5/29 - SHOBOGENZO-ZUIMONKI - 6-12 to 6-17 (CLOSE)

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  • Jundo
    Treeleaf Founder and Priest
    • Apr 2006
    • 40110

    5/29 - SHOBOGENZO-ZUIMONKI - 6-12 to 6-17 (CLOSE)

    The circle closes, and Master Dogen sends us on our way, with a few more words of Wisdom.

    http://global.sotozen-net.or.jp/common_ ... 06-12.html

    I thank you all for your efforts in this reading together of Shobogenzo-Zuimonki.

    Gassho, Jundo
  • Rimon
    • May 2010
    • 309

    Re: 5/29 - SHOBOGENZO-ZUIMONKI - 6-12 to 6-17 (CLOSE)

    Reading Dogen is always exhilarating, specially how he reminds me of how important to have this attitude on what really matters, what is the main to do. So i find this fragments very motivating to continue zazen and the search for the Way:

    "Needless to say, as children of the Buddha, you should abandon all affairs and devote yourselves to one thing wholeheartedly. This is the primary thing to bear in mind"

    Also I like how stories explained by Dogen about compassion and empathy are different to similar stories in our tradition. They are not related to further compensations and rewards if you are good. For example, the story on 6-15 about the Soto of Kenninji giving the silk to someone in need even if they were starving in the Western world would have ended in a way that some rich person hears about the story and gives the monastery tones of food. This doesn't happen in Dogen story, it just ends with the Sojo reminding them that their only aspiration is buddhahood, so they shouldn't worry about food at all.

    A lovely reading. Looking for more


    Rimon Barcelona, Spain
    "Practice and the goal of practice are identical." [i:auj57aui]John Daido Loori[/i:auj57aui]


    • Seishin the Elder
      • Oct 2009
      • 521

      Re: 5/29 - SHOBOGENZO-ZUIMONKI - 6-12 to 6-17 (CLOSE)

      6-16 said it for me! I need to remember that even the Buddha and all the great Bodhisattvas were just ordinary men when they began practicing. I tend to hold up their exalted nature as the ideal, when I should be looking at their beginning nature as the ideal; that moment and each that followed as they applied themselves to practice. My mantra should thus be, as the old Abbot and Costello routine went,..."step by step, inch by inch, closer and closer".


      Seishin Kyrill


      • Jundo
        Treeleaf Founder and Priest
        • Apr 2006
        • 40110

        Re: 5/29 - SHOBOGENZO-ZUIMONKI - 6-12 to 6-17 (CLOSE)

        Originally posted by Kyrillos
        My mantra should thus be, as the old Abbot and Costello routine went,..."step by step, inch by inch, closer and closer".
        Ah, all while remembering the Shikantaza version of Sisyphus (another fellow with a "y" in his name!)



        • BrianW
          • Oct 2008
          • 511

          Re: 5/29 - SHOBOGENZO-ZUIMONKI - 6-12 to 6-17 (CLOSE)

          Originally posted by Kyrillos
          6-16 said it for me! I need to remember that even the Buddha and all the great Bodhisattvas were just ordinary men when they began practicing. I tend to hold up their exalted nature as the ideal, when I should be looking at their beginning nature as the ideal; that moment and each that followed as they applied themselves to practice.
          Agreed this section hit me as well. No making excuses....just keep practicing.

          Originally posted by Jundo
          Ah, all while remembering the Shikantaza version of Sisyphus
          Yes, and as Camus says,
          One must imagine Sisyphus happy.


          • Jinyu
            • May 2009
            • 768

            Re: 5/29 - SHOBOGENZO-ZUIMONKI - 6-12 to 6-17 (CLOSE)

            Hi everyone!

            Haven't been posting on the bookclub for a while, mostly because I took too much time to read the passages of the zuimonki... and than a lot was beautifully said by other folks... than nothing to add...
            And today is not really different! :lol:

            First one or two sentences from the parts we've been studying these last weeks. (Sorry but it is easier to put them in the same post.)
            But some part still resonates like 6-8 : " You should have the resolution that without robes and bowls, even a lay person can practice the Buddha-Way. Robes and bowls are simply the ornaments of monkshood."

            or 6-11: "Even in the secular world, if people speak and pass judgment with one-sided personal evaluations, there will be nothing but mistakes. The speech and deeds of Zen monks have been established by our predecessors. Never hold onto personal one-sided views. This is the Way the buddhas and patriarchs have been practicing."
            This part really struck me because I've been particularly caught on judging-defending ideas and people these days... and those mechanisms just leave traces!

            And the parts of this week:
            6_14: "Students of the Way, when you practice with a certain teacher and learn the dharma, you should listen thoroughly again and again until you completely understand. If you spend time without asking what should be asked, or without saying what should be said, it will certainly be your own loss. "
            It just make me think about how lucky we are here, I mean it is so simple and natural to ask a question and to receive an answer here. It is a great chance for our practices! And a beautiful part of our Sangha.

            6-16: "All the buddhas and patriarchs were originally ordinary people. While they were ordinary people, they certainly did bad deeds and had evil minds. Some of them were undoubtedly dull or even stupid. However, since they reformed their minds, followed their teachers, and practiced (the Way), they all became buddhas and patriarchs. People today should also be like this. Do not underestimate yourselves because you think you are dull or stupid. If you do not arouse bodhi-mind in this present lifetime, when can you expect to be able to practice the Way? If you force yourselves to practice now, you will surely attain the Way."
            It is just impossible for me to choose a sentence in particular, I mean... everything makes sense! It is so inspiring for our practice!

            The last phrase is also very inspiring and remembers again of how lucky we are to practice with each other in this Sangha : "True attainment of the Way is casting aside body and mind and following your teacher directly. If you maintain this attitude, you will be a true person of the Way. This is a primary secret."

            Thanks to everyone!
            Jinyu aka Luis aka Silly guy from Brussels

