Dear all
It may come as no surprise that nearly 500 carbon capture and storage lobbyists are in attendance at the COP28 summit. Having lost the argument on whether fossil fuels are causing climate change or not, the fossil fuel lobby are now more focussed on promoting technologies that the claim will allow them (and us) to carry on as we are. This is, unsurprisingly, an argument that is welcomed by many who fear change.
Our Buddhist practice works to see reality just as it is. These lobbyists have the opposite aim.
It may come as no surprise that nearly 500 carbon capture and storage lobbyists are in attendance at the COP28 summit. Having lost the argument on whether fossil fuels are causing climate change or not, the fossil fuel lobby are now more focussed on promoting technologies that the claim will allow them (and us) to carry on as we are. This is, unsurprisingly, an argument that is welcomed by many who fear change.
Our Buddhist practice works to see reality just as it is. These lobbyists have the opposite aim.