[Ecodharma] Take The Jump

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  • Kokuu
    Dharma Transmitted Priest
    • Nov 2012
    • 6983

    [Ecodharma] Take The Jump

    Dear all

    This is recommended by Greta Thunberg in her Climate book and consists of six areas in which we can make shifts in our own lives, including making nudges to global systems such as energy production and finance.

    These areas of shift are:

    Possessions (my biggest failing)
    Systemic Change

    I imagine most of us are somewhere on this journey already but it seems helpful to have another framework to look at things through.

    Last edited by Kokuu; 07-31-2023, 12:55 PM.
  • Doshin
    • May 2015
    • 2621

    Good things. I try but still have far to go.

    My good……My home is solar and I produce more electricity than I use and the electric company buys the surplus. I use an induction electric cook top and not the built in gas stove. I have desert landscaping and a drip system where needed. I recycle and donate anything I don’t use to charities so it will be reused instead of tossed. I flush the toilet less (if yellow let it mellow, if brown flush it down) don’t travel as much so I can reduce my carbon foot print. I have greatly reduced my meat consumption (not an easy choice since for the last 300,000 years my ancestors were omnivores)

    My Bad…..I drive a pickup truck that gets better mileage than the ones I use to own but is not an EV. I looked at replacing it but Electric trucks are expensive and there are yet not enough charging stations to where I use it. I also wonder if I really am reducing my foot print by selling my fossil fuel truck to some one else who will drive it anyway. It is not easy being green said a frog. One concession is I drive it less and use my wife’s smaller/better mileage when she lets me.

    I need to do better
    Last edited by Doshin; 07-31-2023, 03:22 PM.


    • andysmitharng7
      • Jun 2023
      • 25

      Thank you for this, I'm always looking for new ways to reduce my impact on the environment. I really like how they created the six categories, makes it easier for me to see where I am doing well and where I can make improvements.

      To follow Doshin:

      My good....I work from home so I don't drive much, I eat a mostly plant based diet, some dairy and fish no land meat, I recycle/donate/compost, I rarely buy new clothes, and I regularly donate to environmental causes.

      Places to improve....I still eat dairy and fish, I don't take advantage of the various farmers markets in my area, I live in a house that runs on oil, I'm a saltwater aquarium hobbyist which wastes a lot of water, but may become one of the few ways to see corals in the future.

      Question: I have toyed with the idea of an EV, but my state produce electricity by burning natural gas, so is that really better?

      Gassho Andy

