Homeless Kodo's "TO YOU" - Chapters 6, 7 & 8

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  • ZenKen
    • Mar 2022
    • 149

    There was a lot to like, and some very funny, passages in these chapters. The ones that really stood out to me were:

    Chapter 6
    Everyone's karma is different. What's important is that everyone is pulled forward by Buddha in the same way. Dropping off body and mind means to stop wearing yourself out, and instead to trust in the Buddha, to let yourself be pulled by Buddha.
    The reminder to trust, as well as practice, is important for me. "If I just sit more, it'll be fine" when it should be, "it's already fine, I trust".

    Chapter 7
    Poor and rich, important and unimportant - none of that exists. It's only glitter on the waves.
    This is such a beautiful passage, with such a simple message, it really stood out to me. A moment of poetry.

    Chapter 8
    Non-self means not turning your back on people.
    I like how short, simple and direct this one is, which is a feature of Sawaki Roshi's writings anyway, but this is so succinct. Here, you fools, just read this and do it.

    Gassho, Anna
    Prioritising great gratitude.

    ZenKen (Anna)


    • Soka
      • Jan 2017
      • 167

      You don’t have to be a Goemon Ishikawa to be a thief. Even somebody who’s stolen something only once, on a whim, is still a complete thief.
      In the same way, Shakyamuni isn’t the only buddha. Everyone who imitates Buddha’s zazen is a complete buddha.
      This wonderfully reminded me of discussions I have had with a Theravāda friend who believes it will take her many lifetimes to achieve any kind of Buddhahood. I joke with her that she should not worry and that she is already Buddha.

      And like others here, I find this a beautiful quote.
      Poor and rich, important and unimportant - none of that exists. It's only glitter on the waves.


      • Mark-us
        • Apr 2021
        • 39

        Originally posted by Nengyoku
        These quotes really stuck out to me. I've always had a constant struggle with my ego, and as I practice I have noticed that even practice is not safe from my ego.

        I have caught myself fantasizing about somehow having a "better" understanding of the world than random strangers on the street.
        But the buddha-dharma is about recognizing that there is no separation between myself and that random stranger. No way to be better, or worse.
        You cannot degrade another human being without also degrading your own humanity.

        But buddha-dharma is also about stopping that struggle. Realizing that this conflict with my own ego is not something to be won or lost. It is like an angry child lashing out, who maybe just needs a hug and a time out.

        I appreciate you putting that last quote in. I completely missed that quote when I was reading. So I guess what I said in the previous discussion is disproven! I also like your comment on how degrading another human is degrading your humanity. I realized in my life that in anything, one person would be better than you, and one person would be worse than you. So I always try to learn from people who are better than me and help others who are not. It is not a competition but helping others out.

        Also, to add my own in
        Sooner or later everyone starts thinking of nothing besides themselves. You say, “That was good!” But what was good? It was only good for you personally, that’s all.
        I have been thinking about this lately. How something good for one is bad for the other—each thing we do leaves waves that affect others around us.

        Last edited by Mark-us; 09-11-2022, 12:10 AM.


        • rj
          • Aug 2021
          • 53

          "Illusion means being unstable. Illusion means being controlled by the situation". -- This is a constant work-in-progress for me, particularly in stressful times... and a reminder to take a step back and try to see said situations without letting myself be controlled by them. I feel I have made some progress since I have started practicing, but of course there is much more to be made.



          • Onki
            Novice Priest-in-Training
            • Dec 2020
            • 951

            There are a few quotes that struck me:

            “Most people don’t live from their own strength. They let themselves be fed by the system.”

            “What could be more boring than showing off your skills? Skills are only relative: they’re not really worth anything. What lies beyond your talents, that’s what matters.”

            “We often wonder who here is really better? But aren’t we all made out of the same lump of clay?”

            What really matters? I am deceived by my own senses: ears, eyes, nose, tongue, body, and mind. All these things are distractions of what truly matters in this life. Zen is life. Zen is everything. I am me and yet there is so much more than what I can myself see. I’m slowly learning this to be true.



            Sat today
            Last edited by Onki; 10-29-2022, 08:31 PM.
            “Let me respectfully remind you
            Life and death are of supreme importance.
            Time swiftly passes by
            And opportunity ist lost.
            Each of us should strive to awaken.
            Awaken, take heed,
            Do not squander your life.​“ - Life and Death and The Great Matter

