Random thoughts from an unreliably fixed mind:
Alive and frisky, my status is permanent change, or maybe it is impermanently fixed. I can't make up my mind.
Zazen definitely helps smooth my rough edges, but I am still a curmudgeon with many snags.
"... a real flower is beautiful because of its impermanence, which a plastic flower lacks," said Uchiyama in Homeless Kodo, #10.
I have some plastic flowers in my house because I like the splash of color they give with no maintenance whatsoever.
Here a koan from David Bowie:
Alive and frisky, my status is permanent change, or maybe it is impermanently fixed. I can't make up my mind.
Zazen definitely helps smooth my rough edges, but I am still a curmudgeon with many snags.
"... a real flower is beautiful because of its impermanence, which a plastic flower lacks," said Uchiyama in Homeless Kodo, #10.
I have some plastic flowers in my house because I like the splash of color they give with no maintenance whatsoever.
Here a koan from David Bowie: