The dance continues...
Shohaku breaks down the Heart Sutra, and emptiness, using the five skandhas but is careful to remind us: “Everything is just illusion. The fact that we live with illusion is our reality.” And, that is okay. That is our lives.
Our deepening understanding of the emptiness of all things can help us to take a step back, to “open the hand of thought” as we do during zazen.
I do not like rats. When I see one, my mind usually goes straight to aversion. It does not have to be like this. Sometimes there is a gap between the rat and the aversion and I get to smile at myself a little bit. It is not so much of a problem that I dislike rats, or like chocolate chip ice cream, as long as I grasp loosely.
Is there something to which you have a strong like, dislike or indifference to? Can you take the step back, find the gap before the reaction occurs? Was it challenging for you as it can be for me?

Shohaku breaks down the Heart Sutra, and emptiness, using the five skandhas but is careful to remind us: “Everything is just illusion. The fact that we live with illusion is our reality.” And, that is okay. That is our lives.
Our deepening understanding of the emptiness of all things can help us to take a step back, to “open the hand of thought” as we do during zazen.
I do not like rats. When I see one, my mind usually goes straight to aversion. It does not have to be like this. Sometimes there is a gap between the rat and the aversion and I get to smile at myself a little bit. It is not so much of a problem that I dislike rats, or like chocolate chip ice cream, as long as I grasp loosely.
Is there something to which you have a strong like, dislike or indifference to? Can you take the step back, find the gap before the reaction occurs? Was it challenging for you as it can be for me?
