Homeless Kodo's "TO YOU" - Chapters 27, 28 & 29

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  • Jundo
    Treeleaf Founder and Priest
    • Apr 2006
    • 41208

    Homeless Kodo's "TO YOU" - Chapters 27, 28 & 29

    Dear All,

    Moving on, although no place to go ...

    As it is a fairly easy read, and chapters are rather short, consisting mostly of small quotes, we will take a few chapters at a time. This week, Chapters 27, 28 and 29.

    The rules of the game are pretty easy: Just mention here, in our discussion, any quotes (none, one or many) that ring your bell and resonate with you, and briefly say why.

    That's it!

    If you need a version to "cut and paste" a quote, there is one here. However, PLEASE PURCHASE THE ACTUAL BOOK! I ask everyone to use the following only for ease in cutting and pasting a quote or two into this discussion, not for purposes of reading the entire book. Thank you!

    What trips your trigger, strikes your fancy, inspires and makes your day? Try to say why it does so for you. (You can also feel free to disagree with Ol' Kodo too, but be prepared to say why!)

    Gassho, Jundo

  • paulashby

    Page 104: So, I fill the entire universe. I'm not that fool playing with his pocket

    The sages of Vedanta point upward and proclaim-I am THAT.
    That in my perception is a thing that is out there or over there.
    It feels separate and distant. It is That not THIS.
    Kodo reminds me I am THIS.
    Not this person,thing,animal or mineral...THIS.
    Look at Raphael's School of Athens.
    Plato points up up to affirm some up there THAT.
    Aristotle is not some fool playing with pocket change- he pulls his hand
    out of his pocket and spreads his fingers in every direction...
    We are THIS.
    Peace,Paul SATLAH ANANDA


    • Tairin
      • Feb 2016
      • 2971

      If you have "mind," you always have something to complain about. If you have "no mind," you have no mind of compassion either.
      Don't have either mind or non-mind. That's difficult. That means thinking from the depths of non-thinking
      What's called "beyond thinking" is something so vast it can entirely contain mind as well as non-mind.
      Mind blown.

      Religion isn’t an idea. It’s a practice.
      I keep coming back to quotes like this one.

      "Form is emptiness, emptiness is form." When you put it into words you impose a sequence onto it. When you say it aloud, one comes after the other. In reality it's simultaneous. "In reality" means in the practice.
      I thought this was interesting and I didn’t realize until I read this that when I recite this in the Heart Sutra I treat emptiness and form as two separate things.

      Buddhism is difficult because it teaches something that can't be explained.
      Yes! I think this is why it has to be practiced and lived.

      Sat today and lah
      泰林 - Tai Rin - Peaceful Woods


      • Tai Do
        • Jan 2019
        • 1457

        Like Tairin, I also found this quote very meaningful and personal:

        Religion isn’t an idea. It’s practice.
        I link it with these three:

        Don’t get lost in thoughts about the buddha-dharma.

        There’s nothing more phony than teaching Buddhism without any real practice.
        However, when you see the sutras as a symbolic expression of the practice, then
        there’s no art form that’s quieter and more transparent.

        Many confuse faith with a type of intoxication. Faith means, however, just the opposite is complete sobriety from any form of intoxication.
        We put ourselves into all sorts of intellectual problems and contradictions when we try to understand Buddhism in terms of a doctrine and its dogmas that have to be believed. The complexity of theory is on sharp contrast with the simplicity of practice.

        怠努 (Tai Do) - Lazy Effort
        (also known as Mateus )

        禅戒一如 (Zen Kai Ichi Nyo) - Zazen and the Precepts are One!


        • Heikyo
          • Dec 2014
          • 106

          There were lots of good quotes in chapter 27 about non-self and oneness with the universe.

          You can’t hold on to your self. The very moment you give your self up, you realize the self which is one with the universe.
          When a drop of water enters the sea, and when a speck of dust settles on the ground, then that drop is already the sea, and that speck of dust is already the earth.
          All things are contained in my self. That’s why, in my actions, I also have to pay attention to what others think.
          As a scientist myself, I really liked this one from chapter 28:

          What an experiment is for scientists is what real practice is for us. In the same way that science is meaningless without experiments, Buddhism is meaningless without practice.
          Sat today, LAH


          • ZenKen
            • Mar 2022
            • 149

            Faith means having faith that you are the entire universe, regardless of whether your intellect happens to find that convincing or not. Only this faith can support the religious effort that never tires.

            This one struck me hardest out of all them. It feels to me that it is the heart and essence of Buddhism - the idea of interconnectedness is one thing, the abstract conception of it, but this really sums up how vast and difficult and wonderful and terrible that concept is. Can my intellect understand/believe it? Most of the time, no. But when I do get that sense of overwhelming connection, well, that's the thing, isn't it? Even as I strive not to attach to it, to let it go when it goes, those moments of understanding are a thing of beauty.

            Prioritising great gratitude.

            ZenKen (Anna)

