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  • galen
    • Feb 2012
    • 322

    Preface to the Assembly...

    Seemingly, all the perceptions, ideas, opinions and comparisons, are what samadhi is not. They represent different concepts and notions of what is this and that, in the `world of relativity, but not the emptiness in which samadhi dwells. That seems to be the lesson here, and why the question is raised.
    Nothing Special


    • Omoi Otoshi
      • Dec 2010
      • 801

      Right! Right!
      In a spring outside time, flowers bloom on a withered tree;
      you ride a jade elephant backwards, chasing the winged dragon-deer;
      now as you hide far beyond innumerable peaks--
      the white moon, a cool breeze, the dawn of a fortunate day


      • galen
        • Feb 2012
        • 322

        Originally posted by Omoi Otoshi
        Right! Right!

        Good one!

        You know Pontus, you are sticking your neck out there>>>>>>>>>>>>> quite a ways to seemingly support a post of mine .
        Nothing Special


        • Omoi Otoshi
          • Dec 2010
          • 801

          I'm not the best judge of these things, but I think you nailed the meaning of the preface.

          In a spring outside time, flowers bloom on a withered tree;
          you ride a jade elephant backwards, chasing the winged dragon-deer;
          now as you hide far beyond innumerable peaks--
          the white moon, a cool breeze, the dawn of a fortunate day


          • Rich
            • Apr 2009
            • 2616

            The staff thumper is all of us. The need for approval is so deeply ingrained in our genes. There was a time when the worst punishment was ostracism- being banned from the group, the community. Our interdependence was a life and death matter. While buddhas asceticism was self imposed and he hung with other ascetics it was an extreme self non approval. After his awakening approval came from the earth and others could see this and be willing to listen to him. The need to be right, the need to be approved is something to notice and pay attention to.
            無 (MU, Emptiness) and 氷 (HYO, Ice) ... Emptiness Ice ...



            • galen
              • Feb 2012
              • 322

              Right/wrong, up/down, are the traps set by relativity in phenomena.

              If there is a need to be right, or what could be called the best, that is being stuck in the sickness of the `world. That is why we look too Buddha, in hopes of being more able to relate to our own true nature, and by that enlightenment, reach what is True, Ultimately.
              Nothing Special


              • galen
                • Feb 2012
                • 322

                Originally posted by Omoi Otoshi
                I'm not the best judge of these things, but I think you nailed the meaning of the preface.


                Thanks, man.

                As it seems there is no good or bad judgement, isn't it better to step up to the plate and take a swing, and in this case there is no striking out, thats all in relativity. So nothing to lose and nothing to gain, but do our best to try not to over conceptualize or analyze, and attempt to embody it by speaking through our truest feelings from our intuitively Big self, but only by hopefully softening the loud noise from our ego of the small mind. I am sure I make a fool out of myself on many of my posts on a daily basis, but that is taking a swing by not striking out. Its my way and/or process of throwing it out to the assembled. If its to far off or troublesome, others will correct, and that opens up a conversation, often for both me and the `other to hopefully glean something from this. I do not care what others think in some negative way about what I say, unless I am seemingly mean or hurtful. If someone has a problem with me, voice it, I want to hear about that projection, and the lessons ensues.
                Nothing Special


                • Risho
                  • May 2010
                  • 3178

                  Approval.. we all seek it whether we admit it or not. At some point, seeking validation is natural and normal. But approval on the path of Zen is sort of a shaky proposition. At some point, we can understand the basics, but from another perspective how is my practice? Am I consistent? Am I practicing with my entire being or just going through the motions? Am I trying to live by the precepts, the bodhisattva vows (even though I know they are impossible to live up to)? Am I sitting just for the sake of sitting?

                  Even if someone approves me.. validates a post I make here, which I just absolutely love. lol My ego just craves that attention. But even if they do, it doesn't matter. In the end there is no fixed thing that I can grasp on this path to claim as my own. So even if I post something clever, only I know how I'm doing in my practice. In the end only I can approve myself. (Although I'm not discounting the role of a guide or teacher, I think in the end we are our own authority). I catch myself all the time holding to positions, or posting in a position of authority, thinking I'm right... to time and time again getting knocked off of that soapbox to realize all of the other perspectives here.

                  Practice is continual, never ending.. although we may "get" minor things here and there, and some of us may get transmission to teach, it never ends. We support each other but we are all responsible for our own practice; it is our personal practice afterall.




                  • Myoku
                    • Jul 2010
                    • 1491

                    Hi All,
                    thank you Shoheir for presenting it with some very helpful additional words on this case. Thank you everyone for your views. I feel there are two important teachings for me in this chapter, first: take care not to depend on the judgement of others. Second: listen carefully to the judgement of others. Both has its function, just its up to us to find the right usage.


                    • galen
                      • Feb 2012
                      • 322

                      Originally posted by Risho
                      Approval.. we all seek it whether we admit it or not. At some point, seeking validation is natural and normal. But approval on the path of Zen is sort of a shaky proposition. At some point, we can understand the basics, but from another perspective how is my practice? Am I consistent? Am I practicing with my entire being or just going through the motions? Am I trying to live by the precepts, the bodhisattva vows (even though I know they are impossible to live up to)? Am I sitting just for the sake of sitting?

                      Even if someone approves me.. validates a post I make here, which I just absolutely love. lol My ego just craves that attention. But even if they do, it doesn't matter. In the end there is no fixed thing that I can grasp on this path to claim as my own. So even if I post something clever, only I know how I'm doing in my practice. In the end only I can approve myself. (Although I'm not discounting the role of a guide or teacher, I think in the end we are our own authority). I catch myself all the time holding to positions, or posting in a position of authority, thinking I'm right... to time and time again getting knocked off of that soapbox to realize all of the other perspectives here.

                      Practice is continual, never ending.. although we may "get" minor things here and there, and some of us may get transmission to teach, it never ends. We support each other but we are all responsible for our own practice; it is our personal practice afterall.



                      Thank you, Risho... on taking and holding positions on some of our postings, I attempt to put it out `there, with using words or phrases as... its seems, seemingly, it could be, it may be, hopefully or as I used here, attempt. With this, its seems to leave an opening to my perspective that I am not preaching or thinking I have really got It. As I do want to here others views of my own, and not necessarily hoping or wishing to get confirmation, but more just to learn, and/or share.

                      I try to use the word 'I' as little as possible and attempt to come from feelings of the whole>>>>> seemingly , and speak from that perspective and not so much from my smaller I`ness or small mind.... but don't we all .
                      Nothing Special


                      • Myoku
                        • Jul 2010
                        • 1491

                        Originally posted by galen
                        I try to use the word 'I' as little as possible ...
                        Yep, same here, however, our language seems to have a built-in-not-oneness thats hard to overcome, at least for me. Moreover, not using me, I, mine, to me sounds often as I would try to teach some universal truth, which is not the case (dont want to teach and whatever I express cannot be universal but only subjective)


                        • galen
                          • Feb 2012
                          • 322

                          Originally posted by Myoku
                          Yep, same here, however, our language seems to have a built-in-not-oneness thats hard to overcome, at least for me. Moreover, not using me, I, mine, to me sounds often as I would try to teach some universal truth, which is not the case (dont want to teach and whatever I express cannot be universal but only subjective)

                          Enjoyed both your perspectives here, Myoku. Well done.

                          And I also owe a hat-tip to Shoheir, here. Thank you, its not an easy thing to do, and it seems even more so as a priest-in-training, unless of course the koan comes through loud and clear. There would seem to be a little more pressure on you, and why some here that are in training even post a disclaimer that they do not know it all, and are just doing the best they can at the level they have attained so far (the seeming insinuation), and yes you all are human.
                          Nothing Special


                          • Shogen
                            • Dec 2008
                            • 301

                            Originally posted by Shohei
                            Hello All
                            I have been asked to present this koan - Mayoku Thumps His Staff

                            The first time around, this dance with Mayoku and Shokei, Shokei says Right! Mayoku is then set off still dancing though the music stopped and his partner has sat down!

                            Mayoku's ego caught this wind in its sail, and moves him on to show off his new moves with with Nansen and he gets shut down and with Wrong!

                            Right and wrong, we are warned to be wary of the trap here.

                            Who is to say that Right! was positive? May it have been a polite way to acknowledge Mayoku and dismiss the pest in the zendo with two 'kind' words?

                            After the last Right! from Shokei was uttered it was all over, but Mayoku forgot to let go of the moment. Nansen set him free again, harsh on an ego as it is, this is a compassionate move and reminds us all things are "time sensitive"!

                            Mayoku reminds me of my kids with a new knock knock joke.
                            First time its Funny! and we all have a laugh.
                            second time we smile...
                            the thirtieth time (not irritated at all of course ) we set them straight.
                            Not right or wrong just all ready gone!

                            We have all been here (and may still be!!) can you share a time you "had it" only to realize it was long gone and how did you come realize it?

                            How do you handle a staff thumping visitor in your life?

                            Mayoku had me at "THUMP" and then came right and wrong. Mayoku just another thumper come and gone. bows, Shogen

