Book Recommendation: - THE POSTURE OF MEDITATION

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  • Jundo
    Treeleaf Founder and Priest
    • Apr 2006
    • 41158

    Book Recommendation: - THE POSTURE OF MEDITATION


    I would like to recommend a book about, and entitled, "THE POSTURE OF MEDITATION" (by Will Johnson).

    I believe that its philosophy of finding a sitting posture is very much as we encourage here at Treeleaf, namely, we each have to experiment with our own self and make small adjustments to find (within certain rules) the posture "right for my particular body" (one size does not fit all). Further, sitting is not rigid and fixed, but always subtly fluid and changing, such that the posture at the start of a sitting period will not be precisely the same as at the end (or on different days!).

    For this reason, the author presents a philosophy of sitting, and a series of exercises, to help each of us find our "sweet spot" (again, a "sweet spot" that is not stagnant, but needs to flow and change even during one sitting period). It is based on finding (1) an alignment of the body (head, neck, spine, buttocks, legs) that is balanced and in line with gravity (2) relaxed, yet (3) resilient. YOU KNOW IT WHEN YOU FEEL IT. Better said ... when the body feels right, and when the body feels balanced and "drops from mind" (becomes no longer a distraction), it probably is right and balanced.

    This is also very helpful to our situation here, sitting at a physical distance from each other, for I cannot reach out and adjust peoples' postures. For that reason, I recommend that people first seek some basic instruction at a local Zen center (or other Buddhist group) or, if not available, with a local Yoga teacher (very good option, actually), then experiment and adjust on one's own (when the body is forgotten, and no longer an issue, it is a good posture). HOWEVER, the reality is that, even at an "in the flesh, under a roof" Zen group ... it is not that different from Treeleaf because the teacher will usually show beginners the basic posture once or twice at the start, viewed from the teacher's position outside (not from within the student's body and actual sensations) ... then leave the student on her own most of the time. The student still has to "figure out sitting posture for herself".

    Now, a few cautions on the book ...

    I - The author does not emphasize any particular posture. While he does praise and encourage the Lotus Postures or Burmese (as do I), he also says his philosophy works well with a sitting bench, chair or the like. (Like me, he does say not to give up on trying the Lotus Postures too easily ... and to really give them the 'old college try' ... that westerners tend to not give it a sufficient attempt). What is more, there is very little specific advise in the book on how to sit ... apart from some basic rules (such as keeping the knees down on the floor if in Lotus or the like, and the pelvis higher than the knees) combined with his "self tests" for finding a balanced/relaxed/resilient place. So, for example, there is very little specific advise on how to get the knees down on the floor, what to do if the legs fall asleep, etc., except for his advise to keep adjusting until the problem resolves itself. (We have some other threads here at Treeleaf, by the way, on stretches and other strategies for those issues).

    However, his general philosophy should help you find some answers that work on your own body.

    II - He is a little too focused on keeping the body constantly in mind, and making constant adjustments. I would prefer (in keeping with our form of Shikantaza) that folks adjust the body to their "sweet spot" ... then forget about it, and drop the body from mind, returning to "just sitting" ... until a little later in the sitting, for example, when they might give themselves a little "readjustment" if they feel they need, returning to "just sitting" again. I would recommend to "adjust and drop the body from mind", instead of making it a constant object of focus and adjustment, as he sometimes recommends.

    III - Some of his claims in the book are a little new agey and extreme ... such as that staying in line with gravity will have some effect on lengthening life expectancy. (Anyway, true or not ... a minor part of the book. And would it not be nice! ).

    IV - Some of his recommendations in the last chapter for keeping a balanced/relaxed/resilient posture in all of daily life sound not very practical, and some may be downright dangerous (like his recommendation for doing so while driving a car).

    However, with those few cautions ... I recommend the book to everyone at Treeleaf who would like some assistance in finding "the posture right for one's own body".

    Gassho, Oprah
    Last edited by Jundo; 01-10-2015, 07:42 PM.
  • chessie
    • Jun 2008
    • 266

    Re: Book Recommendation: - THE POSTURE OF MEDITATION

    Deeply appreciate this. After many months of trying, and combined with other stresses in life, I sank into anger and frustration because I can't even get close to a 'proper' sitting posture, and my hips still hurt, and my knees still fly many inches above the floor. Predictably, I just gave up for a while. Now, I'm in a apathetic view towards posture, just trying to sit but not caring where my legs, etc want to go, so at least my butt is down for a minute or few. I HATE physical challenges, and have always been horrible at them, and this just became another thing I couldn't do. Hopefully the book can help. :| ann


    • Ryumon
      • Apr 2007
      • 1819

      Re: Book Recommendation: - THE POSTURE OF MEDITATION

      I've often noticed that when my posture is good - and you can always tell, because when it's not you get tightness and aches - my sittings are good. (Not that we aim for good and all that, but you know what I mean...) It's _extremely_ difficult to sit correctly, though, because we are all unbalanced. A book like this could be great to feel more balanced when sitting, and eventually apply that to the rest of your life. I'm reminded of the Alexander Technique and how it helped me get in touch with a freer, more balance posture some years ago. Unfortunately, that's something you need to keep practicing regularly with a teacher, and there's none anywhere near where I live.
      I know nothing.


      • Ryumon
        • Apr 2007
        • 1819

        Re: Book Recommendation: - THE POSTURE OF MEDITATION

        They even have it in stock at Amazon FR; I ordered a copy.
        I know nothing.


        • Brock
          • Jan 2009
          • 70

          Re: Book Recommendation: - THE POSTURE OF MEDITATION

          Just ordered this book.

          I hope, with the aid of this book, to be meditating so deeply by the new year that I'm levitating.


          • BrianP
            • Jun 2008
            • 83

            Re: Book Recommendation: - THE POSTURE OF MEDITATION

            Me too. Just ordered from Aphrohead Books via Amazon UK at half Amazon price inc post!
            My pensioners fuel allowance is dwindling.



            • Brock
              • Jan 2009
              • 70

              Re: Book Recommendation: - THE POSTURE OF MEDITATION

              Got it. Read it. Liked it.

              This book provides a great reminder that there's no fixed posture to attain, that no one ever gets to a point of perfection and that there is no spot that I'm going to some day hit and never move from. I find this reassuring and encouraging. The entire book is this way for me.


              • Ryumon
                • Apr 2007
                • 1819

                Re: Book Recommendation: - THE POSTURE OF MEDITATION

                I've read most of it, and while it's basic premise is useful - basically what Brock said above - there's a bit too much woo in it for me. I think the whole thing could have been summed up in an article; the book's quite tiny anyway.

                It does remind me of a time when I was working with the Alexander Technique, which basically strives for similar things as Rolfing, which is what this book is based on.
                I know nothing.


                • Frank Murray
                  • May 2018
                  • 37

                  Thanks Jundo.

                  Good idea regarding consultation with a yoga instructor! I have been a little concerned about straining my knees / knowing more about what my healthy limitations might or could be, so a yoga teacher’s perspective could be the answer.



                  Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


                  • Hōkan
                    • Mar 2021
                    • 83

                    I see that there is now a second edition (2020). Has anyone read it?

                    Last edited by Hōkan; 03-26-2021, 01:59 AM.
                    Hōkan = 法閑 = Dharma Serenity
                    To be entirely clear, I am not a hōkan = 幇間 = taikomochi = geisha, but I do wonder if my preceptor was having a bit of fun with me...


                    • Kaye
                      • Jul 2022
                      • 16

                      I sat today.
                      For years I have changed chairs, bought chairs, sat on zafus, and acted like a crazy person trying to find the "right" chair with the "right" back etc. It causes frustration and obsessive thoughts about sitting "right." I need something for my back and sitting on the pillow turned sideways causes my groin to go numb. (It's ok. You can laugh.) Help!!! gassho. kaye


                      • Bion
                        Senior Priest-in-Training
                        • Aug 2020
                        • 5061

                        Originally posted by Kaye
                        I sat today.
                        For years I have changed chairs, bought chairs, sat on zafus, and acted like a crazy person trying to find the "right" chair with the "right" back etc. It causes frustration and obsessive thoughts about sitting "right." I need something for my back and sitting on the pillow turned sideways causes my groin to go numb. (It's ok. You can laugh.) Help!!! gassho. kaye
                        Oh, we’ve all been there and return to that place over and over again! For years I sat on the same zafu and it wasn’t right for my body.. Then I bought a different one, and another one, kept learning about my posture while sitting and became gradually more comfortable, until eventually I got a synthetic kapoc-like filling for my zafus and that, combined wit good posture did the trick for me. Mind you, it does not mean I sit there with absolutely no discomfort..
                        I will say, in my experience, the posture matters as much as the cushion or chair.

                        Sorry for running a bit over 3 sentences!

                        [emoji1374] Sat Today
                        "Stepping back with open hands, is thoroughly comprehending life and death. Immediately you can sparkle and respond to the world." - Hongzhi


                        • Chikyou
                          • May 2022
                          • 715

                          I actually just bought this book and started reading it. I can easily sit in what feels like a balanced, stable posture, but after some time I start getting pain in my upper/mid back, below my shoulder blades.

                          I'm wondering if I need a higher zafu (mine has compressed quite a bit since I got it; buckwheat hulls seem to do that).

                          Can I get a posture check?


                          Chikyō 知鏡
                          (Wisdom Mirror)


                          • Jundo
                            Treeleaf Founder and Priest
                            • Apr 2006
                            • 41158

                            Yes, it looks a little low.

                            For now, put a folded blanket underneath and raise it up an inch or two (experiment). If it feel better, you may wish to continue to do so, or to fill your Zafu more densely, or buy a new one.

                            Any other opinions out there?

                            Gassho, Jundo

                            ALL OF LIFE IS OUR TEMPLE


                            • Chikyou
                              • May 2022
                              • 715

                              Originally posted by Jundo
                              Yes, it looks a little low.

                              For now, put a folded blanket underneath and raise it up an inch or two (experiment). If it feel better, you may wish to continue to do so, or to fill your Zafu more densely, or buy a new one.

                              Any other opinions out there?

                              Gassho, Jundo

                              This same company (Dharmacrafts) makes a taller Zafu which I'm considering. I also can refill it, which I might do regardless.


                              Chikyō 知鏡
                              (Wisdom Mirror)

