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  • Taigu
    Blue Mountain White Clouds Hermitage Priest
    • Aug 2008
    • 2710


    Now with the poor cat.

    Now with the shocking koan. Are we involved in Cat slicing? Is Zen a way to cut flesh and bones and marrow of poor and inocent animals? The Bible is also filled with these sacrificial stuff, where brother kills his own brother, where even God allows his Son to perish on the Cross.

    Are we a blood-thirsty tradition? I don't think so. The point of Nansen is clear. The whole assembly is dead silent. What is silent : their mouth, their head, their heart? When asked to speak, should they necessarily speak? What is required if anything here? Please dig this. Pick up the knife of investigation and have a go at your joints, life-blood vessels, cut down this blind mass of understanding. What is behind?

    So Nansen challenges the assembly. "If you can say a word, I won't cut it? The assembly made no response. Nanzen cut the cat in two". What is cutting the cat? Who is doing it? You see, I often do it, I am a cat-cutter if I look at this being a sharp and witty way to represent to represent dualistic thinking. That's all we do, all day, cutting the world into pieces, cutting others from ourselves, cutting here from now, separating mind and body, looking at things or people being good or bad, great and not so great, going at war everyday from morning to evening and preaching peace with our dead lips. The words of reason, the law of men or gods, they all divide, painfully so reality itself. Killing the cat, everything bleeds.

    Cutting is wise, cutting is great, cutting into one is the deepest and real answer. The action that cuts everything, even the cutting itself. How do we cut things into one, how do we behold the sword that slashes things into oneness, or rather into neither one, nor two? In our life, how to manifest this. cutting the cat into life, cutting others into oneself and oneself into others? How to we stop with the slaughter of everything and everyone?

    Joshu's answer? What is it? Where do we get the real answer from? Where do we speak from when the world bleeds?

    The story goes, a cat died. Every week many animals have to die to feed me. I don't kill them myself. I leave that to others. My family was a family of hunters so I grew up with animal corpses laying in the bathroom, wild rabbits, pigeons, even good cuts of dears and wild bores. I left that karma of killing and worshipping guns behind but I did not leave the karma of killing the world, of cutting reality into pieces. And then looking at the mess and wanting to solve the jigsaw puzzle. Not until I met this path. The path made it so clear that I was the war I wanted to erradicate, I was the quarrel, the fight, the noise, the mess...

    So how does this practice makes two into one?



    Last edited by Jundo; 07-05-2020, 06:09 AM.
  • Yugen

    Not two, not one, but only thinking makes it so.



    • Shokai
      Treeleaf Priest
      • Mar 2009
      • 6391

      gassho, Shokai

      仁道 生開 / Jindo Shokai

      "Open to life in a benevolent way"


      • Mp

        Thank you Taigu.



        • Kaishin
          • Dec 2010
          • 2322

          Feed the hungry cat.
          Kaishin (開心, Open Heart)
          Please take this layman's words with a grain of salt.


          • Jiken
            • Jan 2011
            • 753

            Taigu said, "but I did not leave the karma of killing the world, of cutting reality into pieces. And then looking at the mess and wanting to solve the jigsaw puzzle."

            So how does this practice makes two into one?

            Once I stopped trying to answer this I realized there was no question.




            • Jinyo
              • Jan 2012
              • 1957

              Cut then suture, cut then suture, - a million times over.

              Cutting and dividing the absolute and intuition - when they are really one.

              Falling through the tear - the miniscule gap created by cutting - falling into
              both darkness and light.

              Cut,suture,cut,suture - the whole of life.




              • Taigu
                Blue Mountain White Clouds Hermitage Priest
                • Aug 2008
                • 2710

                Very very touching words Willow.
                But maybe suture and cut are one and the same, when you cut two into one.

                Thank you for this amazing fresh mind of yours, our teacher.




                • andyZ
                  • Aug 2011
                  • 303

                  Can you cut the reality (the cat) in two? Yes you can, but it's not the reality (or the cat) any more.
                  If I was in the assembly I've would've just snatched the cat from Nansen – no words are necessary. When you're a parent and your baby is in danger, or your own life is in danger – the instincts kick in, no time for thinking. That's how you cut the life into one – you become the action itself, you're not separate from it.


                  • Kaishin
                    • Dec 2010
                    • 2322

                    Originally posted by andyZ
                    That's how you cut the life into one – you become the action itself, you're not separate from it.
                    Kaishin (開心, Open Heart)
                    Please take this layman's words with a grain of salt.


                    • Dosho
                      • Jun 2008
                      • 5784


                      I find myself very confused by this koan...I believe I understand some of its teachings, but I am still left with the simple question: Why did no one simply say, "Stop!" Perhaps the story is never meant to be taken literally, but regardless of what I have been taught I would have said to stop. Again, I'm sure I'm missing the point, but doesn't practice start with compassion? I find it difficult to move forward here.



                      • Shohei
                        • Oct 2007
                        • 2854

                        Hi Taigu and all!
                        I have read this several times before this and pondered and cut it up myself a hundred times, worrying too much on what each bit meant (for example, Why in the hell did Joshu his shoes on his head? ) and there I went on, cutting it all up.

                        Before pondering, the first time I read the Koan, my gut instinct was to have Meow'd as loud as I could, but that still would not "save the cat".

                        I already divided right there (nothing to split, nothing to stitch, but boy oh boy do I ever need to put down the knife!)

                        This practice does not make 2 into one or 1 in to 2, but allows both.



                        • Mp

                          Originally posted by Dosho

                          I find myself very confused by this koan...I believe I understand some of its teachings, but I am still left with the simple question: Why did no one simply say, "Stop!" Perhaps the story is never meant to be taken literally, but regardless of what I have been taught I would have said to stop. Again, I'm sure I'm missing the point, but doesn't practice start with compassion? I find it difficult to move forward here.

                          I am with you there Dosho ... I too have read in several times and still find my mind going to the literal view ... I think I will sit with it some more.

                          Thank you Taigu for the challenging opportunity.



                          • Kaishin
                            • Dec 2010
                            • 2322

                            Originally posted by Dosho

                            I find myself very confused by this koan...I believe I understand some of its teachings, but I am still left with the simple question: Why did no one simply say, "Stop!" Perhaps the story is never meant to be taken literally, but regardless of what I have been taught I would have said to stop. Again, I'm sure I'm missing the point, but doesn't practice start with compassion? I find it difficult to move forward here.

                            My take is that all the monks were so caught up in their intellectual games, searching for that one magic word that would impress Nansen. So, they cut the cat just as much as Nansen. Instead, like Andy said, the best "speech" would have been rushing forward and grabbing the damn cat out of his hands! No intellectualization, just direct action. Save the cat by saving the cat, not with empty words.

                            I dunno!
                            Kaishin (開心, Open Heart)
                            Please take this layman's words with a grain of salt.


                            • Myozan Kodo
                              Friend of Treeleaf
                              • May 2010
                              • 1901

                              Chop chop!
                              Cut to pieces.
                              Chop chop!
                              Cut into shape.

                              When I cut myself, Me Oww!

                              Last edited by Myozan Kodo; 07-19-2012, 12:15 PM.

