At the following "BUDDHIST FAMILY HOLIDAYS" WEBPAGE sponsored by our Sangha, we present ideas for family celebrations of some traditional Buddhist Holidays. These are ideas to involve the entire family, and especially kids as a way to introduce them to the meaning of the holidays and basic Buddhist teachings in a positive, lasting way. We hope to introduce these "child oriented" ideas in addition to preserving all the weight and tradition of our ancient practices (they are not meant to replace traditional holiday events and ceremonies, but to supplement them so that our children understand).
The ideas on our "Buddhist Family Holidays" webpage are a work in progress ... and, we hope, will be further developed and grow with your input. Thus, there is a place for your ideas and comment on each subject, and we look forward to your input and contributions. You may discuss them here as well. Particularly, notice our "holiday song writing" and "story writing & art" sections, where we hope to receive submissions from all our Buddhist musicians, writers, artists, animators and the like who wish to create works that may, we hope, become a beloved part of these holidays for years to come.
For now, our project is centered on the holidays of "Vesak" (commemorating the Birth of Baby Buddha in the spring) and "Bodhi Day/Rohatsu" (commemorating the time of the enlightenment of Buddha, traditionally in December). In the future, we may add other holidays as well.
Please put some or all of the ideas into practice in YOUR HOUSE, and report to us on how it all goes ...
Our webpage is ...
Gassho, Jundo
At the following "BUDDHIST FAMILY HOLIDAYS" WEBPAGE sponsored by our Sangha, we present ideas for family celebrations of some traditional Buddhist Holidays. These are ideas to involve the entire family, and especially kids as a way to introduce them to the meaning of the holidays and basic Buddhist teachings in a positive, lasting way. We hope to introduce these "child oriented" ideas in addition to preserving all the weight and tradition of our ancient practices (they are not meant to replace traditional holiday events and ceremonies, but to supplement them so that our children understand).
The ideas on our "Buddhist Family Holidays" webpage are a work in progress ... and, we hope, will be further developed and grow with your input. Thus, there is a place for your ideas and comment on each subject, and we look forward to your input and contributions. You may discuss them here as well. Particularly, notice our "holiday song writing" and "story writing & art" sections, where we hope to receive submissions from all our Buddhist musicians, writers, artists, animators and the like who wish to create works that may, we hope, become a beloved part of these holidays for years to come.
For now, our project is centered on the holidays of "Vesak" (commemorating the Birth of Baby Buddha in the spring) and "Bodhi Day/Rohatsu" (commemorating the time of the enlightenment of Buddha, traditionally in December). In the future, we may add other holidays as well.
Please put some or all of the ideas into practice in YOUR HOUSE, and report to us on how it all goes ...
Our webpage is ...
Gassho, Jundo
