Hello Ecosattvas!
This section takes in pages 24-34 and Joanna begins by talking about the approach of Brazil and the USA to the Covid pandemic and comparing it to the current environmental situation that is unfolding. By ignoring the scale of the situation, Brazil and the USA accounted for around one third of the global death toll despite only having 7% of all infections. In comparison, countries which took the pandemic seriously and put effective control measures in place fared much better. With governments and people acting together, a large global situation was brought under control.
The remainder of the chapter looks at The Great Turning and the transition of society from reliance on fossil fuels and unsustainable living, to a way of being that can be sustained in the long-term keeping both humanity and the planet in balance.
Joanna breaks The Great Turning and its actions down to three dimensions:
Dimension 1: Holding Actions looks at preserving what we already have and raising awareness of what we are losing.
Dimension 2: Rethinking How We Live focusses on changing our behaviour to promote the ways of living we want to see and reduce those we do not. This includes looking at where we invest our money in terms of the banks we use, pension funds and savings and what kinds of businesses they support.
Dimension 3: Shifting Consciousness works with moving our ways of thinking into those that are healthy for the planet and all of the organisms which are part of it, including humans, so that our ways of behaviour are naturally in tune with the environment.
The questions on p26 about The Great Turning seem perfect for this week:
Where and how are you turning up?
What are you running away from?
What are you turning toward?
As a supplementary question:
How are you doing as regards working in the three dimensions of The Great Turning?
Jundo has asked me to close earlier threads so that only two remain active at a time, so the posts on the introduction will close later today.
This section takes in pages 24-34 and Joanna begins by talking about the approach of Brazil and the USA to the Covid pandemic and comparing it to the current environmental situation that is unfolding. By ignoring the scale of the situation, Brazil and the USA accounted for around one third of the global death toll despite only having 7% of all infections. In comparison, countries which took the pandemic seriously and put effective control measures in place fared much better. With governments and people acting together, a large global situation was brought under control.
The remainder of the chapter looks at The Great Turning and the transition of society from reliance on fossil fuels and unsustainable living, to a way of being that can be sustained in the long-term keeping both humanity and the planet in balance.
Joanna breaks The Great Turning and its actions down to three dimensions:
Dimension 1: Holding Actions looks at preserving what we already have and raising awareness of what we are losing.
Dimension 2: Rethinking How We Live focusses on changing our behaviour to promote the ways of living we want to see and reduce those we do not. This includes looking at where we invest our money in terms of the banks we use, pension funds and savings and what kinds of businesses they support.
Dimension 3: Shifting Consciousness works with moving our ways of thinking into those that are healthy for the planet and all of the organisms which are part of it, including humans, so that our ways of behaviour are naturally in tune with the environment.
The questions on p26 about The Great Turning seem perfect for this week:
Where and how are you turning up?
What are you running away from?
What are you turning toward?
As a supplementary question:
How are you doing as regards working in the three dimensions of The Great Turning?
Jundo has asked me to close earlier threads so that only two remain active at a time, so the posts on the introduction will close later today.