The Backwards Wisdom of Shikantaza

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  • Dogukan
    • Oct 2021
    • 144

    Thank you Jundo, it's always inspiring to read your explanations on Shikantaza.

    Gassho, Doğukan.


    • Rikishin
      • Nov 2019
      • 6


      Thank you Jundo, this is a wonderful note, an "anthem" without compelling one to stand - just sit!




      • Koushi
        Senior Priest-in-Training / Engineer
        • Apr 2015
        • 1399


        理道弘志 | Ridō Koushi

        Please take this priest-in-training's words with a grain of salt.


        • Tomás ESP
          • Aug 2020
          • 575

          Originally posted by Jundo
          remember that "noise is just noise," the disturbance is largely between your own ears.

          Gassho, Tomás


          • Jundo
            Treeleaf Founder and Priest
            • Apr 2006
            • 40953

            Classic teaching by Suzuki Roshi on noise and sound ...


            If you have never listened to Suzuki Roshi's wonderful talk on the difference between "sound" and "noise," please do. (Spoiler Alert: basically, this difference is our judgment and reaction between one's ears).

            Except in extreme situations where excess noise can actually be harmful to the ears, sleep cycle and the like, we just sit in equanimity and acceptance.

            On the other hand, Zazen sitting time also is a partial sensory deprivation experience when we can. Master Dogen recommended this in Fukanzazengi ...

            For practicing Zen, a quiet room is suitable. Eat and drink moderately. Put aside all involvements and suspend all affairs.

            The reason is that, while there is absolutely no difference between silence and noise/stillness and motion/peace and disturbance apart from the human heart and our human measures, sitting as we can in a quiet and still way helps us better realize so. Ultimately, however, the real "Peace and Stillness" is in our heart, between our ears, and not a matter of the outside environment.

            So, in our "always beginners" series of talks, I recommended this ...

            Most days, we’d best sit Zazen in a quiet room, with little noise and few distractions. The reason is simply that a peaceful, still, quiet environment helps us allow the mind to become peaceful, still and quiet, with thoughts and emotions drifting away as the mind settles down.

            But once in awhile, maybe every couple of weeks or so, I recommend that you sit Zazen in a truly disturbing place.

            On the other hand, if usually sitting in noisy places, sometimes seek out quieter places. Mix it up.

            Thus, in our Zen Way, there were times to sit in the city, times to head to the mountains and a quiet hut.

            However, in fact, there is no perfectly quiet place. At our Zendo in Tsukuba, for our Saturday morning Zazenkai, birds can usually be heard chirping prettily in the surrounding trees ... but also, a truck or cars will frequently be heard rushing down the nearby road, carpenters banging fixing a neighbors roof, or a military helicopter passing overhead (I do not know why, but our house must be on some route they use to one of the nearby bases). It has become one of the most powerful teaching tools I have for new students. I tell them that it is not to think "Oh, the birds are very lovely and peaceful ... but the trucks and helicopters disturb my nice Zazen". Rather, "the birds are singing as birds ... the trucks are trucks ... the copter just copters. Do not think one pleasant but the other ugly or detracting from the atmosphere. Then, there is a certain quiet and stillness that one can come hear behind and sounding right through all the sounds and noise."

            I learned this sitting many a morning at Nishijima Roshi's old Zendo ... located right next to a NOISY child's playground and a highway. At Taisoji temple, it was traffic sounds from the street outside and the train passing every few minutes. There are really no quiet Zendos or monasteries. Oh, sure, there are the moments of bird tweets and breezes, but then there are stomach rumbles, shuffling feet in the hall, kyosaku stick strikes. When I was sitting at Sojiji Head Monastery, the loudspeaker pages during Zazen ... "Yamamoto Roshi, Call on Line 3." Trucks outside, not to mention my tinnitus which is always there.

            CONCLUSION: There has never been perfect quiet until the heart is quiet amid any noise. Thus, we sit "as what is," in equanimity and non-resistance even in "noisy" places (absent some extreme, harmful noise that can be avoided, and even with such noise if it cannot be avoided!). At other times, please seek out still and quiet places to sit (although know that, even then, there is not true silence unless the heart is still and silent). Mix it up, sitting in all kinds of places.


            • Guest

              The Backwards Wisdom of Shikantaza

              Thank you Jundo.



              Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
              Last edited by Guest; 02-13-2022, 11:28 AM.


              • enis
                • Jan 2020
                • 6

                Thank you, Jundo.



                • Suuko
                  • May 2017
                  • 405

                  Originally posted by Jundo
                  Classic teaching by Suzuki Roshi on noise and sound ...


                  If you have never listened to Suzuki Roshi's wonderful talk on the difference between "sound" and "noise," please do. (Spoiler Alert: basically, this difference is our judgment and reaction between one's ears).

                  Except in extreme situations where excess noise can actually be harmful to the ears, sleep cycle and the like, we just sit in equanimity and acceptance.

                  On the other hand, Zazen sitting time also is a partial sensory deprivation experience when we can. Master Dogen recommended this in Fukanzazengi ...

                  For practicing Zen, a quiet room is suitable. Eat and drink moderately. Put aside all involvements and suspend all affairs.

                  The reason is that, while there is absolutely no difference between silence and noise/stillness and motion/peace and disturbance apart from the human heart and our human measures, sitting as we can in a quiet and still way helps us better realize so. Ultimately, however, the real "Peace and Stillness" is in our heart, between our ears, and not a matter of the outside environment.

                  So, in our "always beginners" series of talks, I recommended this ...

                  On the other hand, if usually sitting in noisy places, sometimes seek out quieter places. Mix it up.

                  Thus, in our Zen Way, there were times to sit in the city, times to head to the mountains and a quiet hut.

                  However, in fact, there is no perfectly quiet place. At our Zendo in Tsukuba, for our Saturday morning Zazenkai, birds can usually be heard chirping prettily in the surrounding trees ... but also, a truck or cars will frequently be heard rushing down the nearby road, carpenters banging fixing a neighbors roof, or a military helicopter passing overhead (I do not know why, but our house must be on some route they use to one of the nearby bases). It has become one of the most powerful teaching tools I have for new students. I tell them that it is not to think "Oh, the birds are very lovely and peaceful ... but the trucks and helicopters disturb my nice Zazen". Rather, "the birds are singing as birds ... the trucks are trucks ... the copter just copters. Do not think one pleasant but the other ugly or detracting from the atmosphere. Then, there is a certain quiet and stillness that one can come hear behind and sounding right through all the sounds and noise."

                  I learned this sitting many a morning at Nishijima Roshi's old Zendo ... located right next to a NOISY child's playground and a highway. At Taisoji temple, it was traffic sounds from the street outside and the train passing every few minutes. There are really no quiet Zendos or monasteries. Oh, sure, there are the moments of bird tweets and breezes, but then there are stomach rumbles, shuffling feet in the hall, kyosaku stick strikes. When I was sitting at Sojiji Head Monastery, the loudspeaker pages during Zazen ... "Yamamoto Roshi, Call on Line 3." Trucks outside, not to mention my tinnitus which is always there.

                  CONCLUSION: There has never been perfect quiet until the heart is quiet amid any noise. Thus, we sit "as what is," in equanimity and non-resistance even in "noisy" places (absent some extreme, harmful noise that can be avoided, and even with such noise if it cannot be avoided!). At other times, please seek out still and quiet places to sit (although know that, even then, there is not true silence unless the heart is still and silent). Mix it up, sitting in all kinds of places.
                  As an experiment, I am going to choose the worse music for me and listen to it while I keep my equanimity and sit Zazen.


                  Sent from my M2101K7BNY using Tapatalk
                  Has been known as Guish since 2017 on the forum here.


                  • Jundo
                    Treeleaf Founder and Priest
                    • Apr 2006
                    • 40953

                    Originally posted by Suuko
                    As an experiment, I am going to choose the worse music for me and listen to it while I keep my equanimity and sit Zazen.

                    No, no. Even I can't do that!

                    Gassho, J

                    ALL OF LIFE IS OUR TEMPLE


                    • aprapti
                      • Jun 2017
                      • 889

                      Originally posted by Jundo
                      No, no. Even I can't do that!
                      ... but you are a zenmaster! Hakuin: but not a dead one



                      hobo kore dojo / 歩歩是道場 / step, step, there is my place of practice

                      Aprāpti (अप्राप्ति) non-attainment


                      • Inshin
                        • Jul 2020
                        • 557

                        Originally posted by Jundo
                        No, no. Even I can't do that!

                        Gassho, J

                        Still better than ABBA



                        • Theophan
                          • Nov 2014
                          • 146

                          Jundo, Thank you.


                          • Anchi
                            • Sep 2015
                            • 556

                            Life itself is the only teacher.
                            一 Joko Beck

                            安知 Anchi


                            • DGF
                              • Feb 2022
                              • 118

                              Thank you for the lesson Sensei,



                              • Woz
                                • Jan 2022
                                • 4

                                Thank you

                                Gassho, Warren

                                Sat Today

