LIVING by VOW: The Meal Chants - PP 87 to 98 (thru Verse Upon Hearing Meal Signal)

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  • Jundo
    Treeleaf Founder and Priest
    • Apr 2006
    • 41237

    LIVING by VOW: The Meal Chants - PP 87 to 98 (thru Verse Upon Hearing Meal Signal)

    Hi Guys,

    As I set of to visit Treeleafers on my American travels, the Book Club will be in the good hands of Shugen. This is also fitting, as he is our guide in the Oryoki Circle here at Treeleaf:

    Shugen will take the rest of the Chapter in a few pieces, over the next few weeks.

    And speaking of pieces, today's section again speaks of the vital Mahayana Buddhist experience of the whole thoroughly in each of the pieces of life, and each of the pieces a whole universe. Every moment and action is all moments, and and all moments and all time is thoroughly contained in each moment.

    It is very important that, through this Practice, one learns to experience so. It brings all the broken pieces of the world, although still sadly sometimes broken, into wholeness and completion.

    Can you, and have you got better at, finding this in all your actions and moments in life? Oryoki is one way to express all our actions, from changing a tire to a baby diaper.

    The last section honors the historical Buddha, and the four great places of his life that I was honored to visit as a pilgrim last winter. Certainly, easier for me to visit by plane and train than pilgrims of old.

    नमस्ते (NAMASTE)!gassho2 I am setting off to India (and a little bit of Nepal) for most of the coming month, November 10th through December 5th. I hope to bring you all with me as best I can, and will try to post updates and little films and such in this thread during the trip. During

    Anyway, without further ado, I turn things over to Shugen. Perhaps he will add some words here.

    Gassho, Jundo

  • Shugen
    • Nov 2007
    • 4532

    Hello all,

    What a wonderful description of broken - not broken life!

    I will be road tripping over the weekend to meet Jundo and some of our other Sangha mates so will post again early next week.




    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Meido Shugen
    明道 修眼


    • Meitou
      • Feb 2017
      • 1656

      Just wondering if anyone could suggest some further reading on Oryoki as I feel I need some background to this chapter. I have this book by Tony Duff already, has anyone read it and if so how do you rate it? Thank you everyone.


      命 Mei - life
      島 Tou - island


      • Tairin
        • Feb 2016
        • 2977

        Whoa! I am going to need to read this section again. Some of it is pretty clear like the hand and fingers description others not so much. I think part of my stumbling block is that dharma clearly has a more expansive meaning than what I've been using. Anyone else find this section a challenge?

        Sat today
        泰林 - Tai Rin - Peaceful Woods


        • Meitou
          • Feb 2017
          • 1656

          Originally posted by awarren
          Whoa! I am going to need to read this section again. Some of it is pretty clear like the hand and fingers description others not so much. I think part of my stumbling block is that dharma clearly has a more expansive meaning than what I've been using. Anyone else find this section a challenge?

          Sat today
          Yes Warren! I will definitely need to re-read this chapter, at least a couple of times. Having said that, while I'm reminding myself of the doctrinal side of some of what is being discussed, eg, the three bodies of the Buddha and the concept of the gift, the giving and the receiver, which are Big Subjects by themselves- I'm trying to understand and keep in mind the overall meaning and purpose of Oryoki, which as I see it is a gateway to understanding and celebrating interdependence, even by the act of sharing, as well as an embodiment of the gift of gratitude.
          A while back I watched a few videos on You Tube of various Oryoki ceremonies, but to be honest I was more moved by Jundo and our own Sangha members sharing the Oryoki practice in Hobart yesterday - it really brought home to me that sense of what the practice means in terms of gratitude, sharing, serving each other with pleasure and care and understanding how we are all connected and dependent upon each other. I thought it also demonstrated how something with so much form can also be intimate, relaxed and informal, amongst people who care deeply about what they are doing. I loved it!


          命 Mei - life
          島 Tou - island


          • Shugen
            • Nov 2007
            • 4532

            HI Frankie,

            I am not familiar with the book that you mentioned. I put it on my list. As to other resources, I have not found much. Even the "official" version from Soto-Shu is vague and not well written. I will update if I come across anything else.

            I am glad that you enjoyed our version of Oryoki in Hobart. It may not have been a perfectly choreographed dance but the intent was exactly what it should have been. As Shingen has mentioned on other threads, intent is key.



            Meido Shugen
            明道 修眼


            • Joyo

              Each chapter in this book is helping me with my practice. It's one of those books to be read over and over again.

              sat today/lah


              • Meitou
                • Feb 2017
                • 1656

                Originally posted by Shugen
                HI Frankie,

                I am not familiar with the book that you mentioned. I put it on my list. As to other resources, I have not found much. Even the "official" version from Soto-Shu is vague and not well written. I will update if I come across anything else.

                I am glad that you enjoyed our version of Oryoki in Hobart. It may not have been a perfectly choreographed dance but the intent was exactly what it should have been. As Shingen has mentioned on other threads, intent is key.



                It's quite strange because this book is about Oryoki as it was introduced to his students by the Tibetan master Chogyam Trungpa, so the liturgy ( long and lots of it) comes from the Tibetan tradition. The author Tony Duff does say at the beginning that he was reluctant to write the book because he felt that the instructions for Oryoki should be transmitted orally as they always have been. I wonder if this is why there is a dearth of literature about the practice?
                Shugen, your intent shone


                命 Mei - life
                島 Tou - island


                • Shugen
                  • Nov 2007
                  • 4532

                  I have to say I have no experience with the Tibetan version. And, I'll admit it's easier to show than it is to tell but I'm sure that the monks in the monastery took notes for reference. Some of them probably even created "cheat sheets". [emoji3]

                  An idea for Jundo's next book?




                  Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
                  Meido Shugen
                  明道 修眼


                  • Jundo
                    Treeleaf Founder and Priest
                    • Apr 2006
                    • 41237

                    Originally posted by Frankie
                    It's quite strange because this book is about Oryoki as it was introduced to his students by the Tibetan master Chogyam Trungpa, so the liturgy ( long and lots of it) comes from the Tibetan tradition. The author Tony Duff does say at the beginning that he was reluctant to write the book because he felt that the instructions for Oryoki should be transmitted orally as they always have been. I wonder if this is why there is a dearth of literature about the practice?
                    Shugen, your intent shone


                    Trungpa was a friend of Shunryu Suzuki, and borrowed some Japanese Soto Practices into his Shambhala Tradition. This is one case.

                    Gassho, J

                    ALL OF LIFE IS OUR TEMPLE


                    • Eishuu

                      This chapter was my first taste of this book - wow, really mind blowing. Will probably need to read it several times. The bit that really left me with a question was the bit about desire: "When we eat, we should be happy. This happiness is the enjoyment of dharma. When we receive or eat a meal, we shouldn't grasp the taste. Usually when we eat, we encounter our food with our desires. These desires are the cause of delusion or samsara. The Buddha and Dogen Zenji teach us to become free from desires caused by objects. ...Our joy when we receive food is not the fulfillment of our desire. It is the joy of dharma and zazen".

                      I can see that food and eating is a particularly useful way to work with desire.

                      I have just come off a 21 month strict diet - low carb, dairy/gluten/soy/caffeine/alcohol/sugar-free, pretty bland. Now I have started eating a more varied diet in the last few days - strawberries, vegan cheesecake, beans - and drinking green tea again, I am noticing a significant rise in craving and desire around food where there was little before. A lot of this seems to be physiological to some extent. I saw a great documentary on sugar, in which they did a brain scan of someone eating a cake (I think it was a cake) and also looking at a cake. The same parts of the brain lit up - it seems both pleasure and anticipated pleasure have the same affect on the brain which is why the anticipation and desire makes us want to eat the cake (I'm now careful to put the chocolate out of sight of I don't want to eat it!).

                      So my question is what to do with this desire around food? How do I not 'grasp the taste'? Do I just sit with it and notice but not feed it somehow? I quite enoy the anticipation of eating strawberries or cheesecake, it's seems like it's part of the enjoyment. Or is it about changing focus and attitude towards food and regarding it as 'reality itself' and maintaining awareness? I'm not talking about oryoki in particular but just eating my breakfast or a bowl of strawberries.

                      Also, on rereading this passage, I notice I feel a slight panic about the idea of giving up desire around food - will it taste as good? I think there's an attachment to the desire itself. Without desire will life be boring?

                      Thanks...I'd be really interested in any thoughts or advice.

                      sat today


                      • Shugen
                        • Nov 2007
                        • 4532

                        Hi Lucy,

                        I don't think we can completely give up our desires. Nor should we. I think it's more about being aware of them and not becoming "a slave to desire" so to speak. You see the chocolate cake, you feel the desire welling up, you notice it - maybe even enjoy it a little, and then take a mental step back. You don't have to immediately grab the fork and dig in. You can, but you don't have to. The point of practice is not to turn us into unfeeling robots but to give us a little more control over our actions. Now, some days, it's not going to work out so well, before you know it, the cake will be half gone. That's okay too. No point in feeling guilty, just be aware, and move on. Food and desire can be very problematic for some, that's what makes this so powerful.




                        Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
                        Meido Shugen
                        明道 修眼


                        • Tairin
                          • Feb 2016
                          • 2977

                          Originally posted by Shugen
                          You see the chocolate cake, you feel the desire welling up, you notice it - maybe even enjoy it a little, and then take a mental step back. You don't have to immediately grab the fork and dig in. You can, but you don't have to. The point of practice is not to turn us into unfeeling robots but to give us a little more control over our actions. Now, some days, it's not going to work out so well, before you know it, the cake will be half gone. That's okay too. No point in feeling guilty, just be aware, and move on. Food and desire can be very problematic for some, that's what makes this so powerful.
                          The point about chocolate cake is a good one. Like just about everyone I have a weakness for chocolate cake. Desire! Even though I know better there is always that desire to have the biggest piece (or at least not the smallest one). Then after getting the cake, rather than savouring and enjoying each mouthful, it is mindlessly shoveled in. Gone in no time. If I am lucky I get another piece and same thing happens.

                          I have tried (and many times failed) to pause as I take a mouthful of any food and appreciate it. It may not even be food I enjoy but there was effort made to plant it, grow it, transport it, purchase it, prepare it, serve it. Seems like the least I should do is pause to enjoy and marvel at the flavours, the textures, the aromas. I should also remember to pause and be thankful for all the sentient beings that contributed to that mouthful.

                          Last Ango I took up the practice of reciting the Meal Gatha ( before eating lunch and then spend the lunch time contemplating everything past and present that contributed to the food I was consuming. It was very enlightening to consider the web of inter-dependencies that contribute to a meal.

                          Sat today
                          泰林 - Tai Rin - Peaceful Woods


                          • Meishin
                            • May 2014
                            • 879

                            we see the chocolate cake
                            neurons fire
                            an explosion of dopamine

                            we take one bite
                            fewer action potentials
                            much less dopamine

                            the second bite of chocolate cake
                            a subtle feeling of nausea
                            which we ignore

                            and we eat the rest of the cake
                            out of habit.

                            sat today


                            • Michael Joseph
                              • Mar 2017
                              • 181

                              Originally posted by Shugen
                              Hi Lucy,

                              I don't think we can completely give up our desires. Nor should we. I think it's more about being aware of them and not becoming "a slave to desire" so to speak. You see the chocolate cake, you feel the desire welling up, you notice it - maybe even enjoy it a little, and then take a mental step back. You don't have to immediately grab the fork and dig in. You can, but you don't have to. The point of practice is not to turn us into unfeeling robots but to give us a little more control over our actions. Now, some days, it's not going to work out so well, before you know it, the cake will be half gone. That's okay too. No point in feeling guilty, just be aware, and move on. Food and desire can be very problematic for some, that's what makes this so powerful.




                              Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
                              Hey Shugen,

                              I've found myself bogged down in this chapter because I do have a problem with desire and food. Ever since I quit drinking in January, I have been using food as a kind of stress reliever/source of pleasure. In fact, throughout my life, food has been a source of both desire and aversion. It's fair to say that food has been the focus of a lot of my emotional problems--not so much the cause as the means of escape (if this makes sense). This chapter has forced me to confront a significant effect of this problem: I refuse to acknowledge the sacred function of food as both sustenance for my life (and life in general) and means by which I am undeniably connected with other beings. That my life depends on the life (and death) of other beings is profoundly humbling, and to realize this insight demands that I transform utterly my relationship with food. Writing this, I feel a sense of shame that needs to be understood in terms of atonement instead of self-judgment. To see food as it is, as life, demands a reevaluation; I need to learn to treat food with honor, as Okumura implies, instead of treating it as an instrument of my own self-satisfaction.



                              Sat today

