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  • Taigu
    Blue Mountain White Clouds Hermitage Priest
    • Aug 2008
    • 2710


    CASE 3:

    Just out of Bodhidharma's claws, of the NOT KNOWING thing, not a candid stupor or evident ignorance, but the very open state or being where we are not trapped in anybody's play or role, we are getting now closer to the essence of what it is to sit and be.

    The luminous commentaries of gerry Shishin Wick don't need my dirty clumsy paws, but as we have to say something, let's give it a quick and radical shot.

    MAIN CASE: (...)"Why don't you read the sutras?" The Ancestor replied "This poor follower of the way,when breathing in does not dwell in the realm of skandhas, and when breathing out is not caught up in the many externals. Always do I thus turn a hundred thousand million billion rolls of sutras".

    Not dwelling here means not caught, not trapped in the thought that this is real. Skandhas: form, sensation, perception, conception and counsciousness are passing, not fixed, and therefore the self we believe in is also passsing, not fixed. Nothing solid here, ever moving, ever changing. The breath is the door, the gate, the symbolic interface between two apparent separate world: inside and outside. Once we let go of the sense of I, out there drops too. No dwelling. No abiding.

    How and where in your life can you find the wanderer? How can you treasure the homeless? What is this this that belongs without having belongings? Being homeless, isn'it the real way home. Always homeless, isn't everywhere home? If sutra lead to sutra, that is heresy, cold stone religion principle and stuff. Painful rigidity rooted in the worship of dead scriptures.

    For Dogen, the ancestors, for Bosatsus and sitters, colour of mountains, sound of traffic, taste of noodles, are the true walking-being-standing-moving scriptures. The object of sitting is to allow the world to come and shine as is, the living voice and body of Tatagatha. How can you let ordinary things be your scriptures, your lamp? No need to be holy and religious there, every action is sacred, as is.

    In an old journal of mine, I wrote in 2006:" drunk with blossoms and joy and sorrows, I am just going my fucked up way.Nowhere to go, just the endless action of going and being sometimes undone". (thanks Dokan for reminding me, i don't spend my time reading my old junk)

    How are you undone?!!!

    The koan has a deep resonnace in the sitting paractice too.

    Li Po's poem : Zazen on Ching-Ting mountain strikes the bell like this:

    The birds have vanished from the sky
    now the last cloud drains away

    We sit together
    The mountain and me
    until only the mountain remains
    Shinjin datsu raku, falling away of body and mind, body and mind cast away, reveals the mountain state being of every single particle in this universe, from junk to star. Me gone, I gone; It remains. It shines. It sings. It is. Thusness, as-it-is-ness, makes you a poor follower of the way, broke maybe, but what did you loose? Loosing is essential here, what are the beliefs, the treasured dreams, the ideas, the concepts about yourself and others that you have dropped? What is left once you sit on the cushion? Who is sitting on the cushion?

    The world turns into a true sutra as soon as you walk in. Walk in with a sutra in your hands or on your lips, what does the world look like?

    Outside the scriptures does not mean rejecting scriptures. Of course, we cherish and read sutras, but they are not only found in temples and books. The sutra we recite, maintain, read and receive, what is it? Can you see-hear-smell-touch-taste it? Can you be it?


    Last edited by Jundo; 07-05-2020, 04:02 AM.
  • Shokai
    Dharma Transmitted Priest
    • Mar 2009
    • 6526


    How are you undone?!!!
    Thank you Taigu; i taste what you teach !
    Today is garbage day. This morning as i kicked the bag to the curb there was a robin sitting on the ridge of our roof, singing his little heart out; welcoming the new light of today. Do you mean pushing that tall wheel containing the sutras at Narita-san was for naught? :shock: :lol:
    gassho, Shokai

    仁道 生開 / Jindo Shokai

    "Open to life in a benevolent way"


    • RichardH
      • Nov 2011
      • 2800

      Re: BOOK OF EQUANIMITY -?Case 3

      Originally posted by Taigu
      How are you undone?!!!

      By finding myself done yet again!

      The birds have vanished from the sky
      now the last cloud drains away

      We sit together
      The mountain and me
      until only the mountain remains

      cellphone on vibrate

      Gassho. kojip


      • Myoshin

        Re: BOOK OF EQUANIMITY -?Case 3

        Hello Taigu,

        thanks for your explanations, and happy to see you back here



        • Gary
          • Nov 2010
          • 251

          Re: BOOK OF EQUANIMITY - Case 3

          Wearing different cloaks
          for different folks,
          Only truly naked
          when facing the wall.

          Drinking tea and eating rice.


          • Jinyo
            • Jan 2012
            • 1957

            Re: BOOK OF EQUANIMITY - Case 3

            'Bright white mind transcends vast kalpas'

            ...beautiful words

            breathing in
            breathing out




            • Thane
              • May 2012
              • 37

              Re: BOOK OF EQUANIMITY - Case 3

              Hi folks

              Thank you Taigu for your words on case 3. I found this koan very useful and interesting, For me it is a reminder that the sutras and practice are not only when i am meditating or reading scripture but they can be manifest and lived when i'm working, with my children, driving the car etc. Taigu askes the question how are you undone. Well i can certainly see patterns that i find it easy to fall into, like sitting is real practice, cutting the grass is not so much practice but for me this koan reminds me that these thoughts and concepts are my nested enclosures that could do with being undone.

              Like the first two cases i found the main case slighty easier than the preface to the assembly and the appreciatroy verse. There are some intersting lines i did not fully understand like

              'a blind turtle faces the fire'
              'a mortar's rim spouts a flower'
              'the subtle round hub-hole turns marvelous activities'
              'cloud rhino sports with the moon and glows embracing ts beams'

              Tiagu is it possible you could explain some of these lines to me?

              In gassho



              • Taigu
                Blue Mountain White Clouds Hermitage Priest
                • Aug 2008
                • 2710

                Re: BOOK OF EQUANIMITY - Case 3

                Thane ,

                Thank you for your kind post. You don't need to understand these words, what I mean by understand is the activity of your sole intellect, reading words and only that. It is true that old Zen stuff is filled with cultural symbols and metaphors, they are sewn into the fabric of the text. For instance the moon represents enlightenment here, cloud rhino confused thinking, 'a blind turtle faces the fire' a mortar's rim spouts a flower' are pointers to the non dual and the the fact that practice turns illusions into awakening, bonno soku bodai but again that is not really essential. What is important is to see how the koan is alive in your life, when you miss the mark and when you don't.

                Being undone is really important in our way, to litteraly drop stuff that we cherish and like, views and opinions, all the clever inner devices that we use in order to carry on with our little games. Being undone is close to being broke and broken, get rid of the extra. When you play with a child you really forget your adult identity, same with the Dharma, you are invited to forget the self as Dogen expresses it in the Genjokoan.

                Have a look at talk three in the Genjokoan section:


                or listen to Brother Jundo jazzing it up:

                [youtube] [/youtube]

                So how do you come undone, and can you effectively undo what what not even done orginally? In other words how to throw away self and others when this hasn't ever been from the start?




                • Brian Roessler
                  • May 2012
                  • 25

                  Re: BOOK OF EQUANIMITY - Case 3

                  I mostly wanted to say that I really appreciate your first post exploring this case Taigu.

                  From Rev Wick's comments, this:
                  If you realize "this poor follower of the way" you are free to come and go. But if you don't you're using counterfeit money to buy stock in a corrupt corporation
                  rang really true for me. I may be wandering far afield here, but I started thinking. How much time do I spend making deals in my own internal psychodrama? Being good because I want or expect some reward? Making this kind of false arrangement is an insidious way of entrenching my subject-object relationship with the world because I can camouflage it with good deeds. Dogen defined dana as not being greedy - but, no matter how I try to wrap it up in fancy shiny decorations, convincing myself that I earned something with my good deeds is greed, and it's an investment in my very own corrupt corporation.

                  Ok, I'll stop editing this now because I think I just keep making it more confusing.


                  • Thane
                    • May 2012
                    • 37

                    Re: BOOK OF EQUANIMITY - Case 3

                    Thank you Taigu.


                    • Heisoku
                      • Jun 2010
                      • 1338

                      Re: BOOK OF EQUANIMITY - Case 3

                      How are you undone?!!!
                      As the song goes; '...when valued destiny comes to nothing...' and then replacing it instead of just letting go and breathing in and out.

                      In one breath: The whole of Prajnaparamita.
                      Heisoku 平 息
                      Every day is a journey, and the journey itself is home. (Basho)


                      • Taigu
                        Blue Mountain White Clouds Hermitage Priest
                        • Aug 2008
                        • 2710

                        Re: BOOK OF EQUANIMITY - Case 3

                        In one breath: The whole of Prajnaparamita

                        I could not say-breathe- it better.

                        three bows



                        • Heisoku
                          • Jun 2010
                          • 1338

                          Re: BOOK OF EQUANIMITY - Case 3

                          Perhaps it should say 'In the breath'. ..
                          ... Things always look different second or third time round!

                          Thank you Taigu.
                          Heisoku 平 息
                          Every day is a journey, and the journey itself is home. (Basho)


                          • Taigu
                            Blue Mountain White Clouds Hermitage Priest
                            • Aug 2008
                            • 2710

                            Re: BOOK OF EQUANIMITY - Case 3

                            Now, you have spoken too much :mrgreen: :P :wink:

                            Take great care




                            • Heisoku
                              • Jun 2010
                              • 1338

                              Re: BOOK OF EQUANIMITY - Case 3

                              _/_ _/__/_
                              Heisoku 平 息
                              Every day is a journey, and the journey itself is home. (Basho)

