5/6 TRANSMISSION of the LIGHT: to Touzi

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  • Jundo
    Treeleaf Founder and Priest
    • Apr 2006
    • 41138

    5/6 TRANSMISSION of the LIGHT: to Touzi


    This weeks convoluted story requires a bit of history ... of how the Soto Lineage almost died out, but was "held in trust" by a Rinzai Lineage master for a generation.

    You see, Dayang Jingxuan (942-1027), then the sole holder of the Soto (in Chinese, Caodong) Lineage, had several Dharma Heirs to succeed him, but they all died. When it looked like Dayang was about to die too, thus ending the Soto Lineage, he "entrusted" it to a Rinzai master, his friend Fushan Fayuan, asking him to hold the Soto Lineage "in trust", and find an heir for Dayang after Dayang's death! Fushan found Touzi Yiqing (this week's master in our books) to inherit from the now deceased Dayang. The result is that Touzi Yiqing is listed as a dharma heir of Dayang Jingxuan, the prior holder of the Caodong (Soto) lineage, although the two never met. Instead, the real transmission was said to come from Fushan Fayuan in Dayang's name.

    This was a little bit of an embarrassment for later heirs of Touzi, because the Lineage skipped a beat here because Touzi never actually met Dayang! Some people at the time questioned the later heir's legitimacy because of all this.

    Is that clear as mud!? :shock:

    But as our opening Koan this week suggests ...

    "Yuanjian put his hand over his mouth."

    ... when faced with little family questions, children born out of wedlock and such skeletons in the closet, often it is best just to keep one's mouth shut! 8)

    This week's readings also touch on some of the difference/sameness between Rinzai and Soto practice which, back in those days, really was not so different (the "Koan Introspection" method of Zazen was not invented until several centuries after Touzi ... although well before the time of Keizan.)

    Cook from 221
    Hixon from 207
  • Rich
    • Apr 2009
    • 2616

    Re: 5/6 TRANSMISSION of the LIGHT: to Touzi

    Sotoand rinzai may take different paths and use different words and techniques but they arrive at the same place. Maybe back in the day the difference was less. Anyway thank rinzai for soto
    無 (MU, Emptiness) and 氷 (HYO, Ice) ... Emptiness Ice ...



    • Seiryu
      • Sep 2010
      • 626

      Re: 5/6 TRANSMISSION of the LIGHT: to Touzi

      It kinda of reminds me of the Jukai done here at Treeleaf. Physically I have never met Jundo or Taigu, yet we receive teachings, precepts and guidance from them daily.

      In the end no one transits anything to anyone. If it happened that way it would be like a thief charging someone money to have their stuff returned. When we realize mind, we are returning back to the circle that passed the teachings on to Shakyamuni and down. as a special transmission outside the scriptures, all the bowing and transmission ceremonies, are children playing in the sandbox.

      what would happen to our linage if none understood this?


      清竜 Seiryu


      • Taylor
        • May 2010
        • 388

        Re: 5/6 TRANSMISSION of the LIGHT: to Touzi

        It's for the best Touzi was hushed.



        • Heisoku
          • Jun 2010
          • 1338

          Re: 5/6 TRANSMISSION of the LIGHT: to Touzi

          What's in a name?
          Dayang must have been some guy that his 'style' was kept over by a mate.
          Heisoku 平 息
          Every day is a journey, and the journey itself is home. (Basho)


          • Fuken
            • Sep 2006
            • 435

            Re: 5/6 TRANSMISSION of the LIGHT: to Touzi

            I have too much to read, but on reading this case the first thing I did was search Amazon for the compendium of five lamps...

            Thankfully it did not turn anything up!
            Yours in practice,
            Jordan ("Fu Ken" translates to "Wind Sword", Dharma name givin to me by Jundo, I am so glad he did not name me Wind bag.)


            • will
              • Jun 2007
              • 2331

              Re: 5/6 TRANSMISSION of the LIGHT: to Touzi

              I didn't read it. Apologies.

              It's also good to remember, there is still a monastery here in China which practices both Rinzai and Soto. It's actually, the place where Dogen studied with Rujing. Both traditions come from the same place. Later variations are just a refinement or expansion. Kind of like how most techniques or schools refine them selves over time. I guess you could say they were rough, and finding direction. Not that they are not "Zen" or either is better then the other, just refinement. The main difference was the teachers style.

              To save all sentient beings, though beings are numberless.
              To penetrate reality, though reality is boundless.
              To transform all delusion, though delusions are immeasurable.
              To attain the enlightened way, a way non-attainable.


              • Hoyu
                • Nov 2010
                • 2020

                Re: 5/6 TRANSMISSION of the LIGHT: to Touzi

                Rinzai, Soto, Nichiren, fast boat, slow boat, on and on lables upon labels. As mentioned in Hixon, even Dogen wasn't fond of labeling thus subdividing what he simply called the Buddha way.

                Ho (Dharma)
                Yu (Hot Water)


                • Shogen
                  • Dec 2008
                  • 301

                  Re: 5/6 TRANSMISSION of the LIGHT: to Touzi

                  When a prospector finds the mother lode of gold does anyone ask, or really care, if he uncovered it with a pick or shovel? Soto Zen is here now uncovering Original Mind. Lineage can be a subject for historians if they so choose but why sacrifice the precious moment for it? Gassho, Shogen


                  • Hoyu
                    • Nov 2010
                    • 2020

                    Re: 5/6 TRANSMISSION of the LIGHT: to Touzi

                    Hi Shogen,

                    I love how elegantly you put this concept into words! Very true indeed my friend!

                    Ho (Dharma)
                    Yu (Hot Water)


                    • AlanLa
                      • Mar 2008
                      • 1405

                      Re: 5/6 TRANSMISSION of the LIGHT: to Touzi

                      A very selfless story that seems so very zen. By that I mean, would a Jew do this for a Catholic? Would a Catholic do this for a Lutheran? Seems unlikely, but a Rinzai doing it for a Soto, sure, why not? At least back then, Today, maybe not, but one would certainly hope so.

                      I read Keizan before I read this thread, so I was surprised to see the silencing story repeat itself, then Hixon explained why. Repetition can be a very powerful thing. In this case it powerfully drove home for me the space between idea that I mentioned in the last chapter and the idea of what is this transmission process anyway? As Hixon closes:
                      Will the transmission be broken?
                      Soto moon never sets!
                      We are all face to face!
                      AL (Jigen) in:

                      I sat today


                      • Jundo
                        Treeleaf Founder and Priest
                        • Apr 2006
                        • 41138

                        Re: 5/6 TRANSMISSION of the LIGHT: to Touzi

                        Originally posted by AlanLa
                        A very selfless story that seems so very zen. By that I mean, would a Jew do this for a Catholic? Would a Catholic do this for a Lutheran?
                        Certainly! Many folks of any religion ... Jew, Christian, Muslim ... are open hearted.

                        Also many folks of any religion ... Buddhism and Zen Buddhism no less ... who are not. :cry:

                        Gassho, J
                        ALL OF LIFE IS OUR TEMPLE


                        • AlanLa
                          • Mar 2008
                          • 1405

                          Re: 5/6 TRANSMISSION of the LIGHT: to Touzi

                          Ah, I was being cynical in that moment. As Ed McMahon said to the Great Karnac "You are correct sir!" 8)
                          AL (Jigen) in:

                          I sat today


                          • AlanLa
                            • Mar 2008
                            • 1405

                            Re: 5/6 TRANSMISSION of the LIGHT: to Touzi

                            Okay, Jundo, I've been thinking about this (always dangerous) and have come up with a wacky but timely scenario. Here goes: The beginning of the end of world is today, as has been widely publicized, and all Christians will be called up to heaven in the Rapture. So the Christian "lineage" dies out then, right? Who would be there to step in and save it/restart it/resume it/preserve it in the remaining five months? Jews for Jesus, of course! So we all get converted and God has to hit the reset button on the end of the world. It's all good.

                            Thank you
                            Good night
                            AL (Jigen) in:

                            I sat today


                            • Zen_Fire
                              • Feb 2011
                              • 76

                              Re: 5/6 TRANSMISSION of the LIGHT: to Touzi

                              Originally posted by AlanLa
                              Okay, Jundo, I've been thinking about this (always dangerous) and have come up with a wacky but timely scenario. Here goes: The beginning of the end of world is today, as has been widely publicized, and all Christians will be called up to heaven in the Rapture. So the Christian "lineage" dies out then, right? Who would be there to step in and save it/restart it/resume it/preserve it in the remaining five months? Jews for Jesus, of course! So we all get converted and God has to hit the reset button on the end of the world. It's all good.

                              Thank you
                              Good night
                              This touches on the edge of being politically INcorrect, also it may offend some people. But, I have to admit, it is pretty funny. And, what is Zen without eliminating limited point of views and stereotypes?

                              Talking about the end of the World. Is it over yet? If the world has ended it feels good to me. Actually, I am glad that I have not been abducted to heavens, because I much prefer to stay GROUNDED.


                              [b:3vp7c85i]"Let no one be slow to seek wisdom when he is young nor weary in the search of it when he has grown old. For no age is too early or too late for the health of the soul".[/b:3vp7c85i] - Epicurus

