My simple approach to the Precepts is work to be a good person that people want to be around. That is not always easy because I have strong passions for environmental issues I have spent over a half century working with. I think back to my early years where I looked for an opportunity to debate ignorance and inform. However looking back that was not always the right approach. I have mellowed with age or practice or both. Right Speech is something I have worked with for a long time and humor is my default when needed.
Over the years in our forum I have had a few negative retorts to my “conservation” teaching. Though my emotions brought up anger I sat with that and then responded with equanimity…at least that is how I interpreted my response
I thought the article below may provide ideas on how to approach communication all the time instead of just the Holidays and inform in a compassionate way. Without talking about issues or demonstrating through behavior we can not change the world.
PS reading the above I decided I wanted to share something else. If the Holidays are a time spent with family that is a very valuable time so even remaining silent may be the best approach. I have little family remaining and none of my generation or those who came before and the descendants of mine live a long ways away so we don’t always get together, so those times are precious. Enjoy the time with your loved ones while you can.
I want to add I am just a Priest in training so when I talk about many things remember to read with a grain of salt.
Over the years in our forum I have had a few negative retorts to my “conservation” teaching. Though my emotions brought up anger I sat with that and then responded with equanimity…at least that is how I interpreted my response

I thought the article below may provide ideas on how to approach communication all the time instead of just the Holidays and inform in a compassionate way. Without talking about issues or demonstrating through behavior we can not change the world.
PS reading the above I decided I wanted to share something else. If the Holidays are a time spent with family that is a very valuable time so even remaining silent may be the best approach. I have little family remaining and none of my generation or those who came before and the descendants of mine live a long ways away so we don’t always get together, so those times are precious. Enjoy the time with your loved ones while you can.
I want to add I am just a Priest in training so when I talk about many things remember to read with a grain of salt.