know who did so).
In fact, in traditional Buddhist belief it is the GIVER who is indebted to the RECIPIENT for an opportunity of merit, as much as the other way around. We try not to be too proud or take too much credit, but it is okay to feel good about it too. Giver, Gift and Receiver are truly one.
I confess to having stolen this idea completely from several like movements around the world (this kind of good idea is free to steal with only good Karma resulting). For example "Pay It Forward" "Pass It On" and the like:
Gassho, Jundo