Itchy nose, achy leg, earthquake ... when to move, when not?

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  • Jakuden
    • Jun 2015
    • 6141

    Originally posted by Matthew
    Re the Dalai Lama and the mosquito: Funny, something similar happened to me a while back. I usually let mosquitos get a fill of my blood and then bless them as they fly away... I believe they use the blood to feed their children or something like that, so I don't mind giving up some. But one day I was walking through the woods and this huge horsefly landed on my arm and sunk it's huge mouthparts into my flesh. It hurt a lot, but I decided to let the horsefly be, hoping it would leave soon. It didn't. Two minutes there it was still there. Three minutes after that... still there. I was starting to get impatient. I started to blow on it, but it just clung on. Around 7 minutes it finally withdrew it's mouth and I thought "Yes it's finally going away." Instead it walked a few inches up my arm and sunk it's mouthparts into my flesh again.

    By this time I had had it with the horsefly, so I nudged it, as gently as I could, off my arm. It withdrew it's mouthparts and flew away.
    I’m going to have “Fly” nightmares all night tonight [emoji23] I saw those mouthparts up close in Parasitology, horseflies basically have a little hatchet on their face that they use to tear out a chunk of skin, then they lap up the blood.

    Seriously though, what an extraordinarily kind and tolerant person you must be. ❤️ I may even have a pang of regret when I spray and chase the flies off the horses this summer, now. Thank you for your practice. [emoji120]

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


    • Jundo
      Treeleaf Founder and Priest
      • Apr 2006
      • 41178

      Originally posted by Matthew
      Re the Dalai Lama and the mosquito: Funny, something similar happened to me a while back. I usually let mosquitos get a fill of my blood and then bless them as they fly away... I believe they use the blood to feed their children or something like that, so I don't mind giving up some. But one day I was walking through the woods and this huge horsefly landed on my arm and sunk it's huge mouthparts into my flesh. It hurt a lot, but I decided to let the horsefly be, hoping it would leave soon. It didn't. Two minutes there it was still there. Three minutes after that... still there. I was starting to get impatient. I started to blow on it, but it just clung on. Around 7 minutes it finally withdrew it's mouth and I thought "Yes it's finally going away." Instead it walked a few inches up my arm and sunk it's mouthparts into my flesh again.

      By this time I had had it with the horsefly, so I nudged it, as gently as I could, off my arm. It withdrew it's mouthparts and flew away.
      Even the Dalai Lama (video posted above) has his limit. And Zen Masters even today carry the "Fly Whisk," which is an ancient Indian devise to chase the visitors. Now it is a symbol of the master's authority, but still ... very practical!

      When I visited the Arizona desert last year, ticks and rattle snakes were a concern. The buddha once famously fed a hungry tiger with his own body ...

      Shashin Shiko Zu (捨身飼虎図)  (“A Picture of Bodhisattva’s Abandonment of Himself to the Tiger”) Japan on wood, c. 650 CE Source:  “Shashin Shiko Zu”, ja.wikipedia. Shashi…

      ... but, on most days, he and the old Zen masters advised wandering monks to take safe paths, and avoid the areas where dangerous tigers lurk.

      So, most days ... flick that fellow away with one's fly whisk! One must take the middle way, a time to be generous, a time to be very practical and safe.

      Gassho, J



      • Mitka
        • May 2017
        • 128

        Originally posted by Jakuden
        I’m going to have “Fly” nightmares all night tonight I saw those mouthparts up close in Parasitology, horseflies basically have a little hatchet on their face that they use to tear out a chunk of skin, then they lap up the blood.
        I apologize for any nightmares. I looked them up on Wikipedia and saw a picture, no wonder it hurts so bad!

        Originally posted by Jakuden
        I may even have a pang of regret when I spray and chase the flies off the horses this summer, now. Thank you for your practice.
        Yes, there is the horse's comfort to consider too. I am afraid I value my dog's comfort over the preference of the flea's to continue living when he gets infested and starts to itch himself raw. I give him a flea bath, and maybe send metta to all the fleas I just condemned to death. It is unfortunate that we have to make such decisions, and that our lives rely on the taking of other lives, whether plants or animals, but it is life and our zazen practice teaches us that we must accept it as it is, and find the best way to live with doing the least amount of harm.

        Originally posted by Jakuden
        Seriously though, what an extraordinarily kind and tolerant person you must be. ❤️
        Thank you for your kind words Jakuden.

        Originally posted by Jundo
        When I visited the Arizona desert last year, ticks and rattle snakes were a concern. The buddha once famously fed a hungry tiger with his own body ...

        Shashin Shiko Zu (捨身飼虎図)  (“A Picture of Bodhisattva’s Abandonment of Himself to the Tiger”) Japan on wood, c. 650 CE Source:  “Shashin Shiko Zu”, ja.wikipedia. Shashi…

        ... but, on most days, he and the old Zen masters advised wandering monks to take safe paths, and avoid the areas where dangerous tigers lurk.

        So, most days ... flick that fellow away with one's fly whisk! One must take the middle way, a time to be generous, a time to be very practical and safe.

        Gassho, J

        Yes, personal safety is a concern. I remove ticks from me and my dog because I don't either one of us to contract Lyme Disease, even though I understand the ticks die after you remove them. Some masters may have been able to offer themselves to other sentient beings for nourishment (I understand there is a meditation that simulates this in Tibetan Buddhism), and I will do what I can to emulate them, such as giving a mosquito a belly-full of blood, but I'm not ready to give myself up to the local coyotes yet. Maybe something to consider when I am old and dying, if I can escape the nursing home.


        Last edited by Mitka; 05-22-2018, 02:58 PM.
        Peace begins inside


        • Sekiyuu
          • Apr 2018
          • 203

          When I originally learned to sit zazen it was from a book, it was many years ago but I didn't have someone to tell me if what I was doing was actually right or not. It was very adamant about not moving at all, so the whole question about what to do about an itch or a mosquito or whatever was kind of distressing because I inevitably felt itches and my legs fell asleep and so on. Of course you deal with it if it's the only thing you can think about... but where do you draw that line?

          In college I sat with a professor who is a Tibetan Buddhist and said that if you have an itch, just scratch it and get on with meditating. Same goes with posture; if a limb is falling asleep, just correct it and get on with it. This was a pretty big breakthrough in my practice: beforehand if an itch or an ache came up, suddenly I'd think I'm doing something wrong and spend the next minute or so trying to decide what to do about it, rather than spending a few seconds just doing something about it. Leaving an itch alone tends to just make it worse and more distracting rather than the other way around. Even then, I can manage to sit for 15 minutes with no limbs moving (maybe just a little shifting around) pretty consistently.

          Maybe it's just something that works particularly well for me, but trying to sit with the distraction just creates a new challenge in a practice where there's not supposed to be any good or bad; your ability to deal with the distraction is now a metric of how good your zazen is.

          Sat Today


          • Jundo
            Treeleaf Founder and Priest
            • Apr 2006
            • 41178

            Originally posted by Kenny
            When I originally learned to sit zazen it was from a book, it was many years ago but I didn't have someone to tell me if what I was doing was actually right or not. It was very adamant about not moving at all, so the whole question about what to do about an itch or a mosquito or whatever was kind of distressing because I inevitably felt itches and my legs fell asleep and so on. Of course you deal with it if it's the only thing you can think about... but where do you draw that line?

            In college I sat with a professor who is a Tibetan Buddhist and said that if you have an itch, just scratch it and get on with meditating. Same goes with posture; if a limb is falling asleep, just correct it and get on with it. This was a pretty big breakthrough in my practice: beforehand if an itch or an ache came up, suddenly I'd think I'm doing something wrong and spend the next minute or so trying to decide what to do about it, rather than spending a few seconds just doing something about it. Leaving an itch alone tends to just make it worse and more distracting rather than the other way around. Even then, I can manage to sit for 15 minutes with no limbs moving (maybe just a little shifting around) pretty consistently.

            Maybe it's just something that works particularly well for me, but trying to sit with the distraction just creates a new challenge in a practice where there's not supposed to be any good or bad; your ability to deal with the distraction is now a metric of how good your zazen is.

            Sat Today
            Yes, sometimes one scratches the itch or moves the sleepy leg, sometimes no. No hard rule. If sitting with a group of people in which my movement might bother others, often I try to ignore it and not move. If sitting alone, sometimes I scratch. Sometimes, when sitting alone, I do not scratch just to test the mind and not let it be bothered.

            A mosquito is not a distraction unless the mind is distracted. It is a physical pain or uncomfortable feeling. If that feeling is too much, sometimes we do something ... but hard to say what is "too much."

            So, sometimes chase the mosquito and sometimes move the leg ... sometimes do not chase the mosquito or move the leg ... there is no rule for when to do which. However, in either case, don't be bothered by your doing or not doing, don't even be bothered when feeling bother, and best not to spend endless minutes debating the issue.

            Gassho, J



            • Kyousui
              • Feb 2017
              • 358

              When I itch, I watch to see what happens, sometimes it fades, sometimes my body scratches it without conscious permission. That is what is.


              Kyousui - strong waters 強 水


              • Mitka
                • May 2017
                • 128

                I'm learning that I am a fidgeter. When I sit, especially for long periods, I am constantly shifting, relaxing my back, placing my hands on my ankles, sometimes even shifting off the zafu a bit and stretch my legs out in front of me and look out the window. I suppose many people go through this stage, and I have tried to just "sit" with it, but the temptation to fidget is powerful and my back aches so much... that I inevitably give in. Any tips on how to overcome this?

                Peace begins inside


                • Jundo
                  Treeleaf Founder and Priest
                  • Apr 2006
                  • 41178

                  Originally posted by Matthew
                  I'm learning that I am a fidgeter. When I sit, especially for long periods, I am constantly shifting, relaxing my back, placing my hands on my ankles, sometimes even shifting off the zafu a bit and stretch my legs out in front of me and look out the window. I suppose many people go through this stage, and I have tried to just "sit" with it, but the temptation to fidget is powerful and my back aches so much... that I inevitably give in. Any tips on how to overcome this?

                  Yes. Unless there is a real medical reason to move, such as unbearable leg pain, or the house in on fire ... DON'T MOVE!

                  Pretend that you are not sitting alone, but with 20 other people a meter away at a temple in Kyoto and it would bother everyone.

                  Above, I posted that there is a reason to move sometimes due to pain or insect, but unless there is real need, sit still! JUST DON'T MOVE and sit like a mountain.

                  Gassho, J

                  ALL OF LIFE IS OUR TEMPLE


                  • Mitka
                    • May 2017
                    • 128

                    Originally posted by Jundo
                    DON'T MOVE!
                    This is exactly what I find particularly hard to do. Is it just a matter of developing the will not to move?

                    I suppose it might be useful to find a group of people to sit with physically.

                    Peace begins inside


                    • Doshin
                      • May 2015
                      • 2621

                      Originally posted by Jundo
                      Yes. Unless there is a real medical reason to move, such as unbearable leg pain, or the house in on fire ... DON'T MOVE!

                      Pretend that you are not sitting alone, but with 20 other people a meter away at a temple in Kyoto and it would bother everyone.

                      Above, I posted that there is a reason to move sometimes due to pain or insect, but unless there is real need, sit still! JUST DON'T MOVE and sit like a mountain.

                      Gassho, J


                      I was taught not to move in Zazen. I have had a stick placed along my spine (forgot what that is called) to make sure I am sitting right. I was told when you have an itch, breath through it. When you have a hurt, breath through it. I always do my best, but if a fly starts crawiling around my nose, sometimes, just sometimes that does not do the job! BTW, I don;t swat the fly I just move him along his way.

             other exception is when the candle is melting and a fire is possible. Jundo, never got it all off the Rakusu, but as you suggested it a rememberence of our sit!



                      • Jundo
                        Treeleaf Founder and Priest
                        • Apr 2006
                        • 41178

                        Originally posted by Doshin
                        I was taught not to move in Zazen. I have had a stick placed along my spine (forgot what that is called) to make sure I am sitting right. I was told when you have an itch, breath through it. When you have a hurt, breath through it. I always do my best, but if a fly starts crawiling around my nose, sometimes, just sometimes that does not do the job! BTW, I don;t swat the fly I just move him along his way.

               other exception is when the candle is melting and a fire is possible. Jundo, never got it all off the Rakusu, but as you suggested it a rememberence of our sit!

                        I am not saying to become a statue, but don't move unless one really has to move.

                        In the top post, I recall sitting Zazen with about 30 Japanese people in a 150 year old wooden building at Sojiji with a heavy roof and maybe termites, when an earthquake started. I looked around ... and was the only person even doing that.

                        No, one does not have to be frozen, and okay to adjust a bit, scratch an itch now and then, get a fly out of one's nose. But, all in moderation.

                        Matthew just needs to visualize (like those Olympic athletes) the other people, and me standing over him with my heavy Kyosaku stick (which, by the way, I never use is our Lineage and Nishijima Roshi did not believe in them, but maybe the site of a "big stick" is enough)

                        Maître Deshimaru explique les raisons qui pourraient pousser le pratiquant de zazen à demander le kyosaku. Merci à Arnaud Desjardins de servir de cobaye... V...

                        Gassho, J

                        Last edited by Jundo; 05-22-2018, 06:52 PM.
                        ALL OF LIFE IS OUR TEMPLE


                        • Meian
                          • Apr 2015
                          • 1712

                          Zazen is teaching me about lupus -- this is unexpected, but welcome. After the wonderful suggestions I received from many of you, I started attempting some scheduled zazens from the link that Shugen(?) provided me with. So far, I've completed a few, even the 04:30 after sleeping thru it a few times. [emoji4]

                          What zazen is teaching me is:
                          When I sit, let go and breathe slowly, it calms my CNS and body. When my CNS and body slow down, I itch less and fidget a bit less. It doesn't stop my symptoms or pain completely, but it is more tolerable, and 5-10 minutes can go to 15-20 minutes with mild fidgeting. It doesn't fix everything, but I don't focus on fixing things. I just breathe and sit.

                          The scheduled sits are easier for me at this time because I am planning my schedule around them (sort of). Also, I am now telling people, "I have zazen at that time, so I am not available until ___" when they ask me about plans. I imported the zazen schedule into my calendar so I can remember the ones I am available for.

                          I don't know if my fidgets will stop, but I did learn why I have them. I do believe that zazen is helping to calm my CNS, and I will see what effects it has on my autoimmune system (the heart of lupus). My experimental practice is helping, though. [emoji4] I think my rheumatologist may be interested in this as well. She takes a holistic approach to medicine. But I know that I would never last in a Japanese monastery. [emoji16]


                          Sent from my SM-G930U using Tapatalk
                          鏡道 |​ Kyodo (Meian) | "Mirror of the Way"
                          visiting Unsui
                          Nothing I say is a teaching, it's just my own opinion.

