The Zen Master's Dance - 1 - Introduction

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  • Jundo
    Treeleaf Founder and Priest
    • Apr 2006
    • 40188

    The Zen Master's Dance - 1 - Introduction

    Hello Fellow Dancers,

    Thank you for reading and dancing "The Zen Master's Dance" together.

    A fresh take on how to read Dōgen. In The Zen Master’s Dance, Jundo Cohen takes us deep into the mind of Master Dōgen—and shows us how to join in the great and intimate dance of the universe. Through fresh translations and sparkling teaching, Cohen opens up for us a new way to read one […]

    This Sangha is a dance ensemble, as is all the world. I wrote the book in order to make Master Dogen's teachings more approachable, trying to help folks understand why his style may sometimes seem so strange and hard to penetrate, all while staying faithful to the Buddhist teachings and feelings they contain without making things too simple. Like any dance, Dogen's ballet takes some learning and practice to get the hang of, but then we can all join in the movements like second nature. I hope that I can help everyone get a sense for Dogen's fabulous dance.

    Today, and for the next couple of weeks, we are going to focus on the "Introduction" to the book.

    I am going to try a couple of experiments in this group to help us share in the sense of wild, creative rhythms and not commonly seen perspectives that Dogen was seeking to express, and the visions of reality that other Zen fellows certainly share. Dogen had a way with and appreciation for words and wordplay that was quite unique in the Zen world, even when compared to all the word games and bending of ordinary language that Zen folks have been famous for throughout the centuries. Although Zen is known as a "Way Beyond Words & Letters," there are so many words written by Zen masters of old to express this "Beyond Words" Zen, even as they could be quite creative in the use of words to do so. Zen is not "beyond understanding" or "illogical" ... rather, it calls for new forms of intimate understanding, and has a logic of its own that is often far removed from what we might consider ordinary "common sense."

    What I am going to ask you to do today is to rewrite a couple of paragraphs from the "Introduction," but replacing the image of "dancing" with some other activity that is vital in your life. For example, let's say that you love "bowling" more than "ballet." In such case, let us see the whole universe as a "Great Bowling Alley" rather than a "Great Ballet." I would ask you to rewrite for us (and to post here in this thread) some sentences from the Introduction like this:

    "[Dogen] experienced reality as a great dance moving through time, coming to life in the thoughts and acts of all beings. It is a most special dance, for it is the dance that the whole of reality is dancing ... "
    would become

    "[Dogen] experienced reality as a great bowling tournament moving through time, hitting its strikes and coming to life in the thoughts and acts of all beings, the bowlers. It is a most special bowl, for it is the rolls that the whole of reality is rolling ..."


    "Although we may feel as if we are separate dancers—finite individuals on a grand stage spanning all of time and space—we are also the dance itself dancing through us. A universe of dancers that are being danced up in this dance that the whole universe is dancing ... "

    "Although we may feel as if we are separate bowlers—finite individuals in a grand alley of lanes spanning all of time and space—we are also the frames and games itself, every strike and spare and gutter ball, pin and pair of shoes, bowling through us. A universe of bowlers that are being bowled up in this bottomless bowl that the whole universe is bowling ... "

    Like that,

    All I ask is that you pick some activity that means something to you, rather than a frozen thing or object. For example, child-rearing as a parent in a nursery, horse riding as a horse rider, doing dentistry as a dentist, washing dishes as a dish washer etc. etc.

    Let's see what happens!?

    For your convenience, I am copying below some lines from the book for you to copy and paste in your rewriting. You can rewrite all of these or just a few. Have fun.

    Gassho, Jundo



    Eihei Dōgen, a Japanese Zen Master of long ago ... experienced reality as a great dance moving through time, coming to life in the thoughts and acts of all beings. It is a most special dance, for it is the dance that the whole of reality is dancing, with nothing left out, that you and I are dancing, that is dancing as you and me. It is a vibrant, swirling, flowing, merging and emerging unity that Buddhists sometimes call “emptiness,” as the motion and sweep of the dance “empties” us of the sense of only being separate beings, and fills and reaffirms us as the whole. We, as human beings, can’t be sure when or where this dance began, or whether it even has a beginning or end. But we can come to see that it is being danced now in each step and breath we take, much as a dance unfolds and constantly renews with every turn or leap of its dancers.

    You and I are dancers in this dance, as is every creature great or small, the mountains and seas, every grain of sand or massive galaxy,
    the atoms that make up the universe and the whole universe itself. Everything in reality, no matter how old or vast, no matter how unnoticed or small, is dancing this dance together. And although we may feel as if we are separate dancers—finite individuals on a grand stage spanning all of time and space—we are also the dance itself dancing through us. A universe of dancers that are being danced up in this dance that the whole universe is dancing. Picture in your mind a spectator witnessing a dance so vigorous and vibrant that its countless actors seem to vanish in the swirl of motion: single dancers becoming pairs, then groups, coming together and separating moment by moment, yet so merged as the overall movement that, from a distance, individual dancers can no longer be seen. ...

    ... So united did Dōgen see that whole that, in his mind, each point holds all other points, near or far, each point miraculously fully contains
    the whole, and each moment of time ticks with all other moments of time, before or after. It is much like saying that every step of
    each dancer somehow embodies, depends upon, and also fully expresses every step by all the other dancers on the stage, past, present,
    or future, and fully contains the entire dance too. Dōgen experienced the time of the dance as the overall movement that is fully held and
    expressed in each individual move itself, with past not only flowing into present and future, but future flowing into the present and past,
    as the present fully holds the past and future of the dance.

    ... Master Dōgen spoke of practice, putting it all in motion. Where this dance has come from, where it is going, is not as important
    as the dance that is truly realized—made real—right here, in your next leap and gesture. The dance is always right underfoot, so just
    dance, without thought of any other place.
    Last edited by Jundo; 10-08-2021, 04:57 AM.
  • Risho
    • May 2010
    • 3179

    Thank you! I think that is a really neat idea to internalize this; I will give it a shot tomorrow




    • Rousei
      • Oct 2020
      • 118

      I agree with Risho, this sounds like such a good and valuable exercise! You need to know the content well to rephrase it in a new way so this will involve some thinking! I look forward to spending some time contemplating this.

      浪省 - RouSei - Wandering Introspection


      • Showan
        • Jun 2021
        • 50

        I chose one of my favorite hobbies in honor of the optional book this season, How to Cook Your Life:

        "What would a cookout be without some grilling lessons? Each cook can find herself--find her identity in the cookout knowing her life as a grill too (a personal grill within the great cookout), and that her shopping, chopping herbs, seasonings, the choices she makes in each step of the recipe, help create the cookout as she goes. In his many writings, Master Dogen, our master instructor, shows us how to grill with skill and taste. His secret recipe comes down to a few fundamentals."

        Sat today


        • Bion
          Treeleaf Unsui
          • Aug 2020
          • 4431

          My choice is obviously not that far from dancing 😄

          "Everything in reality, no matter how loud or quiet, no matter how talented or out of tune, is singing this song together. And although we may feel as if we are separate singers—finite individuals on a grand stage spanning all of time and space—we are also the song itself singing through us. A universe of singers that are being sung up in this melody that the whole universe is singing. Picture in your mind a spectator witnessing a concert so vigorous and vibrant that the singers sound like a single instrument, in perfect tune and harmony: single voices becoming harmonies, then chords, coming together and separating moment by moment, yet so merged as the overall tune that, from a distance, individual singers can no longer be seen. ... "

          🙏🏼 SatToday
          "Stepping back with open hands, is thoroughly comprehending life and death. Immediately you can sparkle and respond to the world." - Hongzhi


          • aprapti
            • Jun 2017
            • 889

            like Bion i take singing..

            You and I are singers in this choir, as is every creature great or small, the mountains and seas, every grain of sand or massive galaxy,
            the atoms that make up the universe and the whole universe itself. Everything in reality, no matter how old or vast, no matter how unnoticed or small, is singing this song together. And although we may feel as if we are separate singers—finite individuals on a grand stage spanning all of time and space—we are also the song itself singing through us. A universe wide choir that is being singing up in this song that the whole universe is singing. Picture in your mind a listener hearing a song so vigorous and vibrant that its countless singers seem to vanish in the swirl of sound: single singers becoming pairs, then a choir, coming together and separating moment by moment, yet so merged as the overall movement that, from a distance, individual singers can no longer be heard. ...



            hobo kore dojo / 歩歩是道場 / step, step, there is my place of practice

            Aprāpti (अप्राप्ति) non-attainment


            • Kendrick
              • May 2019
              • 250

              Thank you, Jundo for writing this book and choosing it for this year's study. I am looking forward to reading it again. I will choose hiking for mine and work on my paragraphs when I get the chance to spend some more time on it later.



              • Kotei
                Treeleaf Unsui
                • Mar 2015
                • 4138

                Hmm, I considered not posting this after rereading...
                Well, here it is ;-)

                Gido Kotei, a Zen student from far away… experienced reality as a great garden developing through time, coming to life in the thoughts and acts, coming and going, growing and decaying of all beings and things.
                It is a most special garden, for it is the garden, that the whole of reality is designing and cultivating, with nothing left out.
                The garden demands what work to do and we fulfill just our role, take a place within.
                It is a growing, merging and emerging, fading, composting and reviving unity that Buddhists sometimes call „emptiness“,
                as working with this garden, merging with this ever changing world, empties our sense of only being separate beings.
                It fills and reaffirms us as the whole.
                Watching, working, raking leaf by leaf, with every breath we take - spring, summer, autumn, winter- spring again…
                We don’t know where or when this garden sprouted once or finally will decay.

                You and I are gardeners in this special garden, as is every plant and creature, speck of dust and mountain, waterdrop and sea.
                Culture, Nature - all the same - just stardust growing our Universe.
                Although we think we shape this garden, it’s also the garden shaping us.
                Where is this line I draw between the tree and me. I grow, I eat its flesh, its leaves and fruits - breathing carbon, it eats mine.
                Made of one another, together with all the creatures and things, we shape this special garden.
                Where does „I“ start, where does „I“ end? I am failing to decide.

                Kotei sat/lah today.
                義道 冴庭 / Gidō Kotei.


                • Risho
                  • May 2010
                  • 3179

                  Eihei "Ahnold" Dōgen, a Japanese Zen Master of long ago ... experienced reality as a great workout moving through time, coming to life in the thoughts and acts of all beings. It is a most special workout, for it is the exercise that the whole of reality is doing, with nothing left out, that you and I are exercising, that is working out as you and me. It is a vibrant, swirling, flowing, merging and emerging unity that Buddhists sometimes call “emptiness,” as the motion and sweep of the workout “empties” us of the sense of only being separate beings, and fills and reaffirms us as the whole. We, as human beings, can’t be sure when or where this workout began, or whether it even has a beginning or end. But we can come to see that it is being exercised now in each step and breath we take, much as a workout unfolds and constantly renews with every repetition, push or pull of its participants.

                  You and I are participants in this workout, as is every creature great or small, the mountains and seas, every grain of sand or massive galaxy,
                  the atoms that make up the universe and the whole universe itself. Everything in reality, no matter how old or vast, no matter how unnoticed or small, is working out this workout together. And although we may feel as if we are separate participants—finite individuals in a grand gym spanning all of time and space—we are also the workout itself exercising through us. A universe of exercisers that are being exercised up in this exercise that the whole universe is exercising. Picture in your mind a spectator witnessing a workout so vigorous and vibrant that its countless participants seem to vanish in the swirl of pushups: single fitness enthusiasts becoming pairs, then groups, coming together and separating moment by moment, yet so merged as the overall movement that, from a distance, individual exercisers can no longer be seen. ...

                  ... So united did Dōgen see that whole that, in his mind, each point holds all other points, near or far, each point miraculously fully contains
                  the whole, and each moment of time ticks with all other moments of time, before or after. It is much like saying that every repetition of
                  each lifter somehow embodies, depends upon, and also fully expresses every repetition by all the other lifters in the gym, past, present,
                  or future, and fully contains the entire workout too. Dōgen experienced the time of the workout as the overall movement that is fully held and
                  expressed in each individual repetition itself, with past not only flowing into present and future, but future flowing into the present and past,
                  as the present fully holds the past and future of the workout.

                  ... Master Dōgen spoke of practice, putting it all in motion. Where this workout has come from, where it is going, is not as important
                  as the exercise that is truly realized—made real—right here, in your next pushup and pullup. The exercise is always right underfoot, so just
                  exercise, without thought of any other place.

                  I am going to pump you up; even though you and I don't exist :P

                  Also, it's not a tumor!




                  • Soka
                    • Jan 2017
                    • 170

                    I always see a good sparring session or a good fight as a little like a dance. Combat sports may be competitive but they're also collaborative - there cannot be a bout without the combatants; neither fighter can fight in isolation, independent of the other. And when you are in the ring, you have to be completely in the ring, just in that moment. So here's my attempt:

                    Can we truly say that there are separate boxers in this all-encompassing bout? Endless bouts are going on within each boxer, each cell and each atom, each bond and reaction just battling within and with each other... battling within battling. We can experience all boxers and all reality absorbed in the constant motion of the fight. As the borders that separate our sense of self from the ring soften or drop away, we see that there is no fight outside, no "me" and "you" inside the fight. There is only that which flows from inside to outside, outside to in - all borders, all barriers dropped away and the whole surface having no edge.

                    Please don't understand the concept of this bout merely intellectually. Instead, join in, truly feel what it is to be swept up in this fight as this fight. Master Dogen spoke of practice, putting it all in motion. Where this fight has come from, where it is going, is not as important as the fight that is truly realised - made real - right here, in your next leap and gesture. The fight is always right underfoot, so just fight, without thought of any other place.



                    • rj
                      • Aug 2021
                      • 53

                      Goodness, my brain hurts a little after that exercise! Ok here's my attempt at replacing with "reading"...

                      Eihei Dōgen, a Japanese Zen Master of long ago ... experienced reality as a reading containing knowledge, coming to life in the thoughts and acts of all beings. It is a most special read, for it is the telling that the whole of reality is a reading, with nothing left out, that you and I are the reading, that it is reading you and me. It is a detailed, enlightening, entertaining, telling and retelling of the readings that Buddhists sometimes call “emptiness,” as the volumes and tomes as we read “empty” us of the sense of only being separate beings, and fill and reaffirm us as the whole. We, as human beings, can’t be sure when or where this reading began, or whether it even has a beginning or end. But we can come to see that it is being told now in each page that we read, much as reading teaches and shows us with every turn of the pages.

                      You and I are readers of this read, as is every creature great or small, the mountains and seas, every grain of sand or massive galaxy,
                      the atoms that make up the universe and the whole universe itself. Everything in reality, no matter how old or vast, no matter how unnoticed or small, is reading this read together. And although we may feel as if we are reading separate stories—finite individuals on a grand stage spanning all of time and space—we are also the readings themselves. A universe of readers that are being read up in this read that the whole universe is reading.



                      • Jakuden
                        • Jun 2015
                        • 6142

                        Even the introduction to this book is medicine!

                        So united did Dōgen see that whole that, in his mind, each point holds all other points, near or far, each point miraculously fully contains the whole, and each moment of time ticks with all other moments of time, before or after. It is much like saying that the work of each veterinarian somehow embodies, depends upon, and also fully expresses all the other veterinarians in all the other cultures, past, present, or future, and fully contains the entire field of veterinary medicine too. Dōgen experienced time as fully held and expressed in each individual healing action itself, with the past not only flowing into the present and future, but future flowing into the present and past, as the present fully holds the past and future of their healing actions.

                        We human beings are always chasing goals, feeling our lack, judging good and bad, and feeling friction between our wants and reality. But when we sit in shikantaza — in “just sitting that hits the mark” — we stop chasing goals for a time. Sitting is its own goal and completion. When we sit this way, the division between us and the world drops away and we feel the profound wholeness of our work, and the boundaries between sickness and health, work and life drop away. That is the first lesson.

                        Last edited by Jakuden; 09-11-2021, 07:09 PM.


                        • Steven
                          • Sep 2013
                          • 114

                          Zen and the Art of Software Development?

                          Eihei Dōgen, a Japanese Zen Master of long ago ... experienced reality as a great codebase moving through time, coming to life in the thoughts and acts of all beings. It is a most special codebase, for it is the code that the whole of reality is writing, with nothing left out, that you and I are coding, that is coding as you and me. It is a vibrant, swirling, flowing, merging and emerging unity that Buddhists sometimes call “emptiness,” as the bits and bytes of the app “empties” us of the sense of only being separate beings, and fills and reaffirms us as the whole. We, as human beings, can’t be sure when or where this codebase began, or whether it even has a beginning or end. But we can come to see that it is being written now in each click and clack of the keyboard as we type, much as a codebase unfolds and constantly renews with every null check and bitshift of its programmers.

                          You and I are programmers in this codebase, as is every creature great or small, the mountains and seas, every grain of sand or massive galaxy,
                          the atoms that make up the universe and the whole universe itself. Everything in reality, no matter how old or vast, no matter how unnoticed or small, is coding this app together. And although we may feel as if we are separate programmers—finite individuals on a grand codebase spanning all of time and space—we are also the codebase itself programming through us. A universe of coders that are being coded up in this code that the whole universe is coding. Picture in your mind a project manager witnessing a sprint so vigorous that its countless coders seem to vanish in the commit log of a new feature build: single programmers becoming pairs, then mobs, pull requests being revised, branched off, and squashed, yet so merged that, from a distance, individual coders can no longer be seen.

                          Some of these words may not make a whole lot of sense in the context without being familiar with software development (especially the last sentence). Apologies!



                          • DanM
                            • Aug 2021
                            • 85

                            Eihei Dōgen, a Japanese surfer of long ago ... experienced reality as a great swell moving through time, coming to life in the thoughts and acts of all surfers. It is a most special swell, for it is the swell that the whole of reality is surfing, with nothing left out, that you and I are surfing, that is surfing as you and me. It is a pulsing, peaking, breaking, barreling and emerging unity that Buddhists sometimes call “emptiness,” as the motion and sweep of the ocean “empties” us of the sense of only being separate beings, and fills and reaffirms us as the whole. We, as surfers, can’t be sure when or where this swell began, or whether it even has a beginning or end. But we can come to see that it is being surfed now in each paddle and breath we take, much as a wave unfolds and constantly renews with every turn or tube-ride of its surfers.

                            Master Dōgen spoke of practice, putting it all in motion. Where this swell has come from, where it is going, is not as important as the wave that is truly realized—made real—right here, in your next cut-back and re-entry. The surfboard is always right underfoot, so just surf, without thought of any other place.


                            • Tairin
                              • Feb 2016
                              • 2808

                              Zen Master’s Jam Session

                              I love creating and playing music both on my own and with others. Generally my most rewarding experiences involve getting together with other like minded musicians and just improvising in a jam session. Not knowing what each player is going to do but needing to listen to add or not add to the emerging sound.

                              What a great exercise and way to personalize the Introduction. I did struggle a bit with the “dancer” metaphor but know I will see this in a new light. Thank you a Jundo.

                              Respectfully submitted

                              Eihei Dōgen, a Japanese Zen Master of long ago ... experienced reality as a great jam session playing music through time, coming to life in the thoughts and acts of all beings. It is a most special jam session, for it is the jam session that the whole of reality is playing, with nothing left out, that you and I are playing, that is playing as you and me. It is a vibrant, swirling, flowing, merging and emerging unity that Buddhists sometimes call “emptiness,” as the sound and silence of the music “empties” us of the sense of only being separate beings, and fills and reaffirms us as the whole. We, as human beings, can’t be sure when or where this jam session began, or whether it even has a beginning or end. But we can come to see that it is being played now in each step and breath we take, much as a jam session unfolds and constantly renews with every sound or note of its players.

                              You and I are musicians in this jam session, as is every creature great or small, the mountains and seas, every grain of sand or massive galaxy, the atoms that make up the universe and the whole universe itself. Everything in reality, no matter how old or vast, no matter how unnoticed or small, is playing this music together. And although we may feel as if we are separate musicians —finite individuals on a grand stage spanning all of time and space—we are also the music itself playing through us. A universe of musicians that are being played up in this jam session that the whole universe is playing music. Picture in your mind a listener listening to music so vigorous and vibrant that its countless musicians seem to vanish in the swirl of sounds: single musicians becoming pairs, then groups, coming together and separating moment by moment, yet so merged as the overall music that, from a distance, individual musicians can no longer be heard. ...

                              Sat today and lah
                              Last edited by Tairin; 09-12-2021, 11:39 AM.
                              泰林 - Tai Rin - Peaceful Woods

                              All of life is our temple

