[Ecodharma] ACTIVE HOPE Chapter One (part two)

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  • Kokuu
    Dharma Transmitted Priest
    • Nov 2012
    • 6983

    [Ecodharma] ACTIVE HOPE Chapter One (part two)

    Hello Ecosattvas!

    This section takes in pages 24-34 and Joanna begins by talking about the approach of Brazil and the USA to the Covid pandemic and comparing it to the current environmental situation that is unfolding. By ignoring the scale of the situation, Brazil and the USA accounted for around one third of the global death toll despite only having 7% of all infections. In comparison, countries which took the pandemic seriously and put effective control measures in place fared much better. With governments and people acting together, a large global situation was brought under control.

    The remainder of the chapter looks at The Great Turning and the transition of society from reliance on fossil fuels and unsustainable living, to a way of being that can be sustained in the long-term keeping both humanity and the planet in balance.

    Joanna breaks The Great Turning and its actions down to three dimensions:

    Dimension 1: Holding Actions looks at preserving what we already have and raising awareness of what we are losing.

    Dimension 2: Rethinking How We Live focusses on changing our behaviour to promote the ways of living we want to see and reduce those we do not. This includes looking at where we invest our money in terms of the banks we use, pension funds and savings and what kinds of businesses they support.

    Dimension 3: Shifting Consciousness works with moving our ways of thinking into those that are healthy for the planet and all of the organisms which are part of it, including humans, so that our ways of behaviour are naturally in tune with the environment.

    The questions on p26 about The Great Turning seem perfect for this week:

    Where and how are you turning up?

    What are you running away from?

    What are you turning toward?

    As a supplementary question:

    How are you doing as regards working in the three dimensions of The Great Turning?

    Jundo has asked me to close earlier threads so that only two remain active at a time, so the posts on the introduction will close later today.
  • Tai Do
    • Jan 2019
    • 1457

    Thank you, Kokuu!

    Where and how are you turning up?
    First, I'm participating in the Ecodharma readings and discussions. I'm also more open to discussing environmental issues with others, something I usually ran off because of the possible conflict. I'm working to increase my awareness of the issues and the respective changes I can do in my mindset and way of life in order to help bring about the Great Turning. I'm being more mindful of my choices in relations to the planet, questioning my choices and habits.

    What are you running away from?
    I'm running away from unclean energy sources for my house, as I turn to full solar energy. My wife and I are working to diminish our plastic consumption, which is not easy in our unregulated economy here. I'm trying to run away from meat consumption, but so far I am losing it. We also try not to buy products or go to places supported by unethical
    companies and business.

    What are you turning toward?
    We are looking for native species to plant in our garden besides our culinary herbs (thankfully we have a lot of native eadible plants here as well). We are trying to reduce our shopping needs and live with less clothes and less stuff in general. We are trying to save more money in the end of the month so that we can donate to good causes and charities.

    How are you doing as regards working in the three dimensions of The Great Turning?
    Unfortunately, on the First Dimension, I'm not doing much more than signing petitions for the protection of habitats and other needed causes. We are still afraid of going to protests, as the police tend to violently crush them if they are not linked to right-winged causes. The Second Dimension is where my actions are more directed, as the above answers can tell. About the Third Dimension, I also see a direct link between protecting the environment and my spiritual journey - after all, didn't I vow to save all sentient beings?

    Tai Do (Mateus)
    怠努 (Tai Do) - Lazy Effort
    (also known as Mateus )

    禅戒一如 (Zen Kai Ichi Nyo) - Zazen and the Precepts are One!


    • Naiko
      • Aug 2019
      • 847

      Thank you, Kokuu.
      Where and how are you turning up?
      I am reading and learning. I try to discuss and share information with others. I’m not as active in advocacy as I’d like. I’ve tried to generate interest in EV infrastructure at my apartment building and in my city. I’ve participated in social justice protests and beach cleanups, but not much since the pandemic.

      What are you running away from?
      Mindless consumerism, wastefulness, choices that harm others/self/environment. The path is often challenging. I hope to explore these further as we read on.

      What are you turning toward?
      Minimalism and more sustainable choices. Contributing in whatever small way I can to prevent humans from thoughtlessly destroying…everything.

      How are you doing as regards working in the three dimensions of The Great Turning?

      I think the first and second dimensions align with turning up and turning toward above. The third dimension is the spiritual revolution Loy put forward. My practice is expanding my perception, hopefully.
      st lah


      • Jishin
        • Oct 2012
        • 4823

        "Where and how am I turning up?" - I am turning up by making small changes in my daily life such as reducing plastic usage, conserving energy, or supporting environmentally-friendly products and initiatives.

        "What am I running away from?" - I am running away from unsustainable practices such as excessive consumption, waste, and a disregard for the environment.

        "What am I turning toward?" - I am turning towards sustainable practices such as reducing waste, conserving energy, and supporting environmentally-friendly products and initiatives.

        "How am I doing as regards working in the three dimensions of The Great Turning?" - I am doing well in some areas, such as reducing waste and conserving energy, but need to work more on increasing awareness and changing my behavior to align with sustainable living. Additionally, I need to work on shifting my consciousness towards a more environmentally-conscious way of thinking.

        Gassho, Jishin, ST, LAH


        • Heiso
          • Jan 2019
          • 834

          Thanks for leading this section, Kokuu,

          Where and how are you turning up?

          Other than the daily choices I make and educating myself, as an elected local councillor I'm working to protect our local ancient from development and helping to ensure it's protection as a Special Area of Conservation. I'm also looking at how we can re-wild areas we are responsible for and any other environmental initiatives such as promoting an education campaign about leaving car engines idling at school drop off time.

          What are you running away from?

          As others have said, mindless consumerism and my own personal consumption.

          What are you turning toward?

          Like Naiko, minimalism in terms of possessions, energy use and consumption. We had an energy meter installed recently which shows how much gas and electricity we are using which we've found a useful tool to focus the mind.

          How am I doing as regards working in the three dimensions of The Great Turning?

          I think I'm largely working in the holding actions and the shift in consciousness. It seems like the second dimension, the life sustaining systems is tricky without being addressed by governmental or large scale corporate input.

          On this subject though I recently came across this article about how even with the mining required for EV batteries etc it still requires thousands of times less mining than for fossil fuels. This seemed an interesting example of a First Dimension holding pattern if we look at it as we look to minimise and reduce impact until we can find better solutions https://hannahritchie.substack.com/p...rbon-vs-fossil





          • aprapti
            • Jun 2017
            • 889

            my little steps are among those the former writers described so skilfully..



            hobo kore dojo / 歩歩是道場 / step, step, there is my place of practice

            Aprāpti (अप्राप्ति) non-attainment


            • Tairin
              • Feb 2016
              • 2963

              Thank you Kokuu and all who are reading along

              Where and how are you turning up?

              I’d list my participation in the Ecodharma section of Treeleaf as one way. I’ve also subscribed to a few related weekly news letters to educate myself and to stay up to date on the topics of ecology, environment, climate change etc. I recently joined a group called Environmental Defense that has been petitioning our government officials on topics related to climate and environment.

              What are you turning away from?
              What are you turning toward?

              I find it very hard to answer one question in isolation from the other. Probably just the way I analyze things and make decisions. Anyway for me turning away and turning toward are basically Yin and Yang. As Jundo says “two sides of a no sided coin”

              We’ve been consciously reducing our meat consumption for years and just within the past 1 1/2 years completely eliminated beef. Our reason was purely based on reducing our bio foot print
              We purposely live where we do so I can walk to work rather than needing a second car
              We vacation locally.
              We compost
              We try to live modestly and are mindful of our consumerism.

              Mostly we try to live mindfully of our impacts.

              How are you doing as regards working in the three dimensions of The Great Turning?
              If I was keeping score I think I’d say I am doing better at the second and third dimension than the first. I seem to be more inclined towards identifying and making changes for myself or at least contemplating the changes needed than I do towards activism.

              Sat today and lah
              泰林 - Tai Rin - Peaceful Woods


              • Daitetsu
                • Oct 2012
                • 1154

                Hi everyone,

                Sorry, coming a bit late to this part. My answers:

                Where and how are you turning up?
                I read a lot about environmental topics and when I witness some false information on the net or in person, I try to clarify and explain. (But only if I have the impression that the person is open to arguments and not just blindly defending a political side.) I try to show what alternatives there are to the mindless consumerism and throw-away mentality of our time.

                What are you running away from?
                I run away from plastics and unnecessary packaging if I have the possibility. I run away from short distance flights to destinations that can easily be covered by train or bus and I run away from cruise ships. I avoid buying so much that there is a danger I might need to throw away things. I run away from unnecessary clutter (it's a work in progress though). I run away from companies from which I know that they apply unethical ways. I run away from using unnecessary energy, e.g. heating strategically in winter, only having lights on in rooms where I stay.

                What are you turning toward?
                I turn towards community supported agriculture (getting most of our vegetables and eggs from a local farm). I am a vegetarian and avoid milk. I turn towards going by foot as much as possible and otherwise use a bike or a hybrid car (btw this brings also health benefits in our sedentary culture). I try to make contracts with energy suppliers delivering "green energy". I donate to organizations and people that protect the environment and animals. I turn towards people who can show me how I can improve and get some inspiration from them.
                And of course the little things like using the same smartphone as long as possible instead of buying something new every two years.

                How are you doing as regards working in the three dimensions of The Great Turning?

                I think equally in all three dimensions, but I try to do much more as soon as I learn something new and provided I have the financial means for implementing them.



                Last edited by Daitetsu; 02-14-2023, 08:29 PM.
                no thing needs to be added

