Hi Friends,
We continue exploring how to nurture hope and action in Chapter 12, Maintaining Energy and Motivation. This chapter asks us to consider our own enjoyment, enthusiasm, and how to make our participation in the Great Turning rewarding.
The authors present six strategies that enhance the attractiveness of participation:
Drawing out “change talk” from ourselves and others: using Motivational Interviewing to express what change we want, why we want it, and what actions we’ll take.
Recognizing and monitoring enthusiasm as a valuable, renewable resource (see open sentences below).
Broaden our definition of activism beyond campaigning and protest.
Follow the inner compass of our deep gladness.
Redefine what it means to have a good life.
See success with new eyes and savor it.
Some exploration:
Open sentences to explore enthusiasm:
Things that drain, demoralize or exhaust me include…
What nourishes and energizes me is…
The times I am most enthusiastic are when…
Reflecting on success: taking your definition of success, as that which contributes to the well-being of our world, how often do you feel you are succeeding?
Savoring success every day:
A recent step I’ve taken that I feel good about is…
Did you try the Great Ball of Merit meditation?
How do you feel about the authors’ exploration of making activism enjoyable, and engaging? Do you more often feel the weight of the severity of the problems facing us? Do you think our practice helps us find the Middle Way, a way to maintain enthusiasm?
As always, it is a pleasure reading this book with you.
We continue exploring how to nurture hope and action in Chapter 12, Maintaining Energy and Motivation. This chapter asks us to consider our own enjoyment, enthusiasm, and how to make our participation in the Great Turning rewarding.
The authors present six strategies that enhance the attractiveness of participation:
Drawing out “change talk” from ourselves and others: using Motivational Interviewing to express what change we want, why we want it, and what actions we’ll take.
Recognizing and monitoring enthusiasm as a valuable, renewable resource (see open sentences below).
Broaden our definition of activism beyond campaigning and protest.
Follow the inner compass of our deep gladness.
Redefine what it means to have a good life.
See success with new eyes and savor it.
Some exploration:
Open sentences to explore enthusiasm:
Things that drain, demoralize or exhaust me include…
What nourishes and energizes me is…
The times I am most enthusiastic are when…
Reflecting on success: taking your definition of success, as that which contributes to the well-being of our world, how often do you feel you are succeeding?
Savoring success every day:
A recent step I’ve taken that I feel good about is…
Did you try the Great Ball of Merit meditation?
How do you feel about the authors’ exploration of making activism enjoyable, and engaging? Do you more often feel the weight of the severity of the problems facing us? Do you think our practice helps us find the Middle Way, a way to maintain enthusiasm?
As always, it is a pleasure reading this book with you.