Definitely and all the time. Things, people, places, events get built up in my mind in anticipation. It is rare than reality matches up with my preconceived ideas and I very much recognize that it is a waste of effort getting too invested in these preconceived notions. It doesn’t mean I learn though
One of my closest friends, also the best man at my wedding, no longer lives in he same city as me. We are both busy and only get to see each other maybe once or twice a year. I just saw him last week when we went out for supper. It struck me after I talked with him that the first 10 or 20 minutes is spent “catching up” which is really an abbreviated getting to know you (again) session. Yes it is the same person I know and yet he’s had perhaps 12 months of experiences that has changed him.

Sat today

An important phrase that conveys the spirit of having tea together in the tea ceremony is “Ichi go ichi ye.” The phrase ichi go means “one time,” “one occasion,” or “one life.” Ichi ye means “one meeting.” Each meeting or encounter happens only once. We cannot meet with the same person twice. Each meeting, each moment, is very significant and precious because it is unique. To see things as phantoms or dreams doesn’t mean they are not important. Because reality is like a phantom or dream, we have to appreciate it. Since everything is changing, since nothing stays forever, this is the only time we can meet. We have to savor each moment

Sat today