ANNOUNCEMENT: Our Next Book Club Book! - Book of Equanimity

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  • Jinyo
    • Jan 2012
    • 1957

    Re: ANNOUNCEMENT: Our Next Book Club Book! - Book of Equanimity

    have just ordered this book - very excited as this will be my first taste
    of Koan literature.
    Regarding todays video - the subject of authorial intentionality/reader
    interpretation is always rife with contention - particularly in academic circles.
    The comment about Freud made me smile. I trained psychoanalytically (and
    humanistically) to be a psychotherapist and then did Phd research - some years
    later - and wherever one goes there is always conflict of opinions.
    Well - I know nothing about Koan literature so I will be approaching this with an
    open heart and mind - which will be most refreshing.


    • Shogen
      • Dec 2008
      • 301

      Re: ANNOUNCEMENT: Our Next Book Club Book! - Book of Equanimity

      Ready. Gassho Shogen


      • BrianW
        • Oct 2008
        • 511

        Re: ANNOUNCEMENT: Our Next Book Club Book! - Book of Equanimity

        Going to download mine on the Kindle...pretty cool. Thought I might get behind if had to order online and wait for a book. Nice talk on Koans in your sit-along....captured my interest!



        • Ray
          • Oct 2011
          • 82

          Re: ANNOUNCEMENT: Our Next Book Club Book! - Book of Equanimity

          Just downloaded onto my i pad. I have downloaded books in i books before but never on Kindle so this will be a new experience in many ways.




          • Kaishin
            • Dec 2010
            • 2322

            Re: ANNOUNCEMENT: Our Next Book Club Book! - Book of Equanimity

            I got the Kindle version too, and plan to read it on my smartphone. Normally not the best platform for books, but since it's in small chapters and the phone is portable, will be interesting way to read it.
            Kaishin (開心, Open Heart)
            Please take this layman's words with a grain of salt.


            • BrianW
              • Oct 2008
              • 511

              Re: ANNOUNCEMENT: Our Next Book Club Book! - Book of Equanimity

              Originally posted by Matto
              I got the Kindle version too, and plan to read it on my smartphone. Normally not the best platform for books, but since it's in small chapters and the phone is portable, will be interesting way to read it.
              Hmmm that's a great idea! Perhaps I 'll put a version on my smart phone as well....that way if I have a bit of time waiting it would be great opportunity to read/re-read and ponder a bit.



              • SoR
                • Dec 2011
                • 103

                Re: ANNOUNCEMENT: Our Next Book Club Book! - Book of Equanimity

                I've ordered the book and look forward to studying with you all.



                • Dokan
                  Friend of Treeleaf
                  • Dec 2010
                  • 1222

                  Re: ANNOUNCEMENT: Our Next Book Club Book! - Book of Equanimity

                  Originally posted by Matto
                  I got the Kindle version too, and plan to read it on my smartphone. Normally not the best platform for books, but since it's in small chapters and the phone is portable, will be interesting way to read it.

                  If it's from Amazon, you can get the PC reader as well if you'd like a bigger screen. They have the Kindle reader for almost any platform I'm pretty sure (iPad, Tablets, etc)

                  We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are.
                  ~Anaïs Nin


                  • Zen_Fire
                    • Feb 2011
                    • 76

                    Re: ANNOUNCEMENT: Our Next Book Club Book! - Book of Equanimity

                    The book came fast enough in the mail two days ago. I've read the first chapter. The short chapters will probably feel as a small drop of nectar to sweet up the week.

                    Changing subjects, I see that I lot of people here is getting the electronic version of the book. for some reason, I just don't like books in electronic version. I need to feel a book in my hands. I need to feel its smell. I need to see the book on the shelf when I walk by. I need to be able to write notes on its margins. On the other side, I may just be a old tired dog who forgot how to have fun.



                    Lima (Sunyatta).
                    [b:3vp7c85i]"Let no one be slow to seek wisdom when he is young nor weary in the search of it when he has grown old. For no age is too early or too late for the health of the soul".[/b:3vp7c85i] - Epicurus


                    • Dokan
                      Friend of Treeleaf
                      • Dec 2010
                      • 1222

                      Re: Re: ANNOUNCEMENT: Our Next Book Club Book! - Book of Equanim

                      Originally posted by Zen_Fire
                      Changing subjects, I see that I lot of people here is getting the electronic version of the book. for some reason, I just don't like books in electronic version. I need to feel a book in my hands. I need to feel its smell. I need to see the book on the shelf when I walk by. I need to be able to write notes on its margins. On the other side, I may just be a old tired dog who forgot how to have fun.
                      Oh no. Don't get me wrong. I am a total bibliophile. I have hundreds of books and am a regular at a couple of the local used stores. The three things I like about the kindle books are:

                      1. Entire collection in one form factor...and available from anywhere I have a device.

                      2. Highlighting and notes...also the opportunity to see what others have liked/highlighted. Arguably I could highlight and note a physical book...but that just feels barbaric to me somehow.

                      3. Cost. Books are about 25% cheaper. Since I have a minor addiction to books this helps the pocketbook.

                      There are many downsides as well. Availability of older books. "Feeling" the progress of the book as you turn pages. Cool bookmarks. Sharing with others...just to name a few.

                      What I am really waiting for is their integration into libraries so I can check out books right from the device...

                      Ironically, after my shakuhachi practice here this morning I am heading to a used bookstore to find a book Hans recommended...:lol:



                      Sent from my SGH-I897 using Tapatalk
                      We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are.
                      ~Anaïs Nin


                      • Nenka
                        • Aug 2010
                        • 1240

                        Re: ANNOUNCEMENT: Our Next Book Club Book! - Book of Equanimity

                        Speaking of Kindles and such . . . I'm behind on how these things work. What would happen if your Kindle was lost or damaged beyond repair? Would you lose all your books, or be able to load them again into a new device?

                        And what I really keep wondering, what good will Kindles be in ten years when they're dinosaur technology and (probably) won't be serviced anymore?

                        I'm kinda-sorta thinking about getting one, but I like my toys to last.


                        Concerned Consumer


                        • Ray
                          • Oct 2011
                          • 82

                          Re: ANNOUNCEMENT: Our Next Book Club Book! - Book of Equanimity

                          Once you by an e book for a kindle you can share it with your pc, laptop, i pad i phone smart phone and ofcoarse your kindle. So once your Kindle does eventually break you will have plenty of copies of the same book. I just have the kindle app on my i pad. I just love the idea of taking one thing with me and all my reading is with me. I load up zen podcasts, books, sit a longs shortcuts to this websites and many more things on my i pad, so very handy. As well as sky sports and weather apps as well as games a calculator, i can go on and on!


                          Originally posted by Jennifer G P
                          Speaking of Kindles and such . . . I'm behind on how these things work. What would happen if your Kindle was lost or damaged beyond repair? Would you lose all your books, or be able to load them again into a new device?

                          And what I really keep wondering, what good will Kindles be in ten years when they're dinosaur technology and (probably) won't be serviced anymore?

                          I'm kinda-sorta thinking about getting one, but I like my toys to last.


                          Concerned Consumer


                          • Nenka
                            • Aug 2010
                            • 1240

                            Re: ANNOUNCEMENT: Our Next Book Club Book! - Book of Equanimity

                            Thanks, Ray.

                            I was looking at some Kindles at a store last month and it seemed the display model was already broken :roll:, which got me thinking. But I think I will be getting one sooner rather than later.



                            • Risho
                              • May 2010
                              • 3178

                              Re: ANNOUNCEMENT: Our Next Book Club Book! - Book of Equanimity

                              My book just came yesterday! I really, really like the feel of it. I mean the tactile feel, I haven't read anything but the intro.. gotta save it for hte club although I'm tempted to dive in :mrgreen: There are some books you get, and they are cumbersome, the pages don't flip right. This is so flexible and soft... yes I'm a book dork. lol




                              • Zen_Fire
                                • Feb 2011
                                • 76

                                Re: ANNOUNCEMENT: Our Next Book Club Book! - Book of Equanimity

                                Yep, I am about to get an Android phone myself. I guess I will be loading it with e-books. In no time, I'll be carrying a full library in my pocket.

                                It is just as it is, the Spirit of the Time. You try to learn how to surf the wave, before the wave drown you.


                                [b:3vp7c85i]"Let no one be slow to seek wisdom when he is young nor weary in the search of it when he has grown old. For no age is too early or too late for the health of the soul".[/b:3vp7c85i] - Epicurus

